SCAM ALERT: Poppin Returns as scoobycheesydoooo (15 Viewers)

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From what I have gathered so far:
  • He sends fake PayPal payment sent screen shots
  • He claims that he has PayPal issues, but the funds will clear or will be sent
  • Is using his name and other names with a mailbox address
  • Likes to operate mainly in PMs
Please protect yourself by only sending PayPal Goods and Services type payments, and do not ship anything until you have verified that you received "cleared" funds in your PayPal account. Don't hesitate to contact PayPal to check on payment status.

This guy had zero consequences. He stole $20k free and clear.

Why wouldn't a criminal attempt the same shit if he got away with it before?

With prices of chips sky high these days, it's only going to draw in more dirtbags like poppin.
I wish people would teach me a lesson if I woke up with 20k. I already wake up with angry PMs... Might as well get paid too!

This guy had zero consequences. He stole $20k free and clear.

Why wouldn't a criminal attempt the same shit if he got away with it before?

With prices of chips sky high these days, it's only going to draw in more dirtbags like poppin.
Free and clear.
"We know who you are and where you are and we want you to return the money. While you're thinking about it, we're going to all open our wallets and make your victims whole. Now, are you ready to return that money yet, please"
@Bloody Marvelous, how can we involve the law? I can pull up screenshots of him confessing to breaking the law, scanning labels that were never fully processed, etc. Fuck this fucking motherfucker. I want his balls in a fucking frame hung up for everyone to see.

I think your Andy Dufresne chillin profile pic needs to change now.


Oh my God, bad day for any new Netherland member...

I saw some comments of him and thought he seems to write similar to Poppin, but I don't write / speak very well, so maybe all the Netherlands write English with that 'style'.
When I joined this site and noticed how much on this site/community is based on trust I absolutely loved it (and still do). I have never experienced anything comparable. But sadly there will always be an asshole. We shouldn’t let one asshole ruin our beautiful little community.

I guess we can only be careful with new members without a track record or someone who can back them up.
Unfortunately there will be others that try this, as time goes on. A lot of money moves on this site.
I remember when I was new to the site and I couldn't believe the trust - that people just sent large sums to strangers online. I really love the dynamic of trust that exists here but it does make us an opportunistic target for those with bad intentions.
Any delay in sending immediate payment for a transaction is suspect. If you are actively communicating with someone, and they have agreed to buy something and send you money, there is nothing in this day and age that prevents the rapid, immediate transfer of the agreed upon funds. Any delay is suspect. Extended delays and excuses are flashing red lights shouting “red alert!” Part of why the “dibs” thing is a joke - say you want something and send prompt payment. Easy. Anything outside that is starting down the henky highway.
He's a piece of shit so I have no problem airing his location out.

Shairha Khair
Agterhof 12A

Do with that what you can.
Yeah, I agree. This was the last fucking straw with this guy. Name is actually Nawras al Zahar afaik.
Address is the same as I have sent to. I also have a photo of him that he sent me if @BGinGA (or anyone else that feel up to the task) would like to make sure the right pair of knees gets broken
From what I have gathered so far:
  • He sends fake PayPal payment sent screen shots
  • He claims that he has PayPal issues, but the funds will clear or will be sent
  • Is using his name and other names with a mailbox address
  • Likes to operate mainly in PMs
Please protect yourself by only sending PayPal Goods and Services type payments, and do not ship anything until you have verified that you received "cleared" funds in your PayPal account. Don't hesitate to contact PayPal to check on payment status.
100% agree with this. He did this to me about a month ago
Yeah, I agree. This was the last fucking straw with this guy. Name is actually Nawras al Zahar afaik.
Address is the same as I have sent to. I also have a photo of him that he sent me if @BGinGA (or anyone else that feel up to the task) would like to make sure the right pair of knees gets broken



Thinking fake name @Eriks - but that just the result of a 2 second google search…
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