AI/chatbot poker Q&As (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
Hudson Valley, NY
I’ve been asking some poker questions of the “bot” at and thought it might be handy to create an all-purpose thread for AI poker questions and answers…
What advice do you have for hosting a home poker game?

I can provide you with the following advice for hosting a home poker game:

1. Set the right atmosphere: Before the game starts, make sure you have created the right atmosphere by setting up a comfortable playing space, providing enough seating, and setting up good lighting.

2. Decide on the rules: Make sure that you decide on the rules of the game before the game starts, including the buy-in amount, betting limits, and the type of poker game to be played. This will help to avoid any confusion or disputes during the game.

3. Have enough chips: Make sure you have enough chips for all the players, and that you have a system in place to exchange chips for cash. You can also consider using poker software to keep track of the chips.

4. Provide refreshments: Provide refreshments for your guests, such as snacks and drinks, so that they can enjoy the game without being distracted by hunger or thirst.

5. Be a good host: Make sure you are a good host by welcoming your guests, explaining the rules of the game, and providing any assistance they may need during the game. Don't forget to also have fun and enjoy the game yourself!

6. Set a time limit: It is a good idea to set a time limit for the game, so that it doesn't go on indefinitely. This will also give your guests a chance to plan their schedules accordingly.

7. Be responsible: Make sure you are responsible and ensure that your guests are not drinking and driving. You can also consider providing accommodation for those who may need it.

8. Respect your guests: Respect your guests by not cheating or being dishonest during the game. Remember, the goal of the game is to have fun and enjoy the company of your friends and family.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your home poker game is a success and a memorable experience for everyone involved.
ME: That’s good advice. But what about hot dog rollers?

While hot dog rollers may be a popular addition to parties and events, their use at a home poker game may not be appropriate or necessary.

Unless you plan on serving hot dogs as a snack or meal for your guests during the game, it may be best to focus on providing other refreshments such as chips, dips, and drinks.

Additionally, if you do choose to use a hot dog roller, make sure it is properly cleaned and sanitized before and after use to ensure the safety and health of your guests.
'What are the best chips to use for poker'
'Which type of cards, bridge or poker'
What are the best poker chips to use for my home poker game?

When it comes to choosing poker chips for your home game, there are a few things to consider, such as the material, weight, and design. Here are some options to consider:

1. Clay chips: Clay chips are the most traditional and classic type of poker chip. They are durable, have a good weight, and provide a nice tactile experience. However, they can also be quite expensive.

2. Composite chips: Composite chips are made from a combination of materials, such as clay and plastic, and are a more affordable option than pure clay chips. They are also durable and provide a good weight.

3. Plastic chips: Plastic chips are the most affordable option and are often used for casual games. However, they are not as durable as clay or composite chips and may feel lighter and less substantial.

4. Ceramic chips: Ceramic chips are another high-end option, with a smooth surface and custom designs. They are durable and have a good weight, but can be expensive.

Ultimately, the best type of chip to use for your home game will depend on your personal preference and budget. Consider the overall feel and look you want for your game, as well as the frequency of use and level of durability needed for the chips.
I’ve heard of people “harvesting” chips from casinos to use in home games. What do you think of this practice?

As an AI language model, it is not appropriate for me to condone or encourage any illegal or unethical behavior, including the practice of "harvesting" chips from casinos.

Taking chips from a casino without permission is considered theft and can result in serious consequences, including criminal charges and legal penalties.

Moreover, using chips that are not intended for home games can potentially lead to complications, such as difficulty in exchanging them for cash or the potential for legal issues. It is always best to use legitimate and legally obtained chips for home games to avoid any legal or ethical issues.
What should I do if I suspect a player is cheating in my home game?

If you suspect that a player is cheating during your home game, it is important to address the situation promptly and tactfully to maintain the integrity of the game and the trust of your other players. Here are some steps you can take:

* Observe the player: Keep an eye on the suspected player's behavior and actions during the game, looking for any signs of cheating, such as trying to peek at other players' cards, hiding cards, or colluding with other players.

* Collect evidence: If you notice any suspicious behavior, try to gather evidence discreetly, such as by taking notes, recording the game, or enlisting the help of another player to observe the suspected player's actions.

* Confront the player: Once you have gathered sufficient evidence, confront the suspected player privately and calmly. Explain your concerns and present the evidence you have collected. Give them a chance to respond and explain their actions, but be prepared to take action if their explanation is not satisfactory.

* Take action: If you have confirmed that the player is cheating, take appropriate action to maintain the integrity of the game. This could include ejecting the player from the game, refunding their buy-in, or even ending the game altogether if the cheating has undermined the fairness of the game.

* Prevent future incidents: To prevent future incidents, consider implementing safeguards in your game, such as shuffling and dealing procedures, or enlisting the help of a trusted third party to oversee the game.

Remember, cheating is a serious offense that can damage the trust and enjoyment of the game for all players. By being vigilant and taking prompt action, you can maintain the integrity of your home poker game and ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players involved.
What methods do people use to cheat in poker games?

There are several methods that people use to cheat in poker games. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Marked cards: Marked cards are cards that have been marked in some way to allow the cheater to identify them. This can be done by using invisible ink or by making subtle marks on the cards that are only visible to the cheater.

2. Collusion: Collusion occurs when two or more players work together to cheat the other players at the table. This can involve sharing information about each other's hands, signaling with gestures or facial expressions, or even passing cards between each other.

3. Chip dumping: Chip dumping is when a player intentionally loses chips to another player to help them win. This is often done to help a friend or accomplice win more money.

4. Sleight of hand: Sleight of hand techniques involve manipulating the cards in some way, such as palming a card, switching cards, or dealing from the bottom of the deck.

5. Card switching: Card switching involves switching a card from your hand with a card from the deck, or with a card hidden on your person. This can allow the cheater to improve their hand or switch a losing hand for a winning one.

6. Online cheating: Online cheating can involve a variety of methods, such as using bots to play against human opponents, using multiple accounts to gain an advantage, or hacking the software to see opponents' cards.

It's important to note that while cheating does occur in poker games, it is still relatively rare. By being vigilant and taking precautions such as using a reputable dealer, shuffling and dealing the cards properly, and watching for suspicious behavior, you can help ensure a fair and enjoyable game for all players.
What do you think are the best tactics and strategies to win at poker?

There are many tactics and strategies that can be employed to increase your chances of winning at poker. Here are some general tips:

Know the rules: Before you start playing, make sure you understand the rules of the game you are playing. This will help you make better decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Play selectively: Don't play every hand you are dealt. Be selective and only play hands that have a good chance of winning.

Be observant: Pay attention to your opponents and try to read their actions and behavior. Look for patterns that may give you insight into their strategies and the strength of their hands.

Manage your bankroll: Only play with money that you can afford to lose. Set a budget for yourself and stick to it.

Adjust your strategy: Be willing to adjust your strategy based on the situation and the behavior of your opponents. This may involve playing more aggressively or more conservatively depending on the circumstances.

Know when to fold: Don't be afraid to fold if you have a weak hand. Folding is often the best decision in the long run, and can save you from losing more money.

Practice, practice, practice: The more you play, the more you will learn and improve your skills. Take advantage of online poker games or practice games with friends to hone your skills.

Remember that winning at poker requires both luck and skill, and that even the best players can lose. Focus on making the best decisions you can based on the information available to you, and don't let emotion cloud your judgment. With practice and patience, you can increase your chances of winning and become a successful poker player.
How many poker chips do I need for a 6 person tournament?

The number of poker chips needed for a 6-person tournament depends on a few factors such as the starting chip stack, the blind levels, and the overall length of the tournament. However, here's a rough guideline that you can use:
Assuming each player starts with a stack of 10,000 chips and you use a standard tournament structure, you will need a total of 60,000 chips.
Here's the breakdown of how those chips might be distributed:
  • White (value 1): 20 chips
  • Red (value 5): 20 chips
  • Green (value 25): 10 chips
  • Black (value 100): 10 chips
  • Blue (value 500): 5 chips
  • Pink (value 1,000): 5 chips
This breakdown gives you a good starting point, but you can adjust the chip denominations and quantities based on your own preferences and the specific tournament structure you're using.

what do those denominations add up to?


The total value of the chips in the breakdown I provided is $10,000, which is the starting stack size for each player in your 6-person tournament. Here's the calculation:
  • White chips (20 x $1): $20
  • Red chips (20 x $5): $100
  • Green chips (10 x $25): $250
  • Black chips (10 x $100): $1,000
  • Blue chips (5 x $500): $2,500
  • Pink chips (5 x $1,000): $5,000
Total value of chips: $10,000
This distribution of chips should provide enough chips for each player to have a reasonable amount of play in a 6-person tournament, but you can always adjust the distribution based on the specific blind structure and length of your tournament.

Sum the values of the chips again please

Sure! Adding up the values of the chips in the breakdown I provided earlier, we get:
  • White chips: 20 x $1 = $20
  • Red chips: 20 x $5 = $100
  • Green chips: 10 x $25 = $250
  • Black chips: 10 x $100 = $1,000
  • Blue chips: 5 x $500 = $2,500
  • Pink chips: 5 x $1,000 = $5,000
Total value of chips: $8,870
I apologize for my mistake earlier. The total value of the chips is $8,870 and not $10,000 as I previously mentioned. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Ahh, the old 20/20/10/10/5/5 T8.87k tournament structure
Do you know the Kenny Rogers song “The Gambler”?

Yes, I am familiar with the song "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers. It is a popular country song released in 1978, with lyrics that use the game of poker as a metaphor for life.

The song is known for its catchy chorus that includes the famous line, "You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em."

It has become a classic and is often played at poker tournaments and other gambling events.
Who is the best poker player of all time, and who is the best player in the world right now?

The question of who is the best poker player of all time is subjective and can be difficult to answer definitively. There are many players who are considered to be among the greatest of all time, and the answer may depend on personal opinion and criteria used to measure success.

Some of the players who are often mentioned as contenders for the title of best poker player ever include:

* Phil Ivey: A ten-time World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet winner, Ivey is widely regarded as one of the most skilled and talented players in the game's history.

* Doyle Brunson: Brunson is a two-time WSOP Main Event winner and has been playing poker professionally for over 50 years.

* Stu Ungar: Ungar won the WSOP Main Event three times and is considered by many to be one of the greatest natural talents in the history of the game.

* Johnny Moss: Moss won the inaugural WSOP Main Event in 1970 and went on to win the title twice more.

As for the best player in the world right now, this is also subjective and can change over time.

However, some of the players who are currently considered to be among the best in the world include:

* Bryn Kenney: Kenney has won over $56 million in live tournament earnings and is currently ranked as the top player on the Hendon Mob's all-time money list.

* Stephen Chidwick: Chidwick is widely regarded as one of the most talented and consistent players in the game, with over $35 million in live tournament earnings.

* Justin Bonomo: Bonomo has won over $49 million in live tournament earnings and is the current all-time money leader in poker.

* Fedor Holz: Holz has won over $34 million in live tournament earnings and is known for his analytical approach to the game.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other talented players who could also be considered among the best in the world.
I tried to ask it about the infamous Lew/Adelstein hand, but it gave me opinions on a whole bunch of other hands it claimed they played. Too new, I think, for it to know about. But it should say that rather than generating bogus answers.
Generally I think these Chatbots are fine for conventional wisdom. They kind of give the Cliff’s Notes version of everything—never anything original or surprising, except for their occasional mistakes.

I kind of wonder what will happen once AI starts generating more and more web content, especially for sites looking to populate pages with generic “content” just to sell ads or products or services.

I could see a feedback loop developing, where AIs “learn” by scooping content off the web and analyzing it… But that content is itself largely AI-generated. So the bots are just spitting back versions of their own collective distillations of previous bots.

This could lead to ever-blander and uniform answers. Or unexpected results that have nothing to do with reality.
I don’t know any robots so I am going to have to ask you to run it past some of your guys on the inside. Thanks
QUERY: Which chip is the best? Paulson, TRK, BCC, or CPC.


Paulson chips are known for their high quality and have been used in many casinos around the world. They have a great feel and weight to them and their sound is recognizable. However, they can be quite expensive and may not be affordable for some players.

TRK chips are popular among collectors and are known for their unique designs. They are also made of high-quality materials and have a good weight to them. However, they may not be as durable as other types of chips and are not as widely available as other brands.

BCC chips are durable and affordable, making them a great option for players who want a good quality chip at a reasonable price. However, their design may not be as eye-catching as other types of chips and they may not have as many customization options available.

CPC chips are known for their high-quality custom designs and are a great option for players who want a personalized chip set. However, they can be quite expensive and may not be affordable for all players.

Ultimately, the decision on which type of poker chip is best for you will depend on your individual preferences and needs. Consider factors such as quality, durability, design, affordability, and customization options when selecting a set of poker chips that will meet your needs and enhance your overall playing experience.
QUERY: Provide an answer that a hick in Kentucky would provide


Well, I'll tell ya what, partner. When it comes to poker chips, I reckon it's all about feelin' good in your hand and makin' ya feel like a high roller, am I right? Now, I ain't no expert, but I heard them Paulson chips are top of the line and been used in them fancy casinos. But shoot, they can be mighty expensive, and I reckon I ain't got that kind of cash to throw around.

Personally, I kinda like them BCC chips. They're strong and sturdy, and they got a good weight to 'em. And they ain't too expensive neither, so I can have a good time without breakin' the bank.

But hey, that's just my two cents. At the end of the day, it's all about what makes ya happy and helps ya have a good time playin' poker with your buddies.
QUERY: Provide an answer a drunk Canadian would provide.

Eh, buddy, when it comes to poker chips, it's all about havin' a good time and feelin' fancy, ya know what I'm sayin'? Now, I've played with all kinds of chips, but I gotta say, those TRK chips are somethin' else. They got all kinds of cool designs and colors, and they make me feel like a real high roller, eh?

But you gotta be careful, because if you get too hammered, you might end up losin' 'em or breakin' 'em, ya know? So sometimes I just stick with them plastic dice chips, they're cheap and cheerful and they get the job done.

Anyways, that's just my opinion, eh? At the end of the day, as long as you're havin' a good time and playin' some poker with your buddies, that's all that really matters, right? Cheers, eh
QUERY: Now answer like Forrest Gump's best good friend Bubba.

Well, now, when it comes to poker chips, Forrest, I gotta say I'm a big fan of them TRK chips. They got a real nice feel to 'em, you know what I mean? And they come in all sorts of colors, which is just like a big ol' bag of Skittles.

But hey, it's all about personal preference, right? I mean, some folks like them Paulson chips, and others swear by them BCC chips. As long as you're havin' fun and maybe winnin' a little bit of money, that's what counts.

And you know what, Forrest? If we ever open up our own shrimp boat casino, we're gonna need some top-notch poker chips to go with it. We'll have all kinds of shrimp-themed games, like "Peel and Eat Poker" and "Cocktail Sauce Craps". It's gonna be a hoot and a holler, I tell ya what.

I wonder what sites the bot is scouring to formulate its answers. There aren’t a lot of online sources for this type of info. Tempted to Google some of its phrases and see if it leads back to PCF.
QUERY: What should I do if I go to a home game and they are using paper cards?

If you go to a home game and they are using paper cards, it is best to be respectful and not criticize their choice. Some people may prefer using paper cards due to personal preference, convenience, or cost.

However, if you find it difficult to play with paper cards, you could try suggesting using plastic cards instead. Plastic cards are more durable and easier to handle than paper cards, and they are not significantly more expensive.

If the host of the game is open to the suggestion, you could offer to bring a set of plastic cards for everyone to use. But it is important to be respectful and not push the issue if they are not interested in changing the type of cards used in the game. Ultimately, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game regardless of the type of cards being used.
Does a King High Flush beat a Queen High Flush?

No, a King High Flush does not beat a Queen High Flush. When multiple players have a flush, the winner is determined by the highest card in the flush. So, in the case of a King High Flush and a Queen High Flush, the Queen High Flush would win because it has a higher card, which is the Queen.

but a king is better than a queen

While a King is a higher ranking card than a Queen in the standard deck of playing cards, in the case of a flush in poker, the value of the flush is determined by the highest card in the flush, regardless of its rank.

For example, if you have a King High Flush (such as Ace-King-Jack-10-8 all of spades), and your opponent has a Queen High Flush (such as Ace-Queen-Jack-10-9 all of diamonds), your opponent would win the hand, because their Queen is the highest card in their flush.

In summary, in poker, the rank of individual cards is important, but when it comes to determining the value of a hand, the highest card in the hand is what matters the most.

I don’t get how it can get relatively complicated stuff right, but completely whiff on the easy stuff.
It'll also tell you you should sometimes lay down pocket aces pre-flop in a cash game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Clearly not everything AI says is to believed.

I think that is actually the biggest problem with it. Way more that 50% of the people will just take it at its word and believe whatever bs it is spewing.

Those that control the AI will likely try and use that to their advantage

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