Favourite Card (1 Viewer)


Sitting Out
Nov 24, 2023
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Couldn't find a previous thread on this so I thought I'd start one.

What's the one card that grabs your attention?

I know you guys are sitting on some exquisite cards, keen to see you're fave.

One of my fave's is this Queen of Clubs...I'm attributing it to the red flower and proportions.

From Australian vendor Pokershop.com.au

The Modiano Ace of Spades gets me too
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Plenty of very similar threads. A quick search found:





...and there are more with a slightly deeper search.

[EDIT] There are as many opinions as there are members here. Cards people lose their mind over and are willing to spend absurd amounts on are utter trash in my book and the other way around. If you are looking for advice on which cards to get, don't trust any advice you might get here as you might not care for the suggestion given. Unfortunately, and unlike chips, a small shuffle stack of cards won't tell you what you need to know. It takes many decks and setups to know what you like. Good luck with the hunt and search. Unfortunately, it's not an easy answer.
Plenty of very similar threads. A quick search found:





...and there are more with a slightly deeper search.

[EDIT] There are as many opinions as there are members here. Cards people lose their mind over and are willing to spend absurd amounts on are utter trash in my book and the other way around. If you are looking for advice on which cards to get, don't trust any advice you might get here as you might not care for the suggestion given. Unfortunately, and unlike chips, a small shuffle stack of cards won't tell you what you need to know. It takes many decks and setups to know what you like. Good luck with the hunt and search. Unfortunately, it's not an easy answer.
Thanks for that Albinodragon. I did see those threads before I posted and for the most part they centre around favourite decks ....I am honing in on specific cards within decks that are stand outs...be it definition, colour or even an eyebrow on a King that makes thet card pop out.

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