$20 plaques? (2 Viewers)


Apr 30, 2016
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So with a small 300 chip cash set on my way (hopefully soon) i was thinking about picking up a set of 5 $20 plaques just to possibly put into play with my roomies and future cash games. Other than the Matsui $20 Andrew Jackson plaque, is there anything else available with a $20 denominator on it? As nice as the Matsui plaques are, I just can't justify spending the money on a set at this time. That and I'm having a hard time finding any in stock anywhere lol. Can anyone guide me in the right direction? I was even thinking of just lowering my standards and using a high stakes denom, but I can't seem to find a 200/2000/20000... all I seem to be able to find are 2500/25000/250000.

EDIT: custom group buy thread can be seen here if interested - http://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/20-plaques-from-msk-gaming-group-buy-interest-thread.12537/
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Custom $20 plaques are your friend, and not all that expensive. Several sizes/shapes of ceramics are available (OWPS) along with several options for low-priced acrylics (MSK) -- all for around $5 each or less.

With what chips will they be used?
the 300 chipset I have coming in is the GOCC Nine Dragon set. If I were to customize, I would like to go with something that would be a little more versatile as I'm highly interested in getting a chipset from the Bud Jones hybrid group buy being ran as well as the possible Dunes chipset (if Apache does end up hosting a pre sale). Only problem with that is I have no idea how to customize/where to begin.

side note: I can slowly see my wallet thinning out with the thought of purchasing more chips. It's beginning.... :coffee:
MSK Gaming, based in South Korea.
Seemed like their was whispers of another MSK $20 GB using art from the matsui GB. Maybe @justsomedude can confirm. I think he's got several irons in the fire right now so if it does happen it may not be for awhile

I mentioned I'd be up for running this some time ago, just haven't had the time. Crazy season with photography right now as well... give me some time, but this will happen. I may just need a nudge around July or August. So don't be afraid to remind me!

If some one else wants to pick it up and run with it in the mean time... I would not be offended!! Just gotta manage other priorities right now.
I honestly wouldn't mind running it if people had the ideas and artwork. I read the post of the $5 MSK plaques and if I follow that format of transparency I feel it is something I could take on. I don't have the tenure though so not sure how everyone would feel of a new guy running it. @justsomedude ran it amazingly last time so I'm sure most wouldn't mind waiting either.
I honestly wouldn't mind running it if people had the ideas and artwork. I read the post of the $5 MSK plaques and if I follow that format of transparency I feel it is something I could take on. I don't have the tenure though so not sure how everyone would feel of a new guy running it. @justsomedude ran it amazingly last time so I'm sure most wouldn't mind waiting either.

Feel free!
  • Talk to @p5woody about the art... he should be familiar with the MSK file setup from his experience with the $5s. Don't forget to tip him for his time/efforts.
  • Also run it by @SixSpeedFury, since the $20 plaque art was originally commissioned by him.
  • The lady you want to talk to at MSK is Eui. Here is her email: euisookla[at]gmail[dot]com
  • You should probably mention the $5.00 plaques and that you're with the same crew; it may help her knowing what we are expecting.
  • The only real hassle I had was the international wire transfer, which you'll have to do from your bank. It will involve moving the money from PayPal to your bank, and then going to your bank to setup the transfer.
Now... put me down for 25 plaques! :)
How much were these plaques. Do you have pics?
Now... put me down for 25 plaques! :)

so... I guess that settles that. I'll PM the others and get responses soon before making an actual thread.

How much were these plaques. Do you have pics?

when all said and done, I think it came out to about $4.50 per plaque. pics and all exact info can be found here

very sad I missed out, but I wasn't a member at the time.
At $4.50 a plaque (incl shipping) I would buy a couple myself. I like those Andrew Jackson plaques. Darn I see it was in Jan. Missed it!
Yeah, I had a chance to see the $5 plaque first hand thanks to @Psypher1000. I really liked the look of them and that's what also sparked my interest in looking for $20 plaques. I'm still a poor boy though so I need something less pricey than the Matsui for now. :D
I'm in. Are we talking about just doing the $20, or also the $100?

I am open to handling the $100 as well, but I believe there would be more in setup fees for a second design (which is not bad by any means). I'm also just waiting on a response from woody to see if he wants to help out with the artwork before I start up an official thread for the $20s. If so, I will contact MSK to get wheels turning and we can use the thread to toss ideas around to see if people want to get the $100s too. One step at a time though haha
How do you guys actually use these plaques in practice. I mean, the look totally badass and everything, but are they practical. What do you do with them?
How do you guys actually use these plaques in practice. I mean, the look totally badass and everything, but are they practical. What do you do with them?

they are used just like chips. everyone has their own opinions I'm sure but for me, psypher1000 summed it up nicely in a PM.

They give you a fair amount of added depth to the bank for a relatively low cost, and they add a touch of bling to the game that your players on a heater will likely appreciate.
if you have a group of players that are like me, I would definitely like to have a plaque or two in my pool of chips as a humble brag of how much I am winning :D, i think of it as showing a $100 bill to those who still have change and no dollars.

With that being said though, it wouldn't be very cost effective to create a bank full of plaques. To each their own

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