A Tale Of Two Forums (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
New York
I usually don't like to voice my opinion when it comes to disagreements when I'm personally not involved, but I made this thread to see when and why the divide began between CT members and PCF members (because the forums have nothing to do with the bickering that is going on.) I honestly don't see the basis for shit slinging between the two, as both forums can exist on an equal plain and have a wealth of information on poker chips and poker related topics. Isn't that what we're here for? I really dislike the bully mentality, especially when it's not just coming from one, but both sides. I'm not here to be peacemaker, it's just sad that it's come down to this.
I agree wholeheartedly that there's no need for in-fighting, but I have seen very little evidence of it. Link to thread(s) that I overlooked?
I don't see all that much slinging here? Maybe I just don't go in the threads where it's happening or just overlook it if it's there?

I haven't been to ChipTalk in months (<-- not a dig or anything, just stating a fact) so I don't know what is or isn't being said there.
I frequent both and never see anything resembling a battle between the forums, just a couple people who occasionally decide to kick a dead horse.

No offense intended here but if it wasn't for threads like this the topic would be dead.
I frequent both and never see anything resembling a battle between the forums, just a couple people who occasionally decide to kick a dead horse.

No offense intended here but if it wasn't for threads like this the topic would be dead.

Well, one would think so..... until people start getting banned for no good reason.
Well, one would think so..... until people start getting banned for no good reason.
I don't think the ban was necessary but ultimately it was entirely personal, it wasn't a PCF vs CT issue, and with you being a prolific poster on both forums I don't think it makes any sense to call it that.

That said, I think CT needs you more than you need it and I don't think banning you is going to help the site at all. You can be pretty abrasive but the site is better off having you around, warts and all.
No specific threads that I know of, but they are sprinkled here and there (my eyesight must be failing me then, time to re-up on LASIK)
BG got banned on CT? I missed that one. Are there any details you want to share about why that happened?
Musta missed something, apparently someone was banned from CT, assuming it was BG? Enlighten me/us?
I found the CT thread which I assume inspired at least some of this. It was just Eugene's old thread that got bumped for some reason and then a trainwreck ensued.

The whole thing is pretty lol imo, but if we're looking to assign blame, I would lay the bulk of it at Ten's feet. Was the avatar Dave used on CT childish? Yes. But Ten has the responsibility of an administrator and so should exercise more restraint than is required of a user. For him to get up in arms because Dave responded to Nana's post is just kindergarten playground bullshit imo. I guess he punches everyone who tells a yo momma joke?

I'm not sure that anything has been posted in here in a long time which could reasonably be said to have contributed to any animosity between the sites.
Well, one would think so..... until people start getting banned for no good reason.

..I'm upset. The talk about the avatar made me wonder why Dave won't use the one I made for him in Jack's thread. Come on Dave, Just for a couple days??? Wait until tomorrow I'll be on a plane for about the next 20 hours or so. Then DD needs to figure out how to use his too. WTF guys? :) :) :)
Wow, I frequent both sites, and haven't noticed much subterfuge or nastiness (with the exception of the thread linked above). It seems like there are a few that are stirring up the drama (where it doesn't need to be).

I read the BG Ban Thread, and see both sides of the argument. Yes, BG (IMHO) showed bad form with the PCF avatar. However, I rarely if ever saw him rub it in or openly bash CT. Did I care for the avatar, no, but it's also the same as people who disrespect the flag here in the US, not a fan, but I appreciate their right to do so (freedom of speech). It's what makes our country great. So, the avatar is in poor taste, but a good reminder that the site allowed freedom of discussion and ideas. The post by Nana (as an agent of the site) was in poor form IMHO, and only stirred up the issue (I don't think BG's reply was horrible, only defending himself). I think Nana set forth a very predictable course of events. No winners there.

Both sites can exist. Both sites can be successful. And Both sites (and their members) should try to be respectful of the other. If someone in site either leadership does something drastically bad, then it might be fair game? But aside from that, I'd vote we all just try to get along. Chip on!

:) Just my two cents.
Jack there have not been posts recently but it's no secret the ax was ground here for quite awhile against what happened at CT that caused the exodus for member from there to totally switch to here. And it all started when things were no longer free over there and then started to fall into disrepair.

And to his credit, Tommy has not entered into any bad mouthing or competition or confrontation at all and that says a lot if good about him and his intentions for this site.

It's unfortunate, but the constant dig was there and really it was only a matter of time before the crap was goin to fly.

Neither side of that argument is 100% innocent if you look at it objectively. Divorce is never pretty.

I like this site a lot and have a lot of people here I know and that know me and hope to see it continue to do well.

I felt Dave did slightly push the envelope and was provoking a confrontation with his actions but also felt there was and is still a story I am not completely aware of that could have pushed him that way.

There is unwelcome anger between the sites that has nothing to do with Tommy however so I hope to stay welcomed here whether I said what I felt was the truth or not. We can disagree but I still like to hear what Dave has to say about chips.

Can't we just get past it and talk about chips??
BG got banned on CT? I missed that one. Are there any details you want to share about why that happened?

The end of an argument about advertising a rival site in his avatar. Can you believe anyone would do that?! :-)
As I understood it, Ten was incredibly reluctant to ban people. He let several people go on far too long before finally dropping the hammer on them.

I just got to the last page...the whole Ten/Mom thing was just LOLTastic. Let's recap:

1) Ten creates Chiptalk and it's awesome
2) Ten changes what made Chiptalk great by trying to make the great things a paid feature
3) People don't like having to pay for what was once free
4) The site goes down repeatedly and is dog-ass slow for the people that did pay for it (myself included, $200 lifetime membership)
5) People flock to another site that has a lot of the things for free that Chiptalk had when it was awesome
6) Ten gets butthurt that people are bitter about spending money on an internet forum (which is virtually unheard of, btw) and having the service suck
7) Ten starts "defending his family"

What the fuck did Ten think was going to happen when he started charging for the site features and the site was slow and went down frequently? It changed over from a hobby site to a paid site and the expectations as a user likewise change, and Ten wasn't up to it. We can't hold him accountable via asking for our money back or anything so the most we can do is visit a similar site that he now sees as "a competitor". It's not a competitor because PCF isn't charging for anything. It's just another site.

If Ten didn't want his Mom to be challenged in an internet forum, then tell her not to post. She's either an adult and can handle herself or she isn't and she shouldn't be on the forum.

That last page of that thread is a summary of everything that went wrong with that site. This and CT are the only internet forums I've really used, and my friends thought I was crazy when I told them I paid to be on CT. Then it went to shit. It's sad, really.
I still have both accounts and I have CT bookmarked but I just dont 'feel' like going there. It just does not feel like I need anything there because all I need to know about what is happening in poker/chips is right here on an easier to navigate and just overall better site.
an easier to navigate and just overall better site


the only poker forum I was part of was homepokertourney.com which is D.E.A.D. I had gravitated to CT but never fully embraced the site for the above reasons. I just didn't care for the format. Then when the fees started I just left for awhile.

Since I joined here I have started checking in on CT everyone once in awhile. I even post once a week or something. I really like what PCF has turned into and would rather just hang out here.

I still have both accounts and I have CT bookmarked but I just dont 'feel' like going there. It just does not feel like I need anything there because all I need to know about what is happening in poker/chips is right here on an easier to navigate and just overall better site.

I agreed with you on this.

It was a sad time during the migration. I love(d) CT and really wanted to keep it as my 'primary' site. I still visit, read some of the threads and occasionally post over there. For me chiptalk is a brand. If I tell somebody about a thread or some info here on PCF, I still slip and say "On chiptalk......"

But it basically came down to money and content. I can't justify spending money on a site that doesn't have the action that it used to.
I agreed with you on this.

It was a sad time during the migration. I love(d) CT and really wanted to keep it as my 'primary' site. I still visit, read some of the threads and occasionally post over there. For me chiptalk is a brand. If I tell somebody about a thread or some info here on PCF, I still slip and say "On chiptalk......"

But it basically came down to money and content. I can't justify spending money on a site that doesn't have the action that it used to.
Haha ya I've done that accidentally letting the ct fly out
I violated some rules around post vulgarity so I'm reposting here in compliance with said rules, my bad.

God knows I don't stick up for BG very often, but he's got a legitimate gripe about that thread. Ten is just being a big friggin' baby. He can take his site and place it in his hiney hole for all I care.
Wow, I checked that CT thread just a couple of days ago and it seems just like the ol’ tiresome back & forth. Did not realize it went to the breaking point where BG got banned. My opinion is that’s a big mistake. It polarizes the situation and forces some people to choose sides, and, just as friends get divided up in a messy breakup, it never works out the way you had imagined it to be.

1) Ten creates Chiptalk and it's awesome
2) Ten changes what made Chiptalk great by trying to make the great things a paid feature
3) People don't like having to pay for what was once free
4) The site goes down repeatedly and is dog-ass slow for the people that did pay for it (myself included, $200 lifetime membership)
5) People flock to another site that has a lot of the things for free that Chiptalk had when it was awesome
6) Ten gets butthurt that people are bitter about spending money on an internet forum (which is virtually unheard of, btw) and having the service suck
7) Ten starts "defending his family"

A lot of good points made here. CT started something great. It bonded the “special interest” groups out of 2+2 and homepokertourney.com and gave us a voice, which also fostered new interest for new poker chip lovers. CT was what got me into this hobby. It was great for a while, and then one day I find myself really turned off when certain features like posting on the classifieds required “credits” that I have to pay for. Then I find out I can pay to have special privileges which I’ve never heard of from an internet forum. Then, one day all my PMs got blown out due to a site issue, and things like email notifications stopped working for me which to this day was not fixed (explanation was just “it affected some people but not all.” Great.)

Then due to life/work I stopped posting for a while, and came back to find that the site did not improve in my absence. I tried getting back into CT, but I just couldn’t. Not a lot of new threads, and I find the organization difficult to navigate through. I messaged some people, a few reply, but most don’t. I think they left the site too.

I discovered PCF sometime in 2014 but wasn’t all that into it. I didn’t understand why it existed. By chance, Tommy was buying some stuff from me on eBay and suggested I join PCF. I was hesitant. But later I did, and I was really glad I did. PCF reminds me of the early days of CT when there was rising enthusiasm for the hobby, not the fading/worn out/jaded/negative energy that I get from CT nowadays. The most exciting thing I saw there in 2015 was probably the John Boy saga, and that’s pretty sad.

At this point I’m still reserving final judgment and not saying that I love one site more than the other, but the way to win people back is certainly not through banning them for speaking out. Ten did not win any points with me with that action (not that I particularly matter anyway). The way to win people back is by fostering a good environment which will then promote good content.

Just my two cents.
At this point, I feel like I should explain my avatar. I sometimes would forget that it's the polar opposite of BGinGA's. I can assure you, it's not meant to be a shot at this site. When BG changed his avatar on CT to the PCF logo, there was some uproar and discussion about it, but BG mostly didn't explain why he changed it, other than that he could within the rules, and it wasn't offensive, or just not responding. I think I may have asked directly also without a response. His responses, or lack of response can stand on their own merit, I'm not judging. There may have been more said about it, but I don't follow all threads through their entire life cycle. That's why I missed the aforementioned drama, I got bored of the CT is Stone Cold Dead thread.

In a play to try and get him to talk about it by getting others to talk about it, I changed my avatar here. The idea was to play the game BG was playing over there and stir up people enough to ask about it, and hopefully even complain about it. I guess the problem was that I didn't understand the game, or how to play it. Much the same way I play poker. As BG said in the linked thread, nobody even so much as raised an eyebrow about my avatar on this site. My plan to start a conversation about it didn't work. It's strange to me, because most of the people that have jumped all over me for saying stupid crap on CT are on this site also now and wouldn't bite. LOL!

I probably shouldn't have even tried to stir the pot, and I'm lucky that my passive aggressive trolling didn't get any bites, because I usually end up losing arguments in the eyes of most people who read them in the forums. Debate has never been one of my strong points. I'll be changing my avatar soon, after I find a suitable replacement. The whole reason to have it in the first place is now a moot point. I'm sorry for all the trouble I didn't cause.:)
I usually don't like to voice my opinion when it comes to disagreements when I'm personally not involved, but I made this thread to see when and why the divide began between CT members and PCF members (because the forums have nothing to do with the bickering that is going on.) I honestly don't see the basis for shit slinging between the two, as both forums can exist on an equal plain and have a wealth of information on poker chips and poker related topics. Isn't that what we're here for? I really dislike the bully mentality, especially when it's not just coming from one, but both sides. I'm not here to be peacemaker, it's just sad that it's come down to this.

I started to post, but the Bergs summary pretty much nailed it.

CT still is useful as an archive site, but it is not the lively vibrant place it once was. I don't think there is any "shit slinging between the two". CT's owner (Ten/TenPercenter/Greg) took it personal when people came over here when his site was down. He even sent me an email that attacked Tommy/PCF for taking CT's traffic. So really, the only slinging was from the CT side.

Yes, Dave's CT avatar ruffled feathers a bit more, but has anyone ever confronted QuiQuog about his avatar selection? If they have, I hadn't seen the thread here. As far as I'm concerned, both sites were to benefit the chipping community. Dave's avatar provided helpful information about an active chipping community - PCF. QuiQuog's gives info about an archive of chip knowledge and photos.

I have been tracking the traffic numbers (alexa.com) and where CT once ruled the chip discussion world, it now trails PCF. The difference is marginal for global traffic, but in the US, PCF had gone from young upstart to national champion (though neither is a twoplustwo or even a thechipboard). So I get why Greg is upset. But banning Dave wasn't the problem.
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