i receive a letter at work today (a casino in Oregon) from a father with a son living with adult autism. His son has started collecting chips from various casinos around the country. So he reached out to get one from my casino. Even sent $1 and S.A.S.E. I was able to get him a new uncirculated chips from us and plan to send it to him with a letter from our table games crew.
Obsessions, repetitive behavior and routines can be a source of enjoyment for autistic people and a way of coping with everyday life.
I know this is a very giving community and we can all relate to an obsession with chips. If anyone is interested in sending a spare and making someone's day please PM me for info.
Obsessions, repetitive behavior and routines can be a source of enjoyment for autistic people and a way of coping with everyday life.
I know this is a very giving community and we can all relate to an obsession with chips. If anyone is interested in sending a spare and making someone's day please PM me for info.