Auction Black Cat Club MD-50 CPC w Halloween chip (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The Shire
Rating - 100%
21   0   0
I have a few sample sets packed away in boxes. They'd be happier with a collector, hopefully displayed in a poker room. :)

This is #7 in a series of 12.

Sample: Black Cat Club (CPC MD-50 mold, 39mm)

Includes the original Halloweiner ltd chip - I found one I'd used as a card capper waaaaayyyy back when I played poker. It's the last spare I have. This time 4 realz lol


  • STARTING BID: £1 (1 GBP)
  • Bids must be placed using numbers (no images), in whole dollars, and in minimum increments of £1
  • NO RESERVE. The Starting Bid of this auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
  • All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
  • No bid edits or bid retractions permitted. (note: ALL edits are logged instantly)
  • Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at 9pm Eastern Time Thursday 27th February will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be within 5 minutes after the latest bid was posted. A bid at the close time is NOT a valid bid. Since seconds are not displayed on post timestamps, these examples will be used as a reference.
  • I reserve the right to: 1) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; 2) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
  • PCF (its Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
  • Shipping Terms: shipped from the UK (UK to US shipping estimated at £10 (10 GBP)
  • Payment terms: PayPal F&F in GBP only

Links to all 12 auctions:
  1. Blades B-mold
  2. Redbelly Poker Room
  3. Aevum Rusticum
  4. The Signal MD-50
  5. Maggini's Poker Room
  6. Luckbox Lounge BCC MGK
  7. Black Cat Club MD-50
  8. Casino Royale FDL
  9. The Capital Room BCC MGK
  10. The Armory (cash)
  11. Iron Bank FDL
  12. The Colony Club MD-50
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Uh-oh. 13 has always been my lucky number, and this one is gorgeous.

There goes my *left* nut... :(

how many 'left nuts' do you have?

Guys,,, larrys been peddling that thing for ages. its a scam!
how many 'left nuts' do you have?

Left,,right -- at my age, I can't tell the difference any more.

Guys,,, larrys been peddling that thing for ages. its a scam!

(Rats -- they're on to me... :mad:)

No scam. I have a local source -- a Jewish butcher who assists in circumcisions as a sideline. He's getting older too. Every once in a while his knife hand slips, and voila!

I get another spare.
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