BACK ON! - Imperial Plaza Resort - Official Group Buy Now Open!! (15 Viewers)

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4 of a Kind
Aug 1, 2014
Reaction score
Great White North
At long last here is everything available in one stop!

Chips are 43mm/25mm Hybrids from SunFly. They are .60 cents each not including shipping. Shipping will be determined at the GB close and broken up evenly.


CASH1 Proof CH.jpg


CASH2 Proof CH.jpg

Tourney Proof EN.jpg

Tourney Proof.jpg



43mm Octagon Bounty Chips:
Bounty Proof.jpg

60mm DEALER BUTTONS -$4.50/

Button Sale thread:
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Amazing designs ... wow


wasn’t there a 3rd DB originally?

I’ll take two of each dealer button, please
Were there any changes between the colors of the prototypes and the final mockups?
Great Job! The cash $20 chip is sexy as hell! Spot colors across the board look great.
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The 8 could make a great tourney bounty for a $42 or $52 +$8 Buy-in tourney
Question: will denoms be 20 or 2000?
the art and samples differ
Like every single thing you design they are amazing!! Those color matching in plays are insane, but honestly that $8 year of chips seriously puts this one out in front buddy!! How long do we have to decide? We don't own a sunfly cash set... it may be time to change that! Job very well done my friend!!
Never been a sample collector, or single collector but that 8 dollar chip might force me to change.

The 8 is simply awesome. Whole set is great. Fantastic work.
Steve I'd Be in for a Tournament Sample, some bounties and each of the dealer buttons. Thanks.
Will you be getting prototypes for the tourney chips? Love the colors on them.
I’m sure SunFly will provide them, but they’ll only send pics. I could have them ship them but it’s like $50 and photos are the way I *usually* go. I ordered the prototypes and had the shipped because their were originally many more chips both 39 and 43mm.
I’m thinking of raffling off the prototypes somehow.
I’m sure SunFly will provide them, but they’ll only send pics. I could have them ship them but it’s like $50 and photos are the way I *usually* go. I ordered the prototypes and had the shipped because their were originally many more chips both 39 and 43mm.
I’m thinking of raffling off the prototypes somehow.
Awesome chips. I think he was referring to photos of tourney prototypes. I am also interested and have been following for a while.
Awesome chips. I think he was referring to photos of tourney prototypes. I am also interested and have been following for a while.
I see. Ideally, I’d like all new prototypes done before the production run for all the chips, including the bounties. Some of the chip’s files have been tweaked and will differ slightly from the prototypes I’ve pictured. ie: the red five. It is very “russet” red. I’ve taken some the Cyan out of the mix to give it a more red look. But only slightly.
The 8 could make a great tourney bounty for a $42 or $52 +$8 Buy-in tourney
Question: will denoms be 20 or 2000?
the art and samples differ
I probably should have mentioned this. I only just revisited this after a lengthy absence. Because of the various currency options out there I didn’t want to use $, €, £, ¥, MOP, etc...
The .00 allows me to elude to cash values without having to use any currency sign thereby making the cash values obviously cash, but without clinging to any one currency. It’s the one thing I’ve encountered over the years in particular with cash values. It isn’t perfect, but I’m hoping it’s a more acceptable alternative. I strived to keep them fairly realistic for a fantasy casino. I hope I works.
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