Giveaway My One-Year PCF Anniversary (Giveaway for New Members!) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jan 25, 2020
Reaction score
New York City
In search of a few additional racks of 2005 CDIs to build on the set I had bought on eBay, I signed up for a PCF account exactly 365 days ago. I remember Everything was confusing. The terminology was new to me (RHC vs THC took me a few weeks to really understand), I didn’t even understand how to get to “10 posts” to be able to buy chips on here lol.

Two things I always remember people saying on here to newbies (1) buy sample sets (2) this hobby is a sickness, and very expensive. It seemed some PCF’ers were in “chip rehab” or otherwise “not allowed to buy anymore chips” - be it from their significant others or a voice deep inside their head. I remember the first time I looked at a Big Top Poker sample set. It came with some cut cards and a button and cost $125. I couldn’t believe how expensive that seemed. I sent screen shots to a friend just to laugh at people who were spending this kind of money. Man, these people really must like poker chips a LOT to be spending money like that. By the time I saw a listing for a full ESPT set, I just figured people were trolling me.

As I navigated the different threads and sections within PCF, and tried to remember what a “edge spot progression” meant, I kept my eyes out for CDIs to hit the the sales thread. I was surprised how addicting it felt refreshing the classified system. What were “barrels” and why did everyone seem to need one? There seemed to be some kind of obscure “Dibbs” system at work here, and I began to understand a bit how chips were acquired. I found a few racks of CDIs, people were incredibly friendly via DM. I don’t think I had ever been a member of an online message board/website, it brought me back to my AOL Online days. I bought some Aransas Queen $5’s (took a few weeks before I understood not to call them “Arkansas.”

I made my first few purchases on PCF in the weeks leading up to the March lockdowns in New York City. Nearly all of my PCF life has been spent *without playing any live poker* (my wife and I are pretty strict around the COVID protocols given that we have parents we occasionally see who are in their 70s). You would think that lack of live play would slow down by chip purchasing urges, but quite the opposite. I had found what I needed for my CDI set, but really I mostly hosted tournaments! Well, makes sense I buy a tournament set though right? Maybe not the $8k BTP set though, so I started off with the 36mm WSOP Cinci chips. The final game I hosted was on March 11th and after washing all of my racks, I got them into play one time before lockdown!

Then, a WTHC set came up for sale. Well, a partial set. I couldn’t pull the trigger initially but I keep thinking about them every night they sat out there in the classifieds. “Well maybe I can sell my CDI set and justify purchasing this set instead, its only a few hundred more...” I think that’s when my defense mechanisms around acquiring additional clay disks officially collapsed. By late April I was purchasing singles, sample sets, random barrels I had no use for, racks with no plans for them, I was quite friendly with my USPS mailman. When I did some quick math, I realized I had spent almost $10k on chips in just my first few months on here. It seemed insane. I am a social worker after all, the money isn’t especially easy to come by. The pandemic however did have some benefits I was finding, and one of them was online poker. I was running good in both cash games and tournaments online and my winnings had more or less kept up with my new chipping addiction.

I used to collect baseball cards. Have many albums full of mostly worthless (or worth little) cards from the dead-era of 1987 to 1995 when it finally dawned on me that the cards were losing their value quicker than I could unwrap my next Topps pack. This seemed like a hobby that could make sense for my life. I had just turned 40, been playing poker for about a decade and began playing for more serious stakes a few years back (NL300-500), nothing crazy, but enough to take a nice vacation every year or... find a new hobby.

By the end summer I had spent upwards of $15k on Chips (CDI 2005 set, CDI 98 set, two WTHC sets, Cinci set, 7 racks of solids for a tournament project, a Tonkawa set, every sample set I could find, a few hundred singles from all over the place... oh and lots of eBay and shipping fees! I realized it was becoming a bit much, and that COVID lockdown was moving me to busy myself with purchase that didn’t even really make sense. I began selling off a few sets, it actually felt good to de-clutter. I began to really focus on Marie Kondo’s concept of interrogating “what brings me joy?” Some chips did, but others maybe not so much. I focused. I outlined what I really could use in my games or really liked looking at and what I could let go of. It was an interesting learning process.

Current Chip Collection:



A few things I think I’ve learned or gained some insight on, hopefully this can be helpful for new members:

1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. PCF is probably one of the friendliest and most supportive online forums around. I’ve met some really good people on here, some of whom I hope to play with in person at some point, at least here along the east coast!

2. The two things I was told when I joined PCF last January, the advice about getting sample sets and that this hobby is a sickness, well both of those proved very helpful in their own ways! Save yourself money and shipping and lots of refreshing classified pages by purchasing smaller amounts of chips in person before pulling the trigger on major purchases. And “sickness” might be a bit harsh, but PCF can definitely have addictive qualities. If I had to guess how many times I visit this site daily over a period of a year, I would guess ~10 times a day. That’s wild over a one year period! With addictive things comes exercising some responsibility, and I’m still navigating that myself.

3. What you like in your 1st month of joining may well not be what you what you like 6 or 12 months in. I remember sketching out a custom CPC set for myself when I first joined... when I look back at the things I thought I liked, I shutter now. I’m SO glad I didn’t spend $3000 on a custom set that I wouldn’t be happy with today.

4. Practice patience: you might think you need a certain chip or set RIGHT NOW, but you probably don’t. I definitely don’t. I’m still not playing live poker for a few more months it looks like. It’s good exercise to practice patience, give yourself time to figure out exactly what you want and then ask around and build what really “gives you joy” slowly and methodically.

Ok this is getting to be a bit long lol and I want people to participate in the giveaway. It’s a sample of 35 Chips. Mix of casino, fantasy, RHC, THC, mint condition, casino used condition, and everything in between. It will hopefully give a new chipper a good sense of a wide variety of chips!

Chips are FREE and I will ship them (my cost) within the United States or at the winners cost internationally. Anyone who joined PCF 3 months ago or less is eligible. If you don’t need the chips, save them for someone who does please.

The “contest”? Just post, as a new member, what you’re hoping to accomplish in your first year as a member of PCF AND what is one New Years resolution that you are hoping to follow through on in 2021? I will pick a one person by Next Sunday evening at 9pm!

Oh and here are the chips:

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I’ve been a member of this great site for a little over 3 months and I don’t need these chips but I completely agree with 1-4 of this post.
Always ask questions. This forum is an amazing resource. Use it.
This is a really great hobby/sickness. I wish I’d found this site years ago. The number of amazing chips and sets out there is unreal. Which is the reason why you should pay attention to steps 3 and 4.
Your tastes will evolve. Don’t go all in on the first thing you see. Down the road there’s a good chance you won’t like it. And a hard one to practice is patience. There’s a lot of chips and sets that come up take your time.
Congratulations @Senzrock on your 1 year anniversary. Awesome giveaway. My resolution this year is to lose 50lbs. Got 10 down with 40 to go and keep off ;)
I’ve been a member of this great site for a little over 3 months and I don’t need these chips but I completely agree with 1-4 of this post.
Always ask questions. This forum is an amazing resource. Use it.
This is a really great hobby/sickness. I wish I’d found this site years ago. The number of amazing chips and sets out there is unreal. Which is the reason why you should pay attention to steps 3 and 4.
Your tastes will evolve. Don’t go all in on the first thing you see. Down the road there’s a good chance you won’t like it. And a hard one to practice is patience. There’s a lot of chips and sets that come up take your time.
Congratulations @Senzrock on your 1 year anniversary. Awesome giveaway. My resolution this year is to lose 50lbs. Got 10 down with 40 to go and keep off ;)
Wishing you much success on your 2021 goals my friend - sounds like you’re focused with your eyes on the prize!
I’ve been a member of this great site for a little over 3 months and I don’t need these chips but I completely agree with 1-4 of this post.
Always ask questions. This forum is an amazing resource. Use it.
This is a really great hobby/sickness. I wish I’d found this site years ago. The number of amazing chips and sets out there is unreal. Which is the reason why you should pay attention to steps 3 and 4.
Your tastes will evolve. Don’t go all in on the first thing you see. Down the road there’s a good chance you won’t like it. And a hard one to practice is patience. There’s a lot of chips and sets that come up take your time.
Congratulations @Senzrock on your 1 year anniversary. Awesome giveaway. My resolution this year is to lose 50lbs. Got 10 down with 40 to go and keep off ;)
It’s easy, all you have to do is kill evil grimace who steals all the milkshakes

I joined this site a few days ago and in the first year I am looking to build a tournament set of Nevada jacks and a cash set of casino Paulson chips. I have already begun towards that but your advice of patience is good to hear and I have ordered a single barrel of HSI chips and sample sets of Nevada Jacks, tikis, a couple others and just want to live with them for a little bit and see which I really like. Definitely a big fan of the Nevada Jacks, even better in person!
My New Years resolution is to use the poker chips I am acquiring and start a multi weeks long tournament league culminating in a final table single table tournament for the top 9 from the league using the even nicer Paulson chips (if I have them by then)
Good post, great advice.

p.s. awesome collection!


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Not eligible, so not in, but great summary of your first year. Your journey brings to mind @Jeevansluck , who also accumulated a very enviable collection in his first year of chipping (and who I think you are referring to re: the self-imposed chip rehab).

Congrats on building a great collection, and on behalf of the community, thanks for the giveaway.
Well I’ve been a member for about 3 months or so and what I’d like to accomplish is making a cash set and tourney set that I can really be proud of. I also would like to accomplish being part of a community that share the same Interests as I do when it comes to building sets and finding all the cool things and awesome people I haven’t so far. @Ben8257 was the first chipper I met when he was looking for 2 barrels of CDI 05 chips and I was real happy to help. I had found those chips years ago and knew they were worth a bit but I never thought I would ever make anything of them so helping him was a good start to this community and I’m glad to have met him first. By 2021 I hope to have finished my Lady Luck cash set and start on a new tourney set. My resolution this year is to lose some weight and bulk up like I was in Highschool.
And congratulations on 1 year @Senzrock
Sliding in just at the 3 month range. Being on here made me open my eyes to this crazy world of chips. I finally went from dice chips to a set of majestics for the time being. I used to frequent vegas before covid, but never really payed attention to the chips. Now seeing all the p0rn on here, I can't wait to go back and start collecting singles. One of these days I'll get my hands on a nice Paulson set.. but in the meantime I'm just going to enjoy the p0rn and fantasize about these colourful plastic disks that I can't afford.
Congrats on the 1 year!
Congratulations on 1 year @Senzrock! This community is amazing, I’ve had nothing but a positive experience here so far. Dibs on a rack of WTHC $5s if you ever sell( but I know you won’t) ;)
@Senzrock, thanks for doing this and for taking the time to share your advice with us. What really spoke to me is practicing patience. After all, I think that's why I got into chip collecting recently.

COVID-19 was particularly hard for me because I had just graduated college in 2020 and was really on my own for the first time ever, and being in a very high-risk area, I was home alone in a tiny apartment for months. In that time, I turned to online gambling (blackjack and sports) as a source of relief and escape, and it got pretty bad after a few months to the point of addiction. I put my ego aside and decided to go to therapy for the first time, and my therapist encouraged me to find a hobby that I didn't have to take so seriously but could find happiness in through things like research, patiently looking for what I wanted, and being part of an online community. I thought I'd give poker chips a try--yes, I know that's ironic--but strangely enough, it's helped keep the gambling demons away to a good extent. I realized that collecting and taking part in the hobby was a better use of my money than throwing it all away on sports betting and blackjack (I have nothing to say about more skill-based games like poker, because I've never played it, and will just appreciate from afar for now given my situation). In short, it's brought me more happiness, and has made what was a really serious issue into something that's just a little more manageable. I'm still definitely on the road to recovery, but there have been plenty of times where I'm certain that thinking, "Oooh, I should save up for that set," kept me from relapsing.

Anyways, I think my New Years resolution is pretty obvious. I want to keep recovering, and to refrain from compulsive gambling. There's a healthy way to do it that I'm sure many of us on PCF can enjoy, but being honest with myself, I'm not at that point but I'll see if I can get there one day. In the meantime, I plan to spend some of my free time being active on this forum, with one of my goals being to purchase a cheaper complete set within the next few months. My collection at this point is just a few $1s that I've collected from past trips to Vegas and other places, as well as a couple neat ones I've found online. I'm really looking forward to learning more about this hobby and making a few friends on here. It would be really cool to win, but I think I've definitely already won something here by just taking part in your giveaway and reflecting on something really personal. Thanks for that, and congratulations on your one year-PCF anniversary.
I joined a few weeks back. I'm not even really looking for a chip set yet, but was interested to learn about what was out there. I was also interested in finding some playing cards which I ended up purchasing from @Josh Kifer . The cards are really nice and Josh gave me some advice and sent me a few chips which was super cool of him. I then bought a sample of Tiki's as I like how ceramic design can cover the whole face. I am not sure if it is just the Tiki's or ceramics in general, but I was surprised to find the edges rounded and I wasn't able to stand them on edge. (not a big deal.. Chips aren't attacked on their edges, but I like a crisp edge).

Anyways, enough rambling. I am really just looking to get my hands on various samples /barrels throughout the coming year and find what I really like and don't like. This giveaway is an awesome chance for one of us newcomers to get our hands on a nice collection of various chips.

As far as a resolution goes, I am not really a resolution guy, but I do want to improve my poker skills this year. I plan to study more and hopefully play more small stakes cash and tourneys.
Congratulations @Senzrock on a year in brother!! Fantastic review and a lot of helpful advice to newer chippers. I'm not quite 2 years in yet and all of that post is true. For me though it is a sickness! I have been so damn broke since joining this hobby, I should have joined @Jeevansluck on his self buying ban! Lol

Happy to say that other than finishing up holes in the sets we have and some obvious top end custom work to many of our tourney sets, I feel like we are pretty close to a chipping Nirvana, no I will never completely stop and I can't say that if a new Chip Room set catches my eye that we will not wind up with another here or there, but solidify all the sets we have and truly making them playable is our goal!

One word of advice even to veteran chippers, the thirst of the hunt never goes away! Try to find one set that is nearly impossible to complete! The type of set that is one or 2 chops at a time. Yes expensive but can help keep your mind off impulse buying into another huge expensive project!

Best of luck to the next several years brother and I look forward to sitting down and playing some cards down the road! Happy to see some of my own treasures there in the table! I knew they were going to a good home!

Your CDI chipping brother Ben
@Senzrock, thanks for doing this and for taking the time to share your advice with us. What really spoke to me is practicing patience. After all, I think that's why I got into chip collecting recently.

COVID-19 was particularly hard for me because I had just graduated college in 2020 and was really on my own for the first time ever, and being in a very high-risk area, I was home alone in a tiny apartment for months. In that time, I turned to online gambling (blackjack and sports) as a source of relief and escape, and it got pretty bad after a few months to the point of addiction. I put my ego aside and decided to go to therapy for the first time, and my therapist encouraged me to find a hobby that I didn't have to take so seriously but could find happiness in through things like research, patiently looking for what I wanted, and being part of an online community. I thought I'd give poker chips a try--yes, I know that's ironic--but strangely enough, it's helped keep the gambling demons away to a good extent. I realized that collecting and taking part in the hobby was a better use of my money than throwing it all away on sports betting and blackjack (I have nothing to say about more skill-based games like poker, because I've never played it, and will just appreciate from afar for now given my situation). In short, it's brought me more happiness, and has made what was a really serious issue into something that's just a little more manageable. I'm still definitely on the road to recovery, but there have been plenty of times where I'm certain that thinking, "Oooh, I should save up for that set," kept me from relapsing.

Anyways, I think my New Years resolution is pretty obvious. I want to keep recovering, and to refrain from compulsive gambling. There's a healthy way to do it that I'm sure many of us on PCF can enjoy, but being honest with myself, I'm not at that point but I'll see if I can get there one day. In the meantime, I plan to spend some of my free time being active on this forum, with one of my goals being to purchase a cheaper complete set within the next few months. My collection at this point is just a few $1s that I've collected from past trips to Vegas and other places, as well as a couple neat ones I've found online. I'm really looking forward to learning more about this hobby and making a few friends on here. It would be really cool to win, but I think I've definitely already won something here by just taking part in your giveaway and reflecting on something really personal. Thanks for that, and congratulations on your one year-PCF anniversary.
Hey, wanted to let you know that I really appreciated you sharing your story with us. 2020 has been a tremendously difficult year for so many of us, but this sounds especially hard. Congratulations on reaching out and going into treatment. My therapist definitely helped me out in some tough moments during this past year (non-gambling related, but we all have our own respective challenges we are trying to navigate of course). Where in NY are you at? Manhattan? I grew up downtown but moved to Brooklyn a few years back. Good to meet another chipper from the city! Hang in there man, sounds like you’re on the right track and I’m sure PCF and this welcoming community can be helpful in some of the next steps along your journey.
Congratulations @Senzrock on a year in brother!! Fantastic review and a lot of helpful advice to newer chippers. I'm not quite 2 years in yet and all of that post is true. For me though it is a sickness! I have been so damn broke since joining this hobby, I should have joined @Jeevansluck on his self buying ban! Lol

Happy to say that other than finishing up holes in the sets we have and some obvious top end custom work to many of our tourney sets, I feel like we are pretty close to a chipping Nirvana, no I will never completely stop and I can't say that if a new Chip Room set catches my eye that we will not wind up with another here or there, but solidify all the sets we have and truly making them playable is our goal!

One word of advice even to veteran chippers, the thirst of the hunt never goes away! Try to find one set that is nearly impossible to complete! The type of set that is one or 2 chops at a time. Yes expensive but can help keep your mind off impulse buying into another huge expensive project!

Best of luck to the next several years brother and I look forward to sitting down and playing some cards down the road! Happy to see some of my own treasures there in the table! I knew they were going to a good home!

Your CDI chipping brother Ben
Chippers like @Ben8257 are what this site is all about, know that I appreciate your generous spirit Ben, you really make this insane hobby a lot more manageable through sharing your wisdom, feedback and overall positive energy! Especially the effort you put into welcoming new chippers, it’s quite impressive. I remember one time reaching out to a new member to give them some advice, it couldn’t have been but a few days since they joined PCF... first thing they told me “oh yeah, well I’ve been talking to Ben and he suggested this and pointed me in that direction...” I was like - of COURSE he did!

Keep up the good work brother, thanks as always for the kind words!
I joined a few weeks back. I'm not even really looking for a chip set yet, but was interested to learn about what was out there. I was also interested in finding some playing cards which I ended up purchasing from @Josh Kifer . The cards are really nice and Josh gave me some advice and sent me a few chips which was super cool of him. I then bought a sample of Tiki's as I like how ceramic design can cover the whole face. I am not sure if it is just the Tiki's or ceramics in general, but I was surprised to find the edges rounded and I wasn't able to stand them on edge. (not a big deal.. Chips aren't attacked on their edges, but I like a crisp edge).

Anyways, enough rambling. I am really just looking to get my hands on various samples /barrels throughout the coming year and find what I really like and don't like. This giveaway is an awesome chance for one of us newcomers to get our hands on a nice collection of various chips.

As far as a resolution goes, I am not really a resolution guy, but I do want to improve my poker skills this year. I plan to study more and hopefully play more small stakes cash and tourneys.
Thanks for sharing! And yes, it’s a good observation re: ceramics. They are an affordable alternative to clay but good you got a sample set because it’s things like this that you can figure out before you dive in! There are some Paulson (clay) sets with “oversized inlays” if you like the larger graphic feel. Some of those sets are actually more affordable than others because not everyone likes that look (I actually do, at least on some sets). Do a search here and you will find some interesting examples. My favorite (and one that is way too expensive for me, and probably for you, but just to give you an example) are the Vineyard chips:


Don’t look up the prices on those, it will give you sticker shock, but there’s others that are much more affordable, including a se referred to as “PNY” which carries a New York City theme. But yeah, keep looking around, keep buying samples, and take your time to land on the set that does it for you! Also, one of the nice things about PCF is that if you purchase something, and it ends up not quite being your thing, you can always sell it back for close to what you bought it for. Free or low cost sampling is where it’s at!

Good luck.
Sliding in just at the 3 month range. Being on here made me open my eyes to this crazy world of chips. I finally went from dice chips to a set of majestics for the time being. I used to frequent vegas before covid, but never really payed attention to the chips. Now seeing all the p0rn on here, I can't wait to go back and start collecting singles. One of these days I'll get my hands on a nice Paulson set.. but in the meantime I'm just going to enjoy the p0rn and fantasize about these colourful plastic disks that I can't afford.
Congrats on the 1 year!
That’s the right move... enjoy the beautiful photos on here, maybe get some sample sets or even singles, and just take it slow. Hopefully one day an opportunity will present itself and you will find yourself with a nice set. @TheChipRoom offers great (affordable/relatively) brand new as well as casino used Paulson sets. Check out some old sales of theirs on here by searching their name or things like “Black Friday Sale” or “Presidents Day Sale” - lots of cool offerings over the years.
Chippers like @Ben8257 are what this site is all about, know that I appreciate your generous spirit Ben, you really make this insane hobby a lot more manageable through sharing your wisdom, feedback and overall positive energy! Especially the effort you put into welcoming new chippers, it’s quite impressive. I remember one time reaching out to a new member to give them some advice, it couldn’t have been but a few days since they joined PCF... first thing they told me “oh yeah, well I’ve been talking to Ben and he suggested this and pointed me in that direction...” I was like - of COURSE he did!

Keep up the good work brother, thanks as always for the kind words!
Waring Ben book for @Senzrock ! If you don't want to loose 5 minutes of your life scroll past!! Ye be warned!!

Damn Bro, that was very kind!! Remember just like negativity, kindness is also contagious. This hobby is growing and while I still consider myself a noob I have learned quite a bit in my short time here from other amazing, generous and kind chippers! Pay it forward!! Eventually someone is going to help you figure out aproblem, send you chips you need for free just to help and to keep positive chipping karma rolling forward! Do the same.

I remember early on receiving so much help finishing my Ace's set... if it wasn't for PCF I would still be hunting chips to get it playable! Also @Lil Tuna sending me a welcome to the TRK Pick Hobson sample set!

(Still such a noob my line up was backwards back then! Lol) but a very expensive little gift. He told me Chipping had been good to him and he wanted to pay it forward! He didn't know me from Adam at the time. Now I consider him one of my best friends! But he believe in my spirit and passion towards the hobby and made an investment!

Of course free stuff is awesome, but I was feeling kind of low... all these generous people sending me stuff and I am still new to the hobby and have nothing to give myself. That will change over time I promise! Eventually you look around and there is S**t everywhere!!

Again kindness is contagious, you will run into a few bad apples along your way. Possibly even people acting kind but trying to rake you over the coals for max profits. If something doesn't seem right ask a veteran chipper. Someone you know and trust will not go and buy the chips out from under you (it happens also) but there are trully fantastic people in this hobby and on this forum that just want to see other chippers be successful and acquire their playable sets! Be involved, reach out and respond to the guy asking the same question that has been asked 5,000 times day in and day out!! Lol not just "hey there a thousand threads on this. Learn to use the serch function!"

Nothin but love and respect brother!! Keep on chippin and keep the laughs coming!

Your chippin brother Ben
Thanks for sharing! And yes, it’s a good observation re: ceramics. They are an affordable alternative to clay but good you got a sample set because it’s things like this that you can figure out before you dive in! There are some Paulson (clay) sets with “oversized inlays” if you like the larger graphic feel. Some of those sets are actually more affordable than others because not everyone likes that look (I actually do, at least on some sets). Do a search here and you will find some interesting examples. My favorite (and one that is way too expensive for me, and probably for you, but just to give you an example) are the Vineyard chips:

View attachment 621732
Don’t look up the prices on those, it will give you sticker shock, but there’s others that are much more affordable, including a se referred to as “PNY” which carries a New York City theme. But yeah, keep looking around, keep buying samples, and take your time to land on the set that does it for you! Also, one of the nice things about PCF is that if you purchase something, and it ends up not quite being your thing, you can always sell it back for close to what you bought it for. Free or low cost sampling is where it’s at!

Good luck.
@OutlawECHO - Speaking of oversized inlays, I just saw that @Ben8257 listed this huge set for under $1/chip:
Hey, wanted to let you know that I really appreciated you sharing your story with us. 2020 has been a tremendously difficult year for so many of us, but this sounds especially hard. Congratulations on reaching out and going into treatment. My therapist definitely helped me out in some tough moments during this past year (non-gambling related, but we all have our own respective challenges we are trying to navigate of course). Where in NY are you at? Manhattan? I grew up downtown but moved to Brooklyn a few years back. Good to meet another chipper from the city! Hang in there man, sounds like you’re on the right track and I’m sure PCF and this welcoming community can be helpful in some of the next steps along your journey.
Thanks so much for replying, and for telling me that you had your own things to face. I grew up in Texas but I went to school uptown, and I'm on the upper west side now. I have a lot of fond memories in Brooklyn -- watching soccer games under the archway of the Manhattan bridge, running races around Prospect Park, saving up for a night out at Peter Luger -- it really is a special place. Actually, thinking up those things now just really drives home the fact that there's so much more waiting for me once this pandemic ends and I kick this addiction. What kinds of things are you up to in Brooklyn? And yes, I'll keep hanging in there; it's been tough recently, but reading your message of support has helped a lot.
Thanks so much for replying, and for telling me that you had your own things to face. I grew up in Texas but I went to school uptown, and I'm on the upper west side now. I have a lot of fond memories in Brooklyn -- watching soccer games under the archway of the Manhattan bridge, running races around Prospect Park, saving up for a night out at Peter Luger -- it really is a special place. Actually, thinking up those things now just really drives home the fact that there's so much more waiting for me once this pandemic ends and I kick this addiction. What kinds of things are you up to in Brooklyn? And yes, I'll keep hanging in there; it's been tough recently, but reading your message of support has helped a lot.
I will PM you and we can talk a bit more!
Congrats on the 1 year @Senzrock. Thanks for sharing your story and for putting together this giveaway!

I joined PCF over the Xmas holidays with the thought of just trying to scoop up a set of chips for myself and calling it a day... Turns out not so much. I have a few things I want to accomplish here in my first year but my primary goal now, is to put together a playable Christy & Jones cash set. I've already got 2 denoms sorted and I'm on the hunt for 2 more!! If anybody is looking to part with some of their C&Js drop me a PM!

My New Years resolution is pretty simple... ***get less fat***. Let's just say I'm off to a rocky start.

Best of luck to all participating in the giveaway!
Congrats on the 1 year @Senzrock. Thanks for sharing your story and for putting together this giveaway!

I joined PCF over the Xmas holidays with the thought of just trying to scoop up a set of chips for myself and calling it a day... Turns out not so much. I have a few things I want to accomplish here in my first year but my primary goal now, is to put together a playable Christy & Jones cash set. I've already got 2 denoms sorted and I'm on the hunt for 2 more!! If anybody is looking to part with some of their C&Js drop me a PM!

My New Years resolution is pretty simple... ***get less fat***. Let's just say I'm off to a rocky start.

Best of luck to all participating in the giveaway!
Love C&J’s! Casino Bank has a nice rack of dark greens if you need any solids for a really good price:
Not eligible or interested, but I’ll share my goals.
In terms of finding chips - my goals for 2021 aren’t significant. I’ve pretty much got what I want and need. So in 2021, I’ll continue searching for old THC Foxwoods chips, to make that set more playable. And I’d like to find another rack of PCA $5’s for my other cash set. (Or fibs a different $5 for that set, since that particular chip has become pretty hard to find.
In terms of poker, I hope to have some kind of regular game going on by year’s end. I’ve hosted before, but it’s been a couple of years, so getting the band back together may take some effort.
Good luck, everybody, with your goals.
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