Concurrent Builds; The College Table and The Ellipse (1 Viewer)


Full House
Sep 8, 2022
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Minnesota Nice
So, I decided to repurpose a bunch of materials and give The Red Light Game, Zack’s college game north of Chicago something new to consider. As a matter of fact his speed cloth and vinyl just arrived. I did save around $150 using carpet padding on the rail and two layers of underlay for the arena. I did this with my two octagons and any difference was hardly negligible. I’m going with slide in drink holders but might buy jumbos and convert them to slide ins. He’ll have an underrail LED.

College Kids… Am I right?

We have liftoff.

That rail has and will see better days.

I see fun times ahead.

The cloth and vinyl literally just arrived.

Ironically enough, today was also the day I began the concurrent build, an ellipse that will join Big Red at The Godfather Club. Big Red is an awesome table and its construction was a concerted effort. My main role was financier and general contractor. The ellipse will be a solo build and I aim that it meets the same standard of excellence that Big Red possesses. It may even be a better table because we learned much building Big Red and hey, it’s an ellipse.

Following a couple of ellipse threads I learned what a trammel was and how to use it to draw this geometric wonder. One thing I would do differently already is dig out your file and round off the nails on the trammel. Secondly, draw one quadrant and use the scrap as a template for the other three “corners.” Remember this kids when you do a build; if you can’t see it there’s latitude. Don’t let perfect get in the way of damn good.

The only confounding issue is that I like 10 seat tables. This is peculiar because I prefer 6-8 handed play. In any event. The ellipse has been done with 10 seats and I’m sure it’s still a little snug but at The Godfather Club I use repurposed high back leather office chairs. Additionally, my game runs with a dedicated dealer (having dealt 10,000 hands since we began one year ago today I’m good) and as such it’s essential that I sit central and my banker sits central and opposite me. All of the 10 seat ellipses I’ve seen have smaller chairs and one player on each end. In any event I’ll do some beta testing before I decide what’s feasible. (Pssst, I was wild about a “full table” when I brought my game back but now… See above.)

So in any event, here are the first ever images of “The Geodome” ( the table naming committee, which I chair, has not met in a while so we’ll see what happens)

I’ll be posting progress on both of these tables and anything I conquer or run into as the next several days go by. I want the ellipse ready for an early November MTT. I’m a cash guy but I’ve been swayed to run at least a quarterly MTT in an attempt to have an amazing long session of tourney and cash action and possibly add to the invite rolls.

Good luck, run good and don’t take those beats too badly.


Big Red. And yes, that room will hold two tables.

“If I had a trammel, I’d trammel in the morning.”

Draw your lines kids.

Start cutting.



Ready for a little cleanup. More plywood coming in tomorrow. It literally could be screwed together and laying in wait while I take a breather by bedtime day 2.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Geodome.

Good luck everyone.
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Big push on the college table for Romeoville’s Red Light Game.

Vinyl only comes so wide… No problem.

A round of double sided 3M or Scotch stuff for the LED’s because they’ve been in 3 dorms, a couple of bedrooms and the old poker chest.

Hey! I got short-sheeted. This kids is why we can’t build huge round tables and this one isn’t big. I forget how compact it is but I have a plan.

Still looks weird and my vinyl skills still need work but call it a practice run for GeoDome. I’ll watch a video.

There, all better. I could do upholstery on one of those bouncing cars. Not.

A closer look at the filler work.

All I have into this table is speedcloth and vinyl. Everything else I had. Remember, the college guys get carpet pad for the rail and underlay for the arena. They’ll live and never know at that.

I might do the cloth tonight and I might not. I’d just have to pull the rail and roll the table into the driveway. I spray glue my cloth before smoothing and stapling.

All in all a great day of work and a real practice run for GeoDome.

Run good friends!

Good morning PCF.

Shifted gears on the cloth because I was repurposing the old LED’s from the poker cabinet whose colors can change and went with the black speed cloth. I do wish it was a little more two tone but it looks great. I took a little more off the arena floor before I put the cloth on to account for any extra snugness. I should have been a bit more aggressive. Kids, you should be able to shimmy your rail after you drop it in place; for sure before cloth but being able to after will make installing the rail way less of a PITA.

It’s going to work. Everything came out of the warehouse except the vinyl and fabric. So, about $100 out the door.

Folded over.

I spray glue my fabric.

I seem to trim once, twice, three times a lady. Oh, and staple, staple, staple.

After fighting that rail and realizing a) I put fabric over my orientation mark, I flipped the rail onto a workspace and went at it from the other direction. Where the wiring comes out helped with orientation but I brought Mr. Rubber Mallet to get its point across. Screwed it place and flipped it. I’ll use the shimmy rule on the ellipse.

The boys play 6-8 and they’re currently on one of the vintage 8 sided oak tables. Black Ops will play 6 and 7 easy and if they play 8 well they’re college boys… Pay your dues guys. Most importantly the second table will let them spread the occasional MTT before they all move home and rejoin their parents games. Kids..


Now, to have another cup of coffee and get to drawing the ellipses I have to cut today. Then to Home Depot for two sheets of plywood, reconfigure the trammel and start drawing and then cutting. Perfect world? All screwed together today and marked for cup holders.

Poker is good.

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Using ellipse number one I’ve drawn the next two for cutting in the morning. After that, I’ll reconfigure the trammel twice to outline the inner ellipses. More cutting. At that point I’ll start screwing things together. Then she’ll go to bed for a bit while I do some testing on 8 v. 10 seats and get ready for the final push.

Night folks.


Three cuts left on sheet three. Then off to Home Depot for a couple of items most notably the cheapest sheet of 4’x8’ whatever to cut a template. I’m going to rig up a trammel of sorts or call it a makeshift beam compass (maybe I’ll name it myself) and try to draw the inner dimension at the prescribed distance using the OD as a guide. I was also to test and see if the guide on my router would follow the OD. If so, I’ll route a small channel to follow with the jig saw. I’ll keep you posted.

Oh, and another huge discovery kids. Ear plugs.

That is all.


I didn’t get around to cutting the inner ellipses and I’m probably heading to the couch. Long weekend of poker table building. The router should work to score the lines I need but I am leaning toward a small DIY device to draw the line by following the OD. This week. All three pieces cut and cleanup work done on the three slabs. No help from the crew.



Lazy like dogs.
Hey PCF folks.

Spent the holiday moving ahead on the ellipse. Today was the day to do the inner cuts on the playing surface level, the middle rail, and the top rail. Once cut they’ll be stacked, screwed together, and secured to the table.

Time to draw the inner lines. I wasn’t going reconfigure the trammel to draw these lines and opted instead to make a jig to use to follow the outer diameter and draw the line I needed at the right distance.

This is what I came up with…

I used my tape measure, a carpenter pencil, and a large bolt to use as the jig guide. I determined that I needed to subtract an 1/8th of an inch from the distance I needed for he line at to account for the pencil.

I put a tape bumper behind the guide before taping it in place. It only took about a minute to change it out for the three measurements.


The jig in action. That is a 2 inch line I was drawing as my three cuts were to be 2” on the basement layer the outer piece tying the rail together. The middle layer would be at 3” and the top of the rail 4”. At the last minute I realized that I’m going to be running jumbo cup holders and after a little research I realized that a 6” rail is about the safest width for them. Thanks ChanMan for weighing in on this in a thread I found for guidance. Lines drawn and cuts made.

Here is the basement with a 4” cut. It sits in place because of the style of legs I have on the table.

The 4” basement cut, the 5” cut to create the middle rail and where the LED will be mounted, and the 6” cut which will create the recess below and be the top rail all finished. After routing the basement and the inner aspect of its outer rail for ease of dropping the rail on and for cloth clearance and routing the inside and outside edges of the top rail, it’s all screwed together.




Now to drag all of my chairs into the driveway and beta test 8 v. 10 chairs. I run bigger office chairs and am not going to be replacing them any time soon so I have to establish what’s best. If 8 is the plan I might immediately start a second ellipse. After that it’s some minor shaping and sanding and ordering hardware including all padding, cloth, vinyl, cup holders and spacers, LED, and USB ports.

Super productive day on the ellipse.

Thanks for checking in.



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With The Executive Game at The Godfather Club being on hiatus until March 8th with intermittent travel we’re using the time to complete the Super Ellipse as we’ll be playing Session 100 as a two table cash event.

The parts have arrived and last night was spacer cutting. I like my process but for future builds I would use pine as it’s not a pressed wood product or I would build a jig and use PVC pipe to make exact cuts with a hand saw. In any event, the spacers are cut. Next up, measuring the table for cutting the drink holder holes and finishing the rail.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (retired)
*The Poker Family (our philosophy)
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Well, with the making of the spacers and the arrival of the parts for the table, rail and table foam, speed cloth and vinyl as well as the drink holders, it’s time to get started.

I spent an inordinate amount of time, deciding on the placement and distance between the drink holders. Once that hole saw is in service there’s no looking back. I finally made my decision and was ready to start.

There was never a question about the configuration; because our game has a dedicated dealer, both the oval and the ellipse need to have a center spot on the long run. it was the distance between the drink holders that kept me in a holding pattern. I used the basic distances on the oval as a jumping off point. Once I settled in I marked them in marker.

One last adjustment before I started, was my moving the drink holders back a quarter inch toward the outer edge of the rail. I’m glad I did this because it prevented my cutting into the visible portion of the rail where I will ultimately adhere my under rail light. Now, the light would’ve covered any cutting into that area but I’m still glad I did it.

So holes have been cut. I leaf blowed the dust and sawdust off of the table and painted that visible portion where the light will go in the event, I go a different route, such as an LED light, looking down at the speed cloth.

Next up will be to glue my spacers in place and pick up another sheet of plywood to use as a workstation. I’ll roll out the rail foam and meticulously mark it for cutting. I’ll circle in the drink holder holes and measure so that the foam comes right to the edge of the rail on both sides. Once the foam is cut, I’ll use spray glue to hold it in place. I don’t put staples in foam as you can see the indentations under the vinyl. That might be all for today. at that point, I’ll bring the table downstairs after the gluing is done and do the rail vinyl downstairs in the Poker room because it’s just meticulous cutting tugging and stapling.

The super ellipse will be in service for game 100, the two table cash game, at the Godfather Club in just over two weeks.

There you have it.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (retired)
*The Poker Family (our philosophy)

Initial gluing of the spacers. I’ll run a bead of hot glue around them just because. I could see having the rail foam cut today.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (retired)
*The Poker Family (our philosophy)

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Took the rail as far I wanted to tonight. Super Ellipse will be ready and in the room probably a week in advance of Session 100 in two weeks.

We have a drink holder. Let’s play!

Ok, I have nine seats available if anyone is interested.

The cutting has begun. JFC is it nerve wracking.

I built this jig, the second one I’ve built for this project. This one saved me the hassle of hauling the rail downstairs into the poker room, moving a couple of couches so I could put it top down on the floor to draw that line I needed. Like the first jig I built to speed up the rail build, it worked like a charm.


I travel Tuesday so Wednesday night I’ll grab a sheet of plywood to cover with a blanket or something and spread the vinyl, place the rail, grab the scissors and the staple gun. And finish the rail. I already have anxiety. After that it’s the easy part; cover the table with spray glue and foam, spray glue and speed cloth, scissor here, scissor there, and more stapling.


Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (retired)
*The Poker Family (our philosophy)
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After having a 5 hour drive turn into an 8 and a half hour drive Chicago area to Minneapolis thanks to two super cells complete with funnel clouds, torrential rain and hail only to hit white out conditions and snow covered roads, we finally made it in a around 1:30 Wednesday morning. Needless to say Wednesday was a rest day.

Thursday night it was time to get back at the table. I picked up a sheet of plywood to create a decent workspace. Vinyling the rail is anxiety producing for me. Cutting vinyl is forever. And curves are a pain no matter how many videos you try to pull up on the subject. The first rule is simple; don’t let perfect get in the way of really good. Rule two is also simple; do well on the outside of the rail as practice for the inside. Rule three is also simple; every rail you build you’ll get better. And finally, rule 4 - you guessed it, simple; you’re not a professional so lighten up and you didn’t have to pay someone.

The real work begins once you get the vinyl rolled out and the inverted rail in place. I sprayed glued the foam in place between the cup holders only. No need for any other glue since the foam is held in place by the vinyl.

An ellipse has only two brutal curves where as an oval has four slightly less brutal curves. It turns out to be sort of a push. I started on one end and basically worked past the first cup holder on each side to about halfway to the next one. At that point I went to the other end of the rail, pulled the vinyl tight and repeated the process. Next I worked further toward the center on both sides and from each end. You shut it down when you know you need the relief cut in the center of the vinyl to continue to have the material required to pull the vinyl consistently under the rail for stapling.

I’m at the point where it’s relief cut time. After the relief cut and you finish the long runs on both sides of the rail you’re ready to cut the “stars” or “pizza” on each end to begin pulling and stapling the curved ends of the inner portion. The relief “star” or “pizza” cuts will make the work on the inner rail easier to avoid creases which you can get away with minimally on the outside of the rail but must be avoided at all costs on the inside.

So, here’s where we’re at. Done for tonight. Next major step after the stapling of the outside and inside are finished, you trim all excess fabric, see which outer creases can be minimized and add and hammer down staples. After that we’ll feel for the spacers and make “x” cuts in each drink space, pull the little “flags” down into the cutaway and drop a staple. Insert drink holders and feel like a champion.

Here you go.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)

Alright Forum. After a kind of recovery from my travels and a Friday after work nap it’s rail time.
First off I still had to finish stapling the outer aspect of the rail. No matter what you do there’s going to be some creases. I wound up pulling some staples and do more pulling and stapling. I did like the end result.

Stapled up. Let the trimming begin.

More trimming and more staples as far as the eyes can see.

After a ton of stapling and being on a re-stapling detail for crease control I gave her a flip.

X marks the spot. Finding the spacers at each spot I cut the proverbial X with my utility knife and gently pushed the drink holder into the Captain’s spot to start this process.

Before I knew it I had the drink holders in place. Let’s play.

I’m pretty pleased.

I’ll say this, the inside aspect of the rail was a real pig. My hands are sore but she’s done. Two nights and about 5 hours total. And remember this; never let perfect get in the way of really good.

Tomorrow we have some record warmth up here in Minnesota so the table goes into the driveway and I’ll do spray glue and table pad, spray glue and speed cloth and staples galore. The under the rail LED exactly like the one on my oval will be here in the morning according to Amazon so that will be installed.

If this becomes my main table I’ll move the 10 USB ports over the Super Ellipse “The Black Hole.”

It’s been a great project and I’ve used no outside help at all. This has been a solo mission. More to come.

Yay me.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)
Up with the dogs. Yep 4:30 AM every day. Once the long-haired German Shepard, that belongs to my son-in-law and banker of The
Executive Game, leaves the others will sleep later. Try doing this on a Saturday morning on an hour of sleep due to poker.

Couple of things. I was talking about the drink holder spacers earlier. If you can, buy them. It’ll add $50 to the cost of the table. I’ve never bought them. The first time we built them for the oval because we thought we were badass and I was cheap. The second time I built them it was because I couldn’t find them. But then if they’re available.

I talked about the next time I had to build them and maybe using PVC. On second thought I decided that might not work. Absolutely no give when pushing the drink holders in place. Once the vinyl flags are tucked into the spacer after you cut your X it’s a little more snug. My spacers had some give and I heard that when I inserted. Unless you can account for that, maybe PVC that’s a loose 3.5” inner diameter it might be too snug. I’ll try pine next time. It’s not a pressed wood and will be easier to work with.

That just popped into my head.

My hands, forearms and elbows are still a little sore from that damn rail.


Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)


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Coffee in and wife gone. Let’s get started.

Bare Naked Lady

Foam to the rescue.

Now, where did I put those damn scissors. So anxiety provoking cutting things. I need to work on that. This is my 7th build including two floppers way, way back at The Frogtown Card Club. You’d think I’d be over it by now.

Rough cut done. I need a drink.

Had this knot-like anomaly that I wasn’t sure would be completely under the rail. No sense in messing with those mile high chip stacks so we’ll fix it. If it were at the Captain’s spot I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m a bit of a donkey.

Alright, waiting for the spackle to dry. I’ll give her a sand and then cue up the spray glue.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)
Time to get this party started. Table to the driveway and time for foam. Layed the foam out and grabbed the trusty 3M 77.

All glued in place it was time to do a little finer trimming.

Looking good. You’ll notice in the four “corners” the frame that the current legs are attached to. I decided not to sweat it and use the legs as is. This table might wind up being put on a pedestal at some point.

While I was in the driveway working the Amazon guy pulled up and delivered the under rail LED.

Time to drape the speed cloth. I pulled back half the table and applied spray glue and smoothed the cloth and then repeated the process.

The first of at least two rounds of trimming. I already talked about my scissor concerns so I tend to trim in increments.

Trimmed a second time and ready for more staples.

Table brought safely back into the garage while I catch a college lacrosse game. The table is effectively finished. I’ll plug the under rail light in and begin the process of planning its installation.

Good looking table.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)


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We got everything but the last part!

But yeah I guess those corners won't matter much, the arilnwill cover it.

I am very curious how this is going to play.

Great job!
We got everything but the last part!

But yeah I guess those corners won't matter much, the arilnwill cover it.

I am very curious how this is going to play.

Great job!
Thanks Justin Bieber. The rail sort of rests on that frame so it’s a no harm no foul situation. You’ll be the first to pitch a session and I’m glad for that.
So, just opening the light for the rail from Amazon. I spent some time today painting the light that will hang over the Super Ellipse. It’s a match to the one hanging over the oval. Later tonight I’ll start installing the rail light. Could be a tomorrow morning thing too with rain in the forecast. We’ll see.

The light over the oval Big Red

The matching light to go over the Super Ellipse

I’ll check in later after I check out the rail light.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)
So here is the rail light. Same as on the oval. We run ours on “breathe” during the match and a slow “blink” during an all in moment.
Go us!

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)
So, wife and I dropped the rail onto the table this morning and like I thought, I’m going to have to run the router quick around the rail’s inside bottom. Sounds dirty right?

I already routed that and the table portion but foam and cloth typically will eat that up. I could have angle cut the foam at the top or simply trimmed an 1/8th an inch in and probably avoided this. I’ll remember that for my next build which per the Equipment Committee I’m being told is set for start at the end of March. Details to come but from what I’m being told is something we’ve never done and sort of a collaboration of my roots and my present philosophy and will literally knock the socks off of everyone,


Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)

Routed. Take that!
Alright… So, the Banker came over (The Chairman’s son-in-law who’s also a new homeowner and is two and a half minutes from us) and he assisted with placing the rail.

Routing success.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, I give you The Super Ellipse.

Ken (merkong)
*The Godfather Club MN (The Venue)
*The Executive Game, Eagan MN (Current)
*Frogtown Card Club, St. Paul (Retired)
*The Poker Family (Our Philosophy)

The “Black Hole”

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