The buyer on these fell through at the last minute, so I'm putting them back up for sale.
Paulson Classics Cash set in excellent to near mint condition.
$1 x 160
$5 x 313
$25 x 110
$100 x 20
Final price reduction: $1,800 shipped. I'll only ship to CONUS for now. (Reason the other sale fell through was bc buyer was in Europe). Send offers to me via PM only.
I will split the set up if all chips are accounted for ($3.25 / chip).
Paulson Classics Cash set in excellent to near mint condition.
$1 x 160
$5 x 313
$25 x 110
$100 x 20
Final price reduction: $1,800 shipped. I'll only ship to CONUS for now. (Reason the other sale fell through was bc buyer was in Europe). Send offers to me via PM only.
I will split the set up if all chips are accounted for ($3.25 / chip).
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