Casa Mango
Owner: @Eloe2000
Artist: @Eloe2000
Manufacturer: CPC
Mold: Circle Square
Showcase Threads:
Thoughts from the owner:
[NOTE - @Eloe2000 has not visited PCF since 2/23/24 and thus has not provided a write-up about his set; members of the committee have crafted this using information from his reveal threads]
I set out this time to create a set inspired by specific elements of South Florida where I am a non-native but currently live and where we play at my house nicknamed Casa Mango. I wanted to use bright tropical colors and also knew that I needed shaped inlays as they really elevate any chip. We call my house Casa Mango because of an exceptionally large and old mango tree that was centered in my backyard under which we play poker every week all year round. During the two to three months of mango season we would get as many as 200 mangos per day falling from significant heights. We developed a prop bet that if a mango hit anyone at the table while we were playing, everyone at the table would owe that person $5. While it only occurred once, it struck fear in the hearts of grown men every time we heard one release and rip down through the canopy. The Casa Mango name for our game really stuck. Unfortunately, since this set was ordered, I had an arborist examine the tree and removal was recommended due to age/rot/termites/proximity to house etc, and it has since been removed. This set has now become one to commemorate the tree.
Chips in the cash set are inspired by the electric pink sunsets that we can get at anytime of year that bathe the city in pink ($.25), by the amazing deep blue and turquoise water and coral reefs within the view of downtown Miami ($1), by the mangos that inspired the entire set ($5), by bougainvillea plants at our wedding that we subsequently planted around Casa Mango and that now grow around the property ($20) and by the colors of the city of Miami at night reflecting from the water ($100).
For the tournament set, I choose the 6A14 spot pattern because of the relative large spots in a classic spot pattern sometimes seen on WSOP chips as well as everyone's favorite home game chip. I don't have any special color story here. I just wanted to lean on non-DG base colors since I used DG base colors throughout the cash set. But I did want to use darker base colors for the lower denoms and lighten them as the values increased. And conversely start with lighter and brighter spots and darken those as values increased. I was excited to design the full inlay space and then add a white border. Very happy with the inlays on these.
Thoughts from the committee:
Both the cash set and tournament set knock it out of the park. The inlay is amazing. The spot patterns and clay choices work well in both sets. Excellent example overall of how to do bright colors well. Inspiration drawn from natural surroundings resulted in a cohesive, colorful work of art.
Set Denominations & Breakdown:
Cash Set
Tournament Set
Quotes from the community:
@Josh Kifer: “Whoever complains about the "mUtEd" colors at CPC is high. You did fantastic dude”
@MatthewTreeTree: “This set should/could be used as the face of PCF.”
@Rhodeman77: “Straight fire!”
Owner: @Eloe2000
Artist: @Eloe2000
Manufacturer: CPC
Mold: Circle Square
Showcase Threads:
Thoughts from the owner:
[NOTE - @Eloe2000 has not visited PCF since 2/23/24 and thus has not provided a write-up about his set; members of the committee have crafted this using information from his reveal threads]
I set out this time to create a set inspired by specific elements of South Florida where I am a non-native but currently live and where we play at my house nicknamed Casa Mango. I wanted to use bright tropical colors and also knew that I needed shaped inlays as they really elevate any chip. We call my house Casa Mango because of an exceptionally large and old mango tree that was centered in my backyard under which we play poker every week all year round. During the two to three months of mango season we would get as many as 200 mangos per day falling from significant heights. We developed a prop bet that if a mango hit anyone at the table while we were playing, everyone at the table would owe that person $5. While it only occurred once, it struck fear in the hearts of grown men every time we heard one release and rip down through the canopy. The Casa Mango name for our game really stuck. Unfortunately, since this set was ordered, I had an arborist examine the tree and removal was recommended due to age/rot/termites/proximity to house etc, and it has since been removed. This set has now become one to commemorate the tree.
Chips in the cash set are inspired by the electric pink sunsets that we can get at anytime of year that bathe the city in pink ($.25), by the amazing deep blue and turquoise water and coral reefs within the view of downtown Miami ($1), by the mangos that inspired the entire set ($5), by bougainvillea plants at our wedding that we subsequently planted around Casa Mango and that now grow around the property ($20) and by the colors of the city of Miami at night reflecting from the water ($100).
For the tournament set, I choose the 6A14 spot pattern because of the relative large spots in a classic spot pattern sometimes seen on WSOP chips as well as everyone's favorite home game chip. I don't have any special color story here. I just wanted to lean on non-DG base colors since I used DG base colors throughout the cash set. But I did want to use darker base colors for the lower denoms and lighten them as the values increased. And conversely start with lighter and brighter spots and darken those as values increased. I was excited to design the full inlay space and then add a white border. Very happy with the inlays on these.
Thoughts from the committee:
Both the cash set and tournament set knock it out of the park. The inlay is amazing. The spot patterns and clay choices work well in both sets. Excellent example overall of how to do bright colors well. Inspiration drawn from natural surroundings resulted in a cohesive, colorful work of art.
Set Denominations & Breakdown:
- 200 x 25¢ - DG Pink with 212 spots (Lavender and Blurple)
- 340 x $1 - DG Peacock base with 3d14 spots (Bright White and Light Green)
- 320 x $5 - DG Arc Yellow with 3ta316 spots (DG Yellow, DG Tiger and Retro Red)
- 100 x $20 - DG Green with 614 spots (DG Pink, Green and Retro Lavender)
- 40 x $100 - Black with 4TA181418 spots (DG Peach, Imperial Blue and DG Yellow)
- 160 x $25 - Green with 614 spots (DG Green and Bright White)
- 160 x $100 – Imperial Blue with 614 spots (DG Peach and Light Blue)
- 100 x $500 – Retro Lavender with 614 spots (DG Pink and Purple)
- 180 x $1000 – DG Arc Yellow with 614 spots (DG Tiger and DG Yellow)
- 100 x $5000 – Bright White with 614 spots (DG Peacock and Blurple)
Cash Set
Tournament Set
Quotes from the community:
@Josh Kifer: “Whoever complains about the "mUtEd" colors at CPC is high. You did fantastic dude”
@MatthewTreeTree: “This set should/could be used as the face of PCF.”
@Rhodeman77: “Straight fire!”