Poker club and event management app / platform

Poker club and event management app / platform

What is club.pkr?

More than just a messaging app for poker club members, club.pkr is also a poker club management app. It has been designed to simplify the lives of poker enthusiasts by offering tools for club organization, event scheduling, and seamless communication.

Key Features
  • Join existing poker clubs
  • Form new poker clubs
  • Chat with club members
  • Arrange poker tournament events
  • Arrange cash sessions
  • Track invites
  • Send/receive notifications
  • and more!

Screenshot 2025-03-03 223120.png

What is club.pkr | PRO?

club.pkr | PRO
offers a more streamlined and practical way to manage your club. It will include much of the features currently available in the app — plus more!

Additional capabilities include sending event invitations via e-mail, along with additional enhancements to improve your club management experience.

What is the current state of this app / platform?

club.pkr is still underdevelopment, so over the coming weeks and months expect more changes and updates.

By joining our beta testing program, you’ll get early access to the app’s latest features and the opportunity to help shape its development. Your feedback will play a crucial role in making the app the best it can be.

How to download club.pkr

is available for both Android and iOS phones. Click here for download link -

Latest Update

The latest version of the app is now available download on Android and iOS phones.

Release Notes:
  • New Features:
    • Club administrators now have the ability to record player buy-ins and payouts.
    • Added the option to update the status of active sessions / events. Status options include: *Upcoming > Active > Complete*
  • Enhancements:
    • Improved club member invitation system.
    • Updated app registration process.
  • The app no longer requires access to your contacts list.
  • General Improvements: Various bug fixes to enhance performance and user experience.

Known Issues:
- During club creation, the process still requires sending at least one club invitation.
- On the Player Payout Card, the "Owed Amount" displays as 0.00 when the "In For" amount equals the "Out For" amount.
- Able to send multiple club invitations to the same recipient

Slight change of plan. club.pkr | PRO is now available -

Who is club.pkr | PRO for?
This platform is for club hosts and admins. Only those that have created clubs within the club.pkr app can review and manage clubs within club.pkr | PRO.

How do I access club.pkr | PRO?
* The platform is accessed via the website. You'll notice a link in the top right corner of the page.
* Note - You need a club.pkr account to create a club.pkr | PRO account.

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What can I currently do within club.pkr | PRO?
  • Review list of members
  • Review list of scheduled events (upcoming and past)
  • Update the status of scheduled events - Pending, Active, Complete
  • Add guest players to upcoming events
    • Platform will automatically send out invitation to guest(s)
    • Option add multiple guests to a session in one go - This is done by uploading a csv file containing the names and email addresses of all recipients
    • All guests players will receive an email containing a link to an event invitation screen. From there they'll be able to post their response - ACCEPT, DECLINE, MAYBE. Should a guest choose to accept an invite, they'll receive a calendar invite / reminder via email.
    • NOTE - Please register at least one player via the club.pkr app, prior to adding players from within club.pkr | PRO
Can I add new or remove existing club members?
No, this is still being worked on. You can still add members via the app.

Can I schedule or delete events?
No, this is still being worked on. You can still schedule new events via the app.

Over the coming days and weeks I plan to unlock more features, options and bug fixes, so please continue to keep an eye on this thread.

As always I look-forward to receiving your feedback.

club.pkr - Screenshots


Home screen - Navigate between the four main areas of the app


Manage your club - Review and manage members and events



Members can review and register for upcoming events


Review and manage confirmed players


Keep track of what is owed following the completion of a session
club.pkr | PRO Screenshots

Review and manage upcoming events

Send invitations to quest players. Track responses and confirmed player list.

Keep track of what a player owes or is owed following the completion of an event.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. club.pkr | PRO 24032025

    Updates The main dashboard now returns basic information about the next upcoming event Minor...
  2. club.pkr | PRO 220325

    First of all the website and web-app is back up and running. I literally just found out that it...
  3. club.pkr | PRO

    club.pkr | PRO is back up and available for review and testing. club.pkr | PRO has been...
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