

Send Message Optimizations and bug fixes
Sorry, I lost track of all the random fixes and tweaks. But please use this version going forward.

I did add the capability of customizing your own Status Notification Change message.
I just found an issue that affects the iOS/Siri Shortcut. The issue is in the sheet not the shortcut. Look for 4.0c sometime this weekend.
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Just some fixes to issues identified in Beta testing
Also added the capability of adding a logo to the web page.
Hi All,
I just posted a BETA of version 4.0.

New in this version:
  1. Added More options to Siri Shortcut
  2. Fixed Last Comment logic
  3. Improved support for Siri Shortcut
  4. Added color options for Dashboard Statuses
  5. Converted most tabs to Sheets Tables
  6. Cleaned up Guest tab and Status tabs to eliminate most hidden columns
  7. Adding rows to Guests and Statuses can now be done natively in the sheet
  8. Added capability of adding an event description to the Dashboard
  9. Added Current Event Activity to the bottom of the web page
Hi All,
I just posted version 3.7.

New in this version:
  1. Performance improvement for Web page used by your guess. The page now loads faster and refreshes on screen when the user makes a change.

  2. Enhanced support for Siri Shortcut. You can now use this menu driven shortcut to send texts and or emails directly from your phone. You can also perform several other host functions right from the shortcut.

  3. Added a few other tokens for message templates. See the TEST message template for what's currently available.
Hi All,
I just updated v3.6 with the following features:

  1. Reworked web page navigation to help eliminate phantom status changes due to web crawlers.
  2. Reworked web navigation to refresh page content on status changes and comment entries
  3. Added support for iOS Shortcut
Just head over to the main resource page to grab your copy.
Hi All,
I just released another major new version with the following features:

  1. Introduced Lists. You can now assign gests to different lists (i.e. A List, B List etc.) and send your invites in batches.
  2. Broke out the fields for Cell Phone and SMS/MMS Gateway in the Guests list for a better look and cleaner Twilio integration.
  3. Moved the Twilio configuration to the Settings Tab.
  4. Created a new drop down menu for adding Guests, Message Templates and Statuses.
  5. Reconfigured the Message Templates to show up as columns rather than rows to make them easier to manage from a mobile phone.
  6. Made formatting improvements to various screens.
  7. Added new tokens for use in the message templates.
  8. Added last comment posted right below each guest in the web view.
  9. Made various minor bug fixes.
  10. Updated documentation to cover all these changes.

Just head over to the main resource page to grab your copy.
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This version will have the ability for you to manage a B-List and Even a C-List so that you can send your invites in batches - allowing your regulars to get first dibs at a seat.

Also, the Guests screen has been reworked to better handle the distinction between straight sms texting and sms gateway texting.

I’m still working through the nuances of the recently introduced Twilio integration and I probably won’t post this version until I’m done with that.

In the meantime let me know if there is anything else you’d like to see included in this version.
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I just posted the v3.5 manual on the resource page.

Thank you all for your great feedback. Keep it coming.

This tool is completely free to the community. I’ve enjoyed making it and am happy to share it and continue to improve it.

Some have asked so I’ll say it here. If you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee to cover some of my late nights on this project my Venmo is:
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