Poker club and event management app / platform

Poker club and event management app / platform

  • The main dashboard now returns basic information about the next upcoming event
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Other minor changes
The plan now is to begin work on giving users the ability to update and remove existing events.

Please note that during this beta phase, access to PRO is completely free. Once the full version is released, I may turn into a paid service. For now though, it will remain completely free.

Thanks again to all those that have taken the time out to review and test.

First of all the website and web-app is back up and running. I literally just found out that it had stopped working.

Collection of updates and bug fixes introduced:
  • The platform now returns the displays the local time
  • Email and Event Calendar invites updated to include the club name
  • SMS Notification
    • You can now send SMS notifications to guest players' mobiles. I'm inviting both Americans and Europeans to test this out. Please remember to include the international code. e.g - +447123123123 , +1349123123123
    • Please note that you cannot send more than one notification to a guest within any two-day period.
    • Also note that this feature is still under-going testing. So expect changes and updates in the near future
  • Hand full of other changes minor changes


Expect to find more bugs.

Thanks again!
club.pkr | PRO is back up and available for review and testing.

club.pkr | PRO has been designed to offer a more enhanced club.pkr experience for club owners and their administrators.


Registration Process
Please note that a club.pkr account is required before you can open a club.pkr | PRO account.

Below is a list of what you can currently do within this beta build of PRO.

  • Review list of club members
  • Update your club's Description / Welcome Message
  • Review upcoming events
  • Update the status of scheduled events
  • Review event details
  • Invite one or more gust players to an event - Invites are sent out via email.
    • Recipients can respond to invites. Responses - Accept, Decline, Maybe
    • Upon accepting an invite the recipient will receive a calendar invite via email
    • Option to download invite as a PDF
    • Guest Players - Those who aren't currently a member of your club.
  • Manage Player Payout Cards - Payout cards record how much a player owes or is owed following the completion of a session. The cards are currently only available for club members.
    • Update cards
Expect further updates over the coming weeks.
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