Tournament Prize Payout Calculator

Tournament Prize Payout Calculator V 202501

This Open Source (Excel/Google compatible) spreadsheet calculates poker tournament prizes based on three variables as entered into the yellow cells.

1. Buyin amount - this simply determines the size of the tournament pot. Right now, the tool doesn't explicitly account for either add-ons or rebuys that are for a different amount than the original buyin.

2. % Payout - what % of the number of buyins (or, this could be thought of as number of players instead) do you wish to pay prizes to. The calculator only works for 9 or fewer prize payouts so, for example, if you have 100 buyins and want to pay 10% of the field, it won't calculate the 10th prize. Of course, you can go "all in" and update the sheet to work for 10 or more buyins if you wish!

3. Prize Reduction Factor - by what amount do you want to reduce each prize to calculate the next lower prize.

While the sheet won't work for every possible combination of these three variables, I think it will work for most home games and leagues being run by PCF'rs.

The calculator doesn't round the Prize payouts to whole dollars. This works for if you use Venmo or other such app to take in and payout prizes. It could easily be updated (not planned by me for now) to round the dollar amounts.

I built this calculator when I needed to extend my existing league payout structure from 4 prizes to 5 prizes and realized how arbitrary (aka unfair, IMHO) my current payout structure is (where did 50-30-20% come from anyway?!)!

Please DM me to let me know if you find errors in the formulas.

The formula cells are not locked.

I can answer questions but can't promise to troubleshoot a problem if you have altered anything other than the 3 variables.


PS - wouldn't it be nice if TD had this capability
First release
Last update


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