1-3 hand from the Horshoe (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Ellicott City, MD
so, I don't get out much with my active kids, but I was able to meet some of the guys this past Sunday at the shoe.

The table has been shifting a lot, and the play from most of the table has been pretty bad. We've seen 3betting with weak hands that they thought were strong, the calling 3bets with crap, and the willingness to pay people off when they just can't fold that top pair.

The hand in question.
I am on the button this hand, and villain 3 seats behind me. He has bought in short ($100) twice. Has been calling raises and folding to most bets. Early, he got it all in on J 10 x board and lost to my top 2. He never showed. I am tired at this point, and don't have much of a read as he has not played many pots

Villain starts the hand with ~130, and I cover with about $450 behind.

I look down at AJss. It limps to our villain who makes it $13 (about the standard pre-flop raise at the table). It folds to me.

Should I call, raise, or fold? If raising, how much?
I would personally make it 30-35. leaves you in a tricky spot if flop comes raggy and theres 70-75 in the pot and he has a single pot sized bet, he can jam with any 2 cards.
so, I don't get out much with my active kids, but I was able to meet some of the guys this past Sunday at the shoe.

The table has been shifting a lot, and the play from most of the table has been pretty bad. We've seen 3betting with weak hands that they thought were strong, the calling 3bets with crap, and the willingness to pay people off when they just can't fold that top pair.

The hand in question.
I am on the button this hand, and villain 3 seats behind me. He has bought in short ($100) twice. Has been calling raises and folding to most bets. Early, he got it all in on J 10 x board and lost to my top 2. He never showed. I am tired at this point, and don't have much of a read as he has not played many pots

Villain starts the hand with ~130, and I cover with about $450 behind.

I look down at AJss. It limps to our villain who makes it $13 (about the standard pre-flop raise at the table). It folds to me.

Should I call, raise, or fold? If raising, how much?

You should send your shipping address to justsomedude
So if you raise, how much? $35?

How many players are left to act?
I like a flat call here. V was week last time he tangled with you, possibly bluffing. Most players after losing a decent sized pot like that tighten up for a while, which he seems to have done. I would give him credit for a stronger opening range at this point.

Take a flop and evaluate.
Ok, so I called the raise,and everyone else folds. We are now heads up. Flop is J 8 4 with 2 diamonds. Villain leads out for $20. What is our action now?
Well, you could flat, and face a whole bunch of scary turns, or he is short enough that you could jimmy jam here and put him to a decision. I mean I think you have to pay him off if he has an over pair or a set, since he's so short. Also, I would feel a lot better if the non-diamond on the flop is a spade, just in case.

I agree with the flat pre-flop btw. He's opening up UTG, so in theory his range should be stronger.
Flopping top/top you are pretty much committed to the pot with how short his stack is. It is now a matter of how you feel best to get all the money in.

I like a flat call again here. Give him a chance to to continue to barrel if he is bluffing or has a smaller PP than Your pair of Jacks.

Raising may scare him off if he has a hand like AQ. Plus since we hold an A we reduce his possible holdings of AK & AQ leaving the hands that beat you, namely KK & QQ still strongly in his range and those hands aren't going anywhere anyways.

If checked to on the turn, bet $40 with the plan being to get the rest in on the river.
Flopping top/top you are pretty much committed to the pot with how short his stack is. It is now a matter of how you feel best to get all the money in.

I like a flat call again here. Give him a chance to to continue to barrel if he is bluffing or has a smaller PP than Your pair of Jacks.

Raising may scare him off if he has a hand like AQ. Plus since we hold an A we reduce his possible holdings of AK & AQ leaving the hands that beat you, namely KK & QQ still strongly in his range and those hands aren't going anywhere anyways.

If checked to on the turn, bet $40 with the plan being to get the rest in on the river.

If you jam, you could be called here with AK or AQ, thinking you are shoving with a flush draw. And there are still more AK and AQ hands than KK and QQ, despite you having an ace in your hand.
I agree you may get called, and a diamond coming off hurts our chances of him stacking off thinking hero is on a flush draw.

But I think if he is going to bet let him keep doing it. We have position, so we can bet if he stops. If we raise we are taking the lead away from him and he may shut down with the hands we are ahead of but never folding the hands we are behind.

If we were out of position I would lean more towards a check raise jam since he could check the turn back and we risk not getting more money into the pot.
I agree you may get called, and a diamond coming off hurts our chances of him stacking off thinking hero is on a flush draw.

But I think if he is going to bet let him keep doing it. We have position, so we can bet if he stops. If we raise we are taking the lead away from him and he may shut down with the hands we are ahead of but never folding the hands we are behind.

If we were out of position I would lean more towards a check raise jam since he could check the turn back and we risk not getting more money into the pot.

We're not that deep. If he is just on a draw, we want him to call, not give him a free card to get there. And he is more likely to call with two cards to come than one. There is also a chance he stacks off thinking we are on a draw, if he has a pair. I think jamming makes us look weaker then just raising, and we can conceivably get called by pocket pairs below the jack as well as AK and AQ. He's also calling with any worse jack, if he's the type to open with QJ, KJ, and JT.
He has ~$97 left after his bet, there is $46 in the pot, once we call $66 so we have to raise to $166 to get him all in. He has bought in short twice for $100 so still having that amount left if he folds may be fine with him.

If we call there is still $66 in the pot and he may jam the turn now thinking we are drawing and can get us to fold diamonds or that his AK is actually the best hand.

I don't hate a raise, I just don't want to let him off the hook with the over bet if he isn't very strong when he is already betting.
Preflop is fine, so is a raise. I raise flop. Villain is so short it does not matter.
AJs is a trouble hand. It is hard to know how to proceed post flop - Vs a bigger ace you need to hit a jack; Vs an big pair (but not aces) you need to hit an ace; sometimes ace high is best; sometimes either a jack or ace will due. Obviously making the nut - broadway or the flush works.

The stacks are too short to view this as a suited ace rather than a big ace. The SPR will be five and at the edge of the domain for one pair hands, yet Hero's hand is trickiest when it makes a pair.

I recommend folding -=- DrStrange
Oops, was thinking this was the Omaha hand.

I raised to $60, and he snapped shoved for 50+ more. At this point, I couldn't find a fold and called. He flipped over kings with no diamond. The board ran out running diamonds but no Ace or jack.
Once you raise I don't mind calling off against a villain this short. You have potential to be ahead of some opponents here, and likely have decent equity to call when behind. Folding flop is way too weak/exploitable, but just calling is not a bad option. Leaves you the option of reevaluating on the turn and possibly representing a scare card if villain slows down.

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