Found 1 or 2 barrels of Jack Detroit 500 primary chips. (1 Viewer)

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3 of a Kind
Jan 28, 2019
Reaction score
Saint Louis, MO

Help me finish my set. The $1k & $5k barrels are on their way to me :)

As it bothers me when people don't post what they would like to offer for chips that they want, I will post my pricing that I would like to pay :)

Wanting JACK casino chips in the following quantities:

Looking for:
20-40 x $500 primaries - offering $155/barrel
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Probably my final bump. I have an offer for a rack of these. I would rather only get another barrel or two, but I will purchase the rack if no other offers come in soon
It looks like I will now have a complete set. Thank you to everyone that was able to help me obtain my Jack Set.

The set will be playable after today's delivery!
Once all of my shipments arrive, my set will be complete :) Might even be hosting a game in 8 days with them, if that day works for the crew.
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