Full House
This is your chance to get some minty PNY's.
300 x 1$ 375$/rack
100 x 5$ 200$/rack
Buy all and I'll ship for free!
Trade possible for:
This is your chance to get some minty PNY's.
300 x 1$ 375$/rack
100 x 5$ 200$/rack
Buy all and I'll ship for free!
Trade possible for:
- MGM Las Vegas, Detroit sets (especially obsolete quarters) or Foxwoods
- Mirage 1$, 3$ and 5$
- PNY 100's, 500's or 1k's (all sec.) 2,50$ or 20$ would also be fine
- Horseshoe Clevelands
- Ritz Carlton
- Shipping incl. tracking (insurance about 50$) is about 20$ (only one rack possible)
- Shipping incl. tracking and insurance up to 500$ is about 40$ (up to 3 racks)
- Shipping incl. tracking and insurance up to 1000$ is about 60$ (up to 3 racks)
- Shipping incl. tracking and insurance up to 2000$ is about 70$ (up to 3 racks)
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