I joined PCF a year ago and my chipping life has been forever changed. (Or started depending on how you look at it.) I would like to share what my first years labor has resulted in. I joined a little late to the game and have seen prices skyrocket. I am thankful to all of you that have helped me put together these sets. (You know who you are.) Without you I would have never have been able to do this.
Thank you!
This is the first set I completed. 2/4 limit. Garden City.
Got very lucky with this set. All the 1s in one haul for a great price. Only issue is they were shipped in one LFRB. Box was dropped and one lonely soul was lost. Haven't been able to find just one. Oh well. This is my 1/2 limit set. Bud Jones Thunderbird Casino and Lounge out of Washington with a rack of Normandie fracs.
This is my NL cash set. PCAs. This one took the longest to piece together. It has been fun. Some of these have been cleaned and some not. (Have to break out the ultra sonic)
These are my 9 Dragons one table rebuy tourney set. Can go 10k or 5k starting stack. Love the low buy in 5k starting stack tourneys. Lots of chips on the table.
Also my Par-a-dice heads up set.
Thank you!
This is the first set I completed. 2/4 limit. Garden City.
Got very lucky with this set. All the 1s in one haul for a great price. Only issue is they were shipped in one LFRB. Box was dropped and one lonely soul was lost. Haven't been able to find just one. Oh well. This is my 1/2 limit set. Bud Jones Thunderbird Casino and Lounge out of Washington with a rack of Normandie fracs.
This is my NL cash set. PCAs. This one took the longest to piece together. It has been fun. Some of these have been cleaned and some not. (Have to break out the ultra sonic)
These are my 9 Dragons one table rebuy tourney set. Can go 10k or 5k starting stack. Love the low buy in 5k starting stack tourneys. Lots of chips on the table.
Also my Par-a-dice heads up set.