1 Year of Chipping - State of Collection - chip Pr0n! (1 Viewer)


Apr 22, 2018
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
It’s been about 1 year now since I got the poker chip bug. I’ve always really loved poker chips, I just didn’t really understand the true depths of this hobby until about a year ago. For a long time I had what I thought was a cool set that I got off of eBay. I think they were called Kings Casino chips. I got to pick my denominations and they looked/felt better than dice chips. I got a lot of use out of them.

After a while I stumbled on to China Clay chips and I bought a large set of Milanos. I actually really hated them. They felt and smelled weird. I was so crushed and I kept searching online for alternatives… that’s when I found this website. It actually took me several years to build up the courage to take the plunge into nicer chips, which was about a year ago.


When I finally decided to buy a set of Paulsons, I didn’t know much at the time and I stumbled onto a small set of Grand Victorias here on the forum. They seemed reasonably priced so I bought them. Since then, I’ve been adding to it and I’m mostly complete if I could just find a few more barrels. I’ve grown to really really love this set. The colors are awesome, the weight of the chips are awesome. I love the leaded look. And since they were my first real chips I have a nostalgia for them.



As I was building this set I came across the forum page sponsored by the Chip Room. At this time the Jack Cincinnati sale was going on. I really wanted to start building a tournament set. After looking at many options and buying a few sets that didn’t really fit the bill. I found the Jack Cincinnati White label set. This was literally the perfect set for me. Real Casino chips. Solid colors. Lots of denominations. And there were enough out there to actually build a large enough set. I’ll admit… I went a little crazy on these. But I really love them. Now I need to continue to grow my game. I’m up to 3 tables and could easily do more if I had more space. I completed my rack of 25k since this pic but I didn’t want to line them all up for another shot.



Now since I had already invested in the Jack Cinci tournament chips I thought it would be nice to have the cash chips also. I think this is a really fun set and I’m glad I had the chance to buy most of them while the chip room sale was active. They’re my friends favorites also.


Finally, I thought it would be a really fun project to design and build my own custom set. I was very deep down the rabbit hole of designing a CPC set. I had my inlays designed by a forum member here. Then, I got a sample set from CPC and I wasn’t 100% sure that I loved the feel of the chips. I was likely still going to order a set but I was worried that for the price… what if I regret it? Then I found a post here about a Cards Mold group buy. For the price of the chips, I figured what could hurt? So I ordered a tournament set.



When I got these chips I was blown away with how awesome they were. Are they Paulson’s? No. But for the price, they’re amazing. They were a huge hit at my last tournament.

Finally, it only seemed right to add a Cards Mold cash set also. So I took advantage of another group buy for those. Also I added onto my tournament set to expand it a little more.




I really love how both the cash and tournament set turned out!

Not sure what’s next for me. Maybe some THC’s. But I’m not entirely sure they’re worth the premium to me. I’m very happy with what I’ve acquired thus far. And thanks to PCF for being such a fun and helpful place to hang out in. I’ve met some fantastic people who I keep in touch with regularly. I’ve even had someone come to my home game. This is an incredible community!
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It’s been about 1 year now since I got the poker chip bug. I’ve always really loved poker chips, I just didn’t really understand the true depths of this hobby until about a year ago. For a long time I had what I thought was a cool set that I got off of eBay. I think they were called Kings Casino chips. I got to pick my denominations and they looked/felt better than dice chips. I got a lot of use out of them.

After a while I stumbled on to China Clay chips and I bought a large set of Milanos. I actually really hated them. They felt and smelled weird. I was so crushed and I kept searching online for alternatives… that’s when I found this website. It actually took me several years to build up the courage to take the plunge into nicer chips, which was about a year ago.

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When I finally decided to buy a set of Paulsons, I didn’t know much at the time and I stumbled onto a small set of Grand Victorias here on the forum. They seemed reasonably priced so I bought them. Since then, I’ve been adding to it and I’m mostly complete if I could just find a few more barrels. I’ve grown to really really love this set. The colors are awesome, the weight of the chips are awesome. I love the leaded look. And since they were my first real chips I have a nostalgia for them.

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As I was building this set I came across the forum page sponsored by the Chip Room. At this time the Jack Cincinnati sale was going on. I really wanted to start building a tournament set. After looking at many options and buying a few sets that didn’t really fit the bill. I found the Jack Cincinnati White label set. This was literally the perfect set for me. Real Casino chips. Solid colors. Lots of denominations. And there were enough out there to actually build a large enough set. I’ll admit… I went a little crazy on these. But I really love them. Now I need to continue to grow my game. I’m up to 3 tables and could easily do more if I had more space. I completed my rack of 25k since this pic but I didn’t want to line them all up for another shot.
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Now since I had already invested in the Jack Cinci tournament chips I thought it would be nice to have the cash chips also. I think this is a really fun set and I’m glad I had the chance to buy most of them while the chip room sale was active. They’re my friends favorites also.

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Finally, I thought it would be a really fun project to design and build my own custom set. I was very deep down the rabbit hole of designing a CPC set. I had my inlays designed by a forum member here. Then, I got a sample set from CPC and I wasn’t 100% sure that I loved the feel of the chips. I was likely still going to order a set but I was worried that for the price… what if I regret it? Then I found a post here about a Cards Mold group buy. For the price of the chips, I figured what could hurt? So I ordered a tournament set.

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When I got these chips I was blown away with how awesome they were. Are they Paulson’s? No. But for the price, they’re amazing. They were a huge hit at my last tournament.
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Finally, it only seemed right to add a Cards Mold cash set also. So I took advantage of another group buy for those. Also I added onto my tournament set to expand it a little more.
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I really love how both the cash and tournament set turned out!

Not sure what’s next for me. Maybe some THC’s. But I’m not entirely sure they’re worth the premium to me. I’m very happy with what I’ve acquired thus far. And thanks to PCF for being such a fun and helpful place to hang out in. I’ve met some fantastic people who I keep in touch with regularly. I’ve even had someone come to my home game. This is an incredible community!
Very nice!!

I suggest skipping the THC rabbit hole and jumping straight into TRKs. It's kind of like punching your wallet in the crotch instead of in the face...LOL.

In all seriousness though, very nice job building sets you love at good prices!! :tup:
Great post, cool chips! :love:

I was trying to form a non blunt sentence about recommending this, but let’s face it, you are a sloppy stacker and you do need this :). It’s a total game changer, trust me:

I done mine manually and it a pain to do so, wish I know this much earlier before I took my group collection pron

Congrats @jrs146 on your first year of Chips Collection, it been a very fruitful year for you
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Ben Book Warning!! Ye Be Warned!! Lol

Fantastic write up on your journey thus far. As far as the next step... never go by what everyone else is doing! If you have the chips that cover your games and your crew is happy with them... why the heck would you want to upgrade, get everyone loving something else and then NOT want to play on all of your hard earned investments.

Sure Leaded THCs and Scrown TRKs are awesome. I say this all the time that I feel terrible for new members coming In May never really have the opportunity to own what many of us consider the "top tier" poker chips. But if you never buy any then do you really know what you are missing? Nope

The next step that I would suggest would be stepping out of the ole comfort zone. Join some chippers on the road and attend a meet up. This was something that obviously @FordPickup92 and I had no clue what we were getting in to. Scary to go play with a bunch of strangers that most of them are seasoned hosts and Fantastic cards players that likely outmatched our skill level... but what we found was absolutely amazing. Not only do you get to sample/check out tons of amazing chips (many that a lot of us can't afford) but the friendships built with like minded enthusiasts is absolutely amazing.

Of course this means putting your hands on leaded chips... it has been known to be the kiss of death. I have literally looked into the eyes of newer members the first time they grab a barrel of leaded chips and watch their heart break as they realize what the "top tier" that which is far out of their price range actually is... believe me the same thing happened to us. Also once you know... it is extremely difficult to get it out of your head, it becomes an obsession figuring out a way you can sneak in between all these sets out there and find a way to get something playable for yourself.

As far as CPCs... not sure what samples you tried out but remeber there are many molds out there. Also minty CPCs suck, the sharp edges do not shuffle well at all... but as they get broke in they just get better and better. Again back to traveling meet up poker you get to try out lots of different chips. I don't think anyone out there loves every mold and opinions very greatly on the different molds that are available. For example I don't like the FDL mold, it feels thin, not enough texture even though we own a set I would not go out of my way to buy more. CSQ is my favorite, if you like THC chips I would suggest the Jockey Mold. They are generally lighter especially if you like bright colors (that are not weighted with brass). Not saying that is the right step for you... just saying, I would try to play In a few games where CPCs are used on a regular basis such as @krafticus here in Maryland (not too far from you). The biggest thing with CPCs is that they break in but they don't wear down like Paulson RHCs, I mean all clay wears down but no where near as fast. A once a month home game, single or double table you really have nothing to worry about, but say a weekly game, thosRhCHCs will wear down much faster than you think.

Again absolutely nothing wrong with walking away ahead, with money still in your wallet! But if you find yourself still looking around and wondering. Come on down to Maryland, heck join us in September in Philly for @MegaTon44 gane. Happy to be an enabler and bring you anything you would like to check out.

Congratulations on the milestone and hope you can get away before she pulls you in even further! Haha

Fellow Chipper Ben

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