Good deal for some newbies. Hope no chip flippers get these! these could be a great start for someone. I almost purchased them to keep them for newbies but thought I would hold off for now
Every time a "good deal" comes along you always boast how you're holding off for the newbies. It's boderline annoying. Just buy them and relist - if you truly want a newbie to have them.
This^^^^^Wow, I was one who had given you the benefit of the doubt but now calling me out saying that you are annoyed by my comments. Not cool. I am sorry you find me "boderline" annoying. I for one was one that tried to help you when you first showed up but now your true colors are showing.
and this^^^^^^Sorry everyone else had to read this but this is ridiculous and not a way someone becomes a part of the community!!!
and this especially^^^^^^Hope no chip flippers get these!
How many listings 4? 5? 6? Can't tell...
I never once called you a chip flipper. So I do not know where you get off accusing me of that. I was not bringing attention to myself and could care less how you feel.I'm done trying to fit in bro. You obviously lobbed the "flipper" comment out there for a reason. Quit playing hero, that's all.
I never said you were annoying. What I inferred was that you always bring attention to yourself. That is annoying.
You don't like what I have to say, don't read my posts either. As for my true colors, you'll never wonder where I stand my friend. I call it like I see it.
It was 3. One sold. Looks like down to 2How many listings 4? 5? 6? Can't tell...
You're so vain, you probably think this post was about you, Tim you're so vain....I have issued an apology to @David O for misinterpreting his comments. This little flare-up was my bad.