For Sale 190 x Paulson National Poker Series (Near Mint, Now Splitting) (3 Viewers)

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4 of a Kind
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
30   0   0
Chips: Paulson National Poker Series.

Quantity: 190 chips.

Denomination Breakdown: 30 x NCV; 100 x 100; 30 x 500; 30 x 1000.

Condition: Near mint. Only put into play a few times. Crisp edges and no bites.

Price: $630 delivered to the USA from the UK ($3 a chip + fully insured delivery @ $60). If there are chippers from any other countries interested, just let me know and we can sort out a price, no problem.

Splits: Will do so if all are accounted for.

So far, the following are accounted for:

@Ram15 / NCV x 30 + $500s x 30
@Aplusent / $1000s x 30 (@edabbs44 backup)
@edabbs44 / $100 x 30
@Mike mac / $100 x 20
@TheDonkeyKong / $100 x 20

All Sold!




If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Happy chipping!
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Chips: Paulson National Poker Series.

Quantity: 190 chips.

Denomination Breakdown: 30 x NCV; 100 x 100; 30 x 500; 30 x 1000.

Condition: Near mint. Only put into play a few times. Crisp edges and no bites.

Price: $630 delivered to the USA ($3 a chip + fully insured delivery @ $60). If there are chippers from any other countries interested, just let me know and we can sort out a price, no problem.

First Refusal: Due to the ongoing pandemic, I don't want to split these and have to make multiple trips to the Post Office etc. If somebody wants to take delivery of them all and then ship what is needed to various chippers, however, I will do so if all are accounted for. That said, @Roll Tide Roll will get first dibs on these as I know he has been after a rack of the hundos for a while (not sure if you've since found them?).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Happy chipping!

Very Very cool of you! I gave up my hunt and sold mine to @edabbs44 .

Thanks again for thinking of me!
Would be interested in a split (especially 1000s but dibs already called). Good luck!
OK, screw it, let's give the people what they want and deserve: a split!

So far, the following are accounted for:

@Ram15 / NCV x 30
@Aplusent / $1000s x 30 (@edabbs44 backup)
@edabbs44 / $100 x 30
@Mike mac / $100 x 20
@TheDonkeyKong / $100 x 20

Just need somebody to take the black $100s x 30 + purple $500s x 30 for this split to happen now!
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Sorry for the confusion, I wouldn’t be in for all the 100s. I’d be in for 20 or if you would do 30.
Let's bump this up, shall we? 30 x black hundos still available...
You guys are nuts for not buying all these chips up.
These are almost as hard to find as Crystal Park $3 chips!
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50 x $100s left. Will sell as a 25 and 25; 30 and 20 or 40 and 10. All 50 for $170 shipped.
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