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Not Mine - Closed 1930s Nazi Chips at a antique store (2 Viewers)

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Jan 14, 2018
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South Dakota
Sticky note says "1930s clay chips.....". Selling for $600. Anyone have any clue what these are worth? Thank you!


  • IMG_20240831_141229.jpg
    92.3 KB · Views: 137
They predate nazi germany. Might be worth something to people that collect swastikas, or less than nothing to those that don’t.
Long story short, they’re called paranoids and they were popular in the early 20th century. They came with a variety of symbols on them; swastika happened to be one of them.
If you are really concerned about this kinda stuff you should look up Hitler and Porsche and their Volks-Wagon, the car for the people.

Evidently having an affordable car that is easily repaired is a Nazi idea and should never be pursued ever again.
If you are really concerned about this kinda stuff you should look up Hitler and Porsche and their Volks-Wagon, the car for the people.
God you’re an Ignorant ass. My family is fucking German you arrogant “enlightened” puff bag.

I spent my summers over there with my Oma and Opa (and extended family) growing up, who have a bit of a first hand perspective being as they kinda lived through it, you nimrod.

Or, perhaps I could share some survivor stories from my wife’s family who just happen to be Jewish.

But please continue telling me what I should learn from you. Sometimes you really should just STFU.
As noted above, these are paranoid chips. Lots and lots of options for images. Millions of chips were made. Worth $0.10 to $0.50 each.

I collect these images:

They predate WWII and were called "Double star" chips

Yours are "broken cross" The symbol is widely used over many cultures. It was a good luck symbol prior to WWII

Apologies for those who crapped in your thread. -=- DrStrange
God you’re an Ignorant ass. My family is fucking German you arrogant “enlightened” puff bag.

I spent my summers over there with my Oma and Opa (and extended family) growing up, who have a bit of a first hand perspective being as they kinda lived through it, you nimrod.

Or, perhaps I could share some survivor stories from my wife’s family who just happen to be Jewish.

But please continue telling me what I should learn from you. Sometimes you really should just STFU.

Good for you. I’m German descent too, like that makes any difference.

I’m just against perpetrating the hatred and evil that regime stood for. Ignorant people that post hate fueling crap like this should learn better before they go labeling stuff “Nazi” and posting it publicly. That symbol was and is still used today by cultures for literally millennials, not just a decade or so.

Posts like the OP just continue to feed this hatred and let what the Nazis stood for continue to live on.
You did nothing wrong. Some people just can’t help themselves from threadcrapping.

Bullshit. He started this thread for the controversy. He got it.

I’ll say it clear - I consider threads like this to be disrespectful to history and childlike behavior for those creating them. Hope you got your laughs today off of other peoples suffering and other peoples misappropriation of culture.
You could have avoided the starting of this thread by using the search function of the site. Nuf said, on all fronts please. Remember this is a chip site and the question was about chips. Nothing else.
Bullshit. He started this thread for the controversy. He got it.

I’ll say it clear - I consider threads like this to be disrespectful to history and childlike behavior for those creating them. Hope you got your laughs today off of other peoples suffering and other peoples misappropriation of culture.
Are you in complete denial that Hitler adopted the swastika and in today's culture, it is now commonly associated with Nazi Germany?!? What delusional world do you live in that makes you believe that genie can be put back in the bottle? Yeah, the symbol predates the nazi regime by quite a long while and it can be found in churches from the middle ages, etc... but the facts are that due to its use in the 30s and 40s, it has become a negative symbol of hate in more recent times.

You are not going to be able to undo that correlation in your lifetime, no matter how much thread crapping you do. And I highly doubt the OP had any type of ill intent when he startes this thread as it is a common "mistake" when describing these chips. You went off the rails for some strange bullshit reason that exists in your head only...
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