1st Craps Night in a long time (1 Viewer)


Full House
Mar 2, 2020
Reaction score
Fairfax, VA
Screen Shot 2021-04-02 at 5.26.40 PM.png

Setting up the racks for $20 buy-ins with $1=$100.
Following. Interested to see the playing setup & hear about how the game works.
Worked out great. Had 5 players, 1 dealer. $20 Buy-in with the house staked at $100 even though I was playing as well. I pulled all of the $500s, $1000s and $5000s out of the case so the bank just was what was what was in 'play'.

Cold fucking night-outside on the porch with some outdoor heaters, but really wish it was warmer. By next time we play I'll have both doses and it should be warmer.

Started off small, most people doing $5 pass line bets, maybe max odds and some points. We went on a few good runs at times and got the bank pretty low but it clawed it back as people started betting $100 on the pass line and max odds. One guy busted out, lost his $20 buy in, other 4 were either + or - 6 bucks or less.

The guy who deals is pretty good but he's not the best at keeping they payouts using higher denomination chips so once or twice he had to have the players make change when he got low on $5s. I could use like maybe 100 more $5s @5 players. I think up to 8 players I could do with my set but we'd have to be a bit tighter with controlling the denominations being used. Ideally the entire set would be 2x the size but it's hard to really manage that many chips. Also hard to fit that many players around a home craps board.
So do you, playing as the house, buy in for an amount equal to the other players total buy ins? So you had 5 players including you buy in for $20 each ($100 total), so the house buys in for $100? If you had 6 players the house would have bought in for $120? Excuse my ignorance, but I've only played craps once, but I have some peeps that love craps and I was wondering how it would run at a home game.
So do you, playing as the house, buy in for an amount equal to the other players total buy ins? So you had 5 players including you buy in for $20 each ($100 total), so the house buys in for $100? If you had 6 players the house would have bought in for $120? Excuse my ignorance, but I've only played craps once, but I have some peeps that love craps and I was wondering how it would run at a home game.
That is how we normally do it. Well, actually, normally the house isn't playing the house just runs the game(deals) but in this case I was the house and also I wanted to play so I was somewhat playing against myself.

But we also talked about everyone just 'seeding' the house one day. Like all of the regulars puts in 40$ to build 'the house' and then we just manage it from there. We've had the house bust once because the players just went on a crazy run for almost the entire night, we also had every player felted in 20 minutes once with just the coldest table I've ever seen. For the most part it stays around even.
Also, I'm an idiot and didn't snap a picture of the game in action so you all could see the 'table' the players and racks around it.

As long as you know how to pay out the bets running a game at home is pretty easy and a lot of fun. One of the big differences from Poker is that in Poker if someone wins big it is at the expense of the other players, so it's pretty common for people to leave in different emotional states. In Craps(unless you have people playing the dark side) most of the players are at the same emotional point at various times in the evening and it's much more of a communal activity.
In Craps(unless you have people playing the dark side) most of the players are at the same emotional point at various times in the evening and it's much more of a communal activity.
This is also what makes craps the best game to play at a casino... you win (and lose) together which brings out a lot more comraderie. Craps is the most fun game to play by a long shot... as long as profitability does not equal fun for you...
This thread needs some action pr0n!

We did a seeding of the bank on my table. The first night we played, all buy-ins seeded the bank and we just played for fun (teaching a lot of new players too). Since then the bank has never come up short (it grows steadily actually). I originally had a plan in place that if the payouts ever exceeded the bank, we would re-factor what each chip was worth and pay out accordingly then re-seed the next session. So for example, if there was $100 in the bank and $200 to payout, chip value would be 1/2 of face. That never came up though, and was really only a concern for the first few sessions.
This thread needs some action pr0n!
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We did a seeding of the bank on my table. The first night we played, all buy-ins seeded the bank and we just played for fun (teaching a lot of new players too). Since then the bank has never come up short (it grows steadily actually). I originally had a plan in place that if the payouts ever exceeded the bank, we would re-factor what each chip was worth and pay out accordingly then re-seed the next session. So for example, if there was $100 in the bank and $200 to payout, chip value would be 1/2 of face. That never came up though, and was really only a concern for the first few sessions.
the dream is to have a table. I doubt it will happen for years, but I can dream.

Also... I am giving serious thought to doubling the size of my craps set. Anything over 6 players and we'd be making change a fair bit.
Great set up @natumes

Not exactly pron but this is about the only pic I have of craps action... the one dealer had a fit I snapped this picture.
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the dream is to have a table. I doubt it will happen for years, but I can dream.

Also... I am giving serious thought to doubling the size of my craps set. Anything over 6 players and we'd be making change a fair bit.
When I bumped it up to 600x$5 is when I finally stopped making change so much and the game sped up. In my photo there are 8 players and I used all 200x$1s but I had enough $5s to cover another player or 2. Breakdown that has been working well for me is


What I need is a second dealer :P
Covering 8 players by yourself... that would not be easy to do! You must have been a professional craps dealer in a past life!
When I bumped it up to 600x$5 is when I finally stopped making change so much and the game sped up. In my photo there are 8 players and I used all 200x$1s but I had enough $5s to cover another player or 2. Breakdown that has been working well for me is


What I need is a second dealer :p
Everyone bought in for $20 = $2,000 which shaked out to:
20 x $1 = $20
36 x $5 = $180
20 x $25 = $500
13 x $100 = $1,300

This may seem strange, but some people bet $1 on a hardway a lot, some bet $5 on the pass line with $1 odds. Bigger bets of the night were $100 pass line and $500 odds.

Total Bank was:
200 x $1 = $200
300 x $5 = $1,500
200 x $25 = $5,000
200 x $100 = $20,000
Total $26,700

So after 6 people buy in that's $12,000 to players an the house is $14,700. My set has 40x $500s, 40x $1,000 and 20x $5,000s for an additional $160,000, but it may require making a fair bit of change regularly to utilize easily. I could see adding 300x $5s and 200x $25s.
yeah, next time ABC/BR has a sale I'm going to pick up 300x5s, 100x 25s and 100x100s at least. I may go full and get 200x1s and a few more 500s and 1ks
Great set up @natumes

Not exactly pron but this is about the only pic I have of craps action... the one dealer had a fit I snapped this picture.
View attachment 670123
Ceasars Windsor nice! Love playing there. No smoking, which is nice. Plus usually get 30% more play money because of exchange rate!
This looks really fun. I’d life to have a craps table sometime. It’s my favorite casino (non-poker) game.
Great set up! I have trouble sorting all the chips in my roulette game after a spin or two. Do you have 2 people sorting or how do you handle that to keep the flow going on the craps table?


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