Wanted (2) Racks of California Bell $1's - Bicycle Tires (1 Viewer)

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Apr 29, 2016
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Hello. I'm looking for a couple of racks (preferably 220 qty) of California Bell $1's. Thinking about making them a fractional for my newfound Sundance lot. Not sure on price, but I believe $120-$140 shipped is my ballpark.
FYI, It took me a while to find enough really thin California Bell ones that would fit 21 or 22 to a barrel. I think out of 700+ $1 Cal Bell chips I've owned at one point or another, only about 160 of them were really thin bicycle tires. Most of the Cal Bell $1s are actually in good shape, and would not fit more than 20 to a 66.7mm barrel.

For the Sundance chips, just curious, how worn are they--will clean, unwarped, chips fit 21 (or even 22) in a 66.7mm barrel?
At one point I had over 2,000 California Bells and as I recall, almost all were 21 per barrel. As for the Sundance, I'll have to double-check when I get back to my office - but I'm almost certain 21, even 22 will fit in a 66.7 rack.
Interesting. I found a thread where I took photos of barrels of different chips in a 66.7mm rack -- see link here, and described the different Cal Bell $1s. There was also another PCF member who had a set of California Bells told me he didn't have any $1s that were bicycle tires, which had surprised me at the time. But all the $5s and $20s he'd ever seen were bicycle tires, which is the same for me.

Maybe way back when the California Bells were first sold, they were sorted by condition, and the 2000 lot you had at one point had all the bicycle tire $1s in them. It seems like there would need to be a lot of very thin 1s, and that would seem to match the condition of all the $5s and $20s.

Good luck finding them. If you track down the 2000 chips you once had, and the $1s are bicycle tires, I might even be interested in finding more, and further sorting them into lots of darker blue shade and lighter blue shade -- the 160 or so bicycle tires $1s I have are a mix right now.
Yeah @AWenger , I think the majority of my lot went to @Godzilla28 . I've inquired with him but we've not come to any sort of agreement. I know that when I cleaned them and put a little oil on them, they were a fairly consistent dark blue. I'll keep you in the loop should I find a big batch.
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