For Sale 2600 11.5 poker chips (1 Viewer)

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Sitting Out
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
New Jersey
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
Hello everyone, I have 2600 dice design 11.5 gram poker chips. I am asking $200 for all of them which comes out to .07 cents a chip. I am willing to do a trade and flexible with the price pending on your location for shipping. If your in jersey, we can meet up otherwise we can work out the shipping.
Good luck with the sale -- I haven't been able to unload my 1000 chip set in 11 years, and for free (just pay shipping).

Maybe I should run a raffle where the winner is guaranteed to NOT get them. :D

If you have trouble selling, consider making them a tax deduction donation to a good cause that would be able to put them to use, either in play, or as art supplies, etc.
I have them on 3 different places for sale, I’m gonna take whatever offer comes my way to get rid of them
On my local Facebook marketplace, I see about 10 500pc sets of these right now ranging from $10 to $50. I'm almost ashamed to admit I think I paid about $90 for mine at the start of the boom. When I do upgrade, the first thing I'm going to do with them is ask my kids daycare if they have a use. If not I might try to find a sucker on Facebook for a couple days before taking them to Goodwill or something.
I’ve been trying to unload 1,800 of these for two years in my area, and for dirt cheap. Was hoping someone who runs a firehouse or similar tourney would want them. Nope.
We’ve used our cheap chips as screen time tokens for the kids, . They earn chips (which equal time) that they can trade in to use screen time. Amazing how much my kids come ask us if there is anything they can do around the house...
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