Wanted 30 Empress Secondary 5s (1 Viewer)

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Dec 6, 2016
Reaction score
BC Canada
Looking for 10 VGC+ Empress Secondary 5s. Might be it! (can't edit the title anymore)


Good+ condition is fine for the 100s.

images (1).jpg

I'm aware of https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/empress-25-primaries.17905/ but they are in used condition. Looking for VGC+.

images (3).jpg

5s in the same condition as the 25s.

Thanks for helping!
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Insert "you're more likely to...." comment below.

Well, I didn't think they would show up at my doorstep on their own!
Looking for the $25s first, but if you have some $100s as well, even better. An ideal amount would be 3 barrels of $25s and 10 $100 chips.
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Priority to secondary 100s, preferably at least 10. If you have any 25s feel free to mention them too.

Tell me what you want for them and I'll see if I can afford it :)
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I don't know why the listing above doesn't show up in my results when I search for it! :confused: Not a regular on the Feebay...

If anyone finds any other listings, I'd love to have them posted here even if I don't end up wanting them. Although I'd rather give my money to a PCF member if they're selling :)
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Would do 10 x $5s and a barrel of $25s or $100s if that's somehow easier than 30 $5s.
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