Found 43mm IHC chips: Horseshoe Cleveland $1000 secondary @ $500/barrel (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Apr 13, 2015
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
So I've stumbled into a possible use for 1-2 barrels of the Horseshoe Cleveland secondary $1000 chips. Or maybe a barrel or two of another brightly-colored 43mm Paulson IHC standard inlay chip (e.g., Lucky Derby $500).

HS CLE $1000 sec.JPG

I sold my other HS Cleveland at ChipRoom pre-sale prices to help a few PCFers with their needs, so perhaps someone has a barrel (or two) that they can similarly let go for less than $400/barrel. If not, I can live with paying today's prices. I've got other 43mm chips for potential trade (i.e., Vineyard 43mm 2V2W $100s + Vineyard 43mm 8V $100s). I prefer the Cleveland chips over the Cincys, but that's a potential backup plan. Thanks for the help!

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Drop me a PM if you have a barrel. Lowering expectations, and raising the offer to get a barrel in hand!
GL, a few of us have been asking for a barrel or two of HS Cleveland secondary $1k's. No sellers.
I'm offering up to $500 per barrel (for up to 2 total barrels) to get these into my hands! Somebody has them....

Also might be convinced to go with the secondary $5000, if someone has those.
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