Found 5-6 JACK $5000 Primary (1 Viewer)

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Sorry for high jacking this thread if it's not okay let me know and I will delete my post!

If it helps and someone will sell only a half barrel I would be interested in the other 5 Jack Primary $5000 chips... :whistle: :whistling: ;) :bag:
They are out there. You may have to increase the price that you are willing to pay

To clarify, I haven't listed a price. I am not sure what markup I am willing to pay, but when I say nothing crazy, I mean I won't pay $20 each.

If someone has some feel free to PM what you are looking to get for them.

To clarify, I haven't listed a price. I am not sure what markup I am willing to pay, but when I say nothing crazy, I mean I won't pay $20 each.

If someone has some feel free to PM what you are looking to get for them.


I think I had to pay about $20 each after shipping. There were just fewer of them available than most of the other denominations. I could have waited a bit longer, I suppose, but I wanted to complete my set.
I think I had to pay about $20 each after shipping. There were just fewer of them available than most of the other denominations. I could have waited a bit longer, I suppose, but I wanted to complete my set.

I may eventually end up there, it's a nice to have versus a need to have at the moment which helps.

I may eventually end up there, it's a nice to have versus a need to have at the moment which helps.

Bought and sold a ton of these when I was living the Jack life... going rate I believe was $18/chip + shipping if that helps.
That is what it was for me. But no one had a full barrel, so I had to piece mine together. Shipping was more then. Beautiful chips. The secondaries look nice as well

Yes, I love the secondary as well. I was going to go with those (and will use the few I have as secondary chips when less are needed), but I have found I prefer the more muted primary along with my more muted custom $1ks.

Please help me fix this...
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