4 of a Kind
@onerand was gracious enough to send these to me for my annual charity raffle in the spring but I'm done doing those here.
I'm auctioning them off here and will match the winning bid. All funds, including my match, will go to the UW Carbone Cancer Center.
199 x Red
150 x Black
200 x Purple
50 x White
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $5
3. The Starting Bid of the auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
4. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
5. Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at 14:40 Central Time Thursday November 16, 2017 will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be 5 min. after the latest bid was posted.
6. Edited posts will be voided.
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; ii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
8. PCF (it's Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Shipping Terms: I will ship in a USPS MFRB. Free shipping in the US. If an international PCF'er wins these I will cover the first $20 of international shipping.
10. Payment Terms: PayPal via Friends and Family option, only your username in the comments - NOTHING ELSE
I'm auctioning them off here and will match the winning bid. All funds, including my match, will go to the UW Carbone Cancer Center.
199 x Red
150 x Black
200 x Purple
50 x White
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $5
3. The Starting Bid of the auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
4. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
5. Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at 14:40 Central Time Thursday November 16, 2017 will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be 5 min. after the latest bid was posted.
6. Edited posts will be voided.
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; ii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
8. PCF (it's Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Shipping Terms: I will ship in a USPS MFRB. Free shipping in the US. If an international PCF'er wins these I will cover the first $20 of international shipping.
10. Payment Terms: PayPal via Friends and Family option, only your username in the comments - NOTHING ELSE