Royal Flush
Just bought a set. Has some extra stickers. Need chips to stick them to.
I'm pretty sure all Lucky Derby $1 chips have the same amount of wear, so any five of them in average condition, dirty or not, will do. Would like 5 please, since I have 10 labels.
The solid pink hotstamps had a picture of a horse's head. If they are too worn they will not match the others, but some wear is just fine. I have labels for 8 more chips.
I also have miscellaneous chips to trade if any of that interests you instead of selling me some chips.
I'm pretty sure all Lucky Derby $1 chips have the same amount of wear, so any five of them in average condition, dirty or not, will do. Would like 5 please, since I have 10 labels.
The solid pink hotstamps had a picture of a horse's head. If they are too worn they will not match the others, but some wear is just fine. I have labels for 8 more chips.
I also have miscellaneous chips to trade if any of that interests you instead of selling me some chips.