SOLD 60 Rounders Scroll $20 Chips (1 Viewer)

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Oct 10, 2017
Reaction score
Gettysburg, PA
Rating - 100%
63   0   0
I have 60 of the $20 Rounders in the scroll mold from CPC. Selling for $90 or will trade for other Rounders Scroll chips.

Picture to follow, but you guys know what they look like!!
Love the Rounders - they were the first chipset that inspired me to want to upgrade from the old 11.5g "dice" chips. Ended up going the Paulson route in the end (at least for the first set of nice chips), but the Rounders are still great! GLWS.
I may be interested in these...depends on the colors. PM sent.

I have put in a question to Dave at CPC regarding the next Rounders Scroll Mold run...I'm looking for $20 Rounders chips, but would prefer Blue with Dayglo Arc Yellow spots.
I just purchased the last fracs on the Scroll mold that Dave had - 150 .25 and 150 .50. I would have preferred all quarters, but beggers can’t be choosers!!
I just purchased the last fracs on the Scroll mold that Dave had - 150 .25 and 150 .50. I would have preferred all quarters, but beggers can’t be choosers!!

Dave is going to get back to me with timing of the next scroll mold run. You will be able to put in an order for more quarters for the next run, if you still need quarters...
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