For Sale 982 “casino” Paulson THCs (not mine) (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
Columbia County, NY
Rating - 100%
74   0   0
The item description says these are from a casino, but the anonymous arrow hot stamp suggests otherwise:

Anyone know a casino or club which had that logo?

The seller also says that there is some “faint white powder or coating on many of them,” which may mean that some of them are mint. OTOH, the black chip pictured appears to some edge wear.

There are a few other clues—the old brown boxes, some damaged, but others in decent condition, plus the fact that someone has handwritten “HI” and “LO” on two of the white chips—suggests to me that these may have been made instead for a home or underground game.

Also, the seller doesn’t appear from his/her other auctions to be a chipper, so I take the “casino” description that much more with a grain of salt.

The color combo isn’t very appealing.... I don’t like using chips with a similar color value range as the brown and blacks shown, since in certain lights they can be difficult to tell them apart. But it might make a good milling/labeling project for someone here, if the price stays low enough. (Starts at $299).

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Q: With a hotstamp like that, can you just label right over it, or does it definitely need to be removed?
Q: With a hotstamp like that, can you just label right over it, or does it definitely need to be removed?
Depends on how sharp it is. I relabeled very worn Lucky Derbys no problem. However with a hotvstamp with ridges and valleys they ideally should be milled.
Thanks for that info. Looks like there are some valleys on the white chip in the middle above, but hard to know for sure from pics.
I'm considering these as a rehab project. I'm wondering if people would be interested in purchasing some solid brown fracs that would complement other chips for a cash set. But again, it would only work if the price stayed reasonable.

(Oh, and P.S. this should go in the eBay auctions thread, not PCF classifieds.)
There is a chance these are Christy and Jones chips (pre Paulson). They look like they could be to me, maybe some with more knowledge will chime in. IMO the C and J chips are not as nice, they are lighter and harder.
There is a chance these are Christy and Jones chips (pre Paulson). They look like they could be to me, maybe some with more knowledge will chime in. IMO the C and J chips are not as nice, they are lighter and harder.

Interesting. Are they lighter because they are thinner, or because of the material? I occasionally receive chips as part of a larger buy which appeared to be thinner than what I am used to with THCs/Starbursts, and not just due to wear, and this might explain it.
Interesting. Are they lighter because they are thinner, or because of the material? I occasionally receive chips as part of a larger buy which appeared to be thinner than what I am used to with THCs/Starbursts, and not just due to wear, and this might explain it.
If I am not mistaken C and J chips were made by ASM or more likely it's predecessor. This is where we need @BGinGA to step in. I think they are basically ASM formula with no lead and no brass. I have a rack of "The Post" 50 cent chips that definitely fit this description. They are still nice chips however.
If I am not mistaken C and J chips were made by ASM or more likely it's predecessor. This is where we need @BGinGA to step in. I think they are basically ASM formula with no lead and no brass. I have a rack of "The Post" 50 cent chips that definitely fit this description. They are still nice chips however.

So sounds like it is the material, not the actual dimensions of the mould. Still, I’d be curious if one stacked 20-30 of each type in similar condition side-by-side if the stacks would be the same height.
Well, I got outbid on my highest comfortable price on this auction. If somebody here gets it, I hope you'll get some good use out of it. I'll probably be looking for smaller lots of more various colours to try and extend my future milling project on.
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