A Questionable Call... (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I'm looking for some input into a questionable call AFTER the flop. Admittedly, this wasn't my finest poker (so I'm probably opening myself up for a flaming). I'm hoping there will be a few constructive posts :) As for my play pre-flop, you can comment, but I've already said this was not an +EV play, and the post-flop call is what I'm looking for feedback on.


Hero is on the button, has 24,000 in chips, blinds at 1.5k/3k (but next hand they're going up to 2/4k). Hero has been running great all game (with the chip lead), but in the last level, he's dropped to the small stack due to some hands that didn't go his way.

Villain is a cranky tag (but crafty) player. She's sitting on 28,000k in the BB. Rarely does she raise her BB.

The table is 5 handed. Action limps around to the hero on the button, who looks down at :kh::5h:. Before Hero can act, the SB mucks, so the BB is next (and last) to act.

Here calls the 3k (not sure what he was thinking), and here is the lame explanation:

1- Hero would usually fold in this situation (or if playing, probably just shove),
2- Hero has considered that there's 10.5k of dead money in the pot already.
3- Hero is certain that the BB isn't raising, so he's confident that his 3k call is not at risk of being raised.
4- This is a 20 person tourney, and we're on the money bubble.
5- There's a juicy cash game running in the other room (with only one seat open), that hero is very much wanting to play. This shouldn't factor in, but there's positives for sticking around, and for leaving the tourney now.
6- We're in position, so if we see a flop and miss, we'll have 21k (or a hair over 5bb). if we fold, we'll be at 24k and have 6bb. Either way, it's crisis time.

As calculated, BB checks, and the flop comes :2h::kc::2d:.

The villain is first to act, and shoves her remaining 24k into the middle. Folds back to hero, what's next for our hero?

Now we've gotten ourselves into a pickle. trying to range villain here is interesting. Now WE are making the tough decisions, rather than the villain, due to our questionable pre-flop limp.

Here's what was going through my head (In the moment)...

- It's unlikely she has a strong K, otherwise she'd might have raised/shipped pre...
- Having a deuce seems unlikely, as she would prob slow play the trips.
- If she has a king, then we're likely drawing for a chop. Now, I'd never advocate drawing for a chop, but in this case, that chop would increase my stack size by around 25%. If I call, and win the pot, I'll increase my stack to around 55k, and no longer be in danger.
- I think there's a 50% chance she's got a king that beats us, but just as likely she's got a weak pocket pair (given the shove) or a weaker K. It's hard to put her on a strong pocket pair, as she'd have likely shoved pre? I could see her shoving on that flop with less than a king.
- If she doesn't have a K, then we're way ahead.
- We do have backdoor hearts, but I never would use a backdoor anything to justify any poker decision.
- One seat left on the cash game table...
- Next hand, I'll have 5bb. Do I gamble now?

Again, not saying my rationale is solid, but that's what I was thinking in the moment.

Based on the thread's title, you can surmise I made the call.

Please feel free to pick apart my logic, or let me know if you would have made the call too? Constructive criticism welcome.
Horrible spot you put yourself in preflop. Damn the SB for folding out of turn. Sounds like that is what induced your call. I'm raising or folding pre flop in this situation. Anyways, I digress.
Do you risk your tourney life with a shit kicker? What are you hoping to flop when you call this hand? Obviously hearts would have been golden.

I think I call here. I don't know if folding is that bad. You could gamble by "folding" and just hope one of your next couple of hands is shove worthy.
I think Hero has a bluff catcher, nothing more. Risking 21,000 to win a 6,000 pot + the 21,000 bet by villain. Obviously hero has no fold equity. Villain needs to be bluffing 43+% of the time (actually more due to how we value tournament chips).

I don't read the villain description and get "she bluffs half the time". So I fold.

First, the requisite, "fold pre." But carrying on...

I don't think it's equally likely as you estimate that she has: (1) a better king; (2) a weak pocket pair; or (3) a weaker king. I think it's extremely unlikely that she has a weaker king (there are only 3 weaker kings than K5 and one of those is now a boat...). I think it's something like: 50% better king; 30% pocket pair we're ahead of; 9% deuce; 9% air; 2% weaker king.

As DrStrange states, you need to be ahead 43% of the time and I don't think you are. It could very reasonably be worse than I have it above depending on her history. So it's a fold imo.
3- Hero is certain that the BB isn't raising, so he's confident that his 3k call is not at risk of being raised.

- It's unlikely she has a strong K, otherwise she'd might have raised/shipped pre...

Wat? :confused:

- Having a deuce seems unlikely, as she would prob slow play the trips.

Why? I wouldn't.

just as likely she's got a weak pocket pair (given the shove)

So she's not willing to raise from the BB with a strong hand, but she's going to open-jam 2x pot as a bluff with a hand that has considerable showdown value? Does not compute.

I actually don't totally hate the button limp given the exact conditions described. But this is an easy fold on the flop.
Horrible spot you put yourself in preflop

Yup.... Agreed. My logic was thinking towards the next hand. 5.2bb if I called and missed, 6bb if I fold pre. Kinda seemed like a wash to me at the time, but I should have been thinking that playing a K w/ a weak kicker could cost me much more than 3k in the end...

Risking 21,000 to win a 6,000 pot + the 21,000 bet by villain

I calculated 10.5k in the pot before my call (SB 1.5k, BB 3k, UTGs 1-2 called for $6k). After my call, there should have been 13.5k in the pot prior to seeing the flop.

However, the maff probably doesn't change all that much...

I don't think it's equally likely as you estimate that she has: (1) a better king; (2) a weak pocket pair; or (3) a weaker king. I think it's extremely unlikely that she has a weaker king (there are only 3 weaker kings than K5 and one of those is now a boat...). I think it's something like: 50% better king; 30% pocket pair we're ahead of; 9% deuce; 9% air; 2% weaker king.

As DrStrange states, you need to be ahead 43% of the time and I don't think you are. It could very reasonably be worse than I have it above depending on her history. So it's a fold imo.

Maff is certainly not my strongest skill (the good Dr., and just about everyone else, has me well outclassed here), but should we be factoring in the chop equity? 13.5k already in the pot, chopped is +6,750 to our stack. Let's assume she IS holding a K and it's beating me. Anything above her kicker is a chop. Let's say she's got K10, a J, Q, K, or A chops, which is 15 outs for a chop? Depending on her holdings, there could be more (or less) outs.

So I'm assuming I have some odds for being ahead here. However, if I'm behind, I have a lot of chop outs potentially. Ya... Now that I've written it out, it just sounds like a fold... :sick:

I certainly cede the fact a fold was the correct move. Just wondering if there's any shred of dignity I can reclaim :oops:
First, the requisite, "fold pre." But carrying on...

I don't think it's equally likely as you estimate that she has: (1) a better king; (2) a weak pocket pair; or (3) a weaker king. I think it's extremely unlikely that she has a weaker king (there are only 3 weaker kings than K5 and one of those is now a boat...). I think it's something like: 50% better king; 30% pocket pair we're ahead of; 9% deuce; 9% air; 2% weaker king.

As DrStrange states, you need to be ahead 43% of the time and I don't think you are. It could very reasonably be worse than I have it above depending on her history. So it's a fold imo.

Fold pre? Really?? In this spot with 8bbs and the SB gone I'm shoving all day. As played though, I'd fold here post flop.
In this spot with 8bbs and the SB gone I'm shoving all day. As played though, I'd fold here post flop.

^^ This. And I was probably shoving on the last several hands with nearly anything decent, too.
Hero is on the button, has 24,000 in chips, blinds at 1.5k/3k (but next hand they're going up to 2/4k).

Hero has ONE MOVE (you had ONE job!) and that is to shove when playing a hand. That is Heros only move given stack sizes compared to blinds.

The table is 5 handed. Action limps around to the hero on the button, who looks down at :kh::5h:. Before Hero can act, the SB mucks, so the BB is next (and last) to act.

PERFECT spot to shove. We should be shoving anyway with a fairly wide range in this spot, and the King figures to be a favorite over two random hands in the blinds. Now we add that the SB has telegraphed her fold and we only have one opponent to beat here. EASY shove for Hero.

Here calls the 3k (not sure what he was thinking), and here is the lame explanation:

1- Hero would usually fold in this situation (or if playing, probably just shove)

Hero should NOT fold in this situation, Hero should shove.

2- Hero has considered that there's 10.5k of dead money in the pot already.

Uh..........where is there 10.5K of dead money? Are there significant antes I'm missing? Cause I get the BB of 3K and the SB of 1.5K = 4.5K?

3- Hero is certain that the BB isn't raising, so he's confident that his 3k call is not at risk of being raised.

An even better reason to SHOVE. If the BB isn't likely to raise, I assume this also means they aren't likely to call a shove.

4- This is a 20 person tourney, and we're on the money bubble.

Another PERFECT reason to shove. A lot of players tighten up on the money bubble, instead of playing for the win. Take advantage of this and pound em!

5- There's a juicy cash game running in the other room (with only one seat open), that hero is very much wanting to play. This shouldn't factor in, but there's positives for sticking around, and for leaving the tourney now.

Who are you, Phil Ivey?

6- We're in position, so if we see a flop and miss, we'll have 21k (or a hair over 5bb). if we fold, we'll be at 24k and have 6bb. Either way, it's crisis time.

Stop looking for reasons to fold, look for reasons to accumulate chips

As calculated, BB checks, and the flop comes :2h::kc::2d:.

The villain is first to act, and shoves her remaining 24k into the middle. Folds back to hero, what's next for our hero?

Ok, it's possible that a "cranky TAG" could shove in this spot with a small to medium pocket pair that our King is beating, however it's also likely that a "cranky tag" would've just shoved pre if they had a pocket pair in the blinds after you limped.

So if we then remove pocket pairs from Villians range, what is left? A 2 is certainly possible because they are in the blinds. You mentioned she could have a weak King like you and thus you expect a chop. But with you holding a 5 kicker I think the odds are more in her favor if she does hold a King that her kicker will play.

If this player wasn't listed as a "cranky lag" it might be a call, but I think this is a "sigh-fold" spot unfortunately.
The table is 5 handed. Action limps around to the hero on the button, who looks down at :kh::5h:. Before Hero can act, the SB mucks, so the BB is next (and last) to act.

Uh..........where is there 10.5K of dead money? Are there significant antes I'm missing? Cause I get the BB of 3K and the SB of 1.5K = 4.5K?

Since OP said the other players limped, I believe the 10.5K pot is made up of 3K (UTG) + 3K (UTG+1) + 1.5K (SB) + 3K (BB).
Since OP said the other players limped, I believe the 10.5K pot is made up of 3K (UTG) + 3K (UTG+1) + 1.5K (SB) + 3K (BB).

Ah damn, missed that, but adds up. Wow, that REALLY changes my entire response then, lol. Alright, so based on this info I missed:

1. Are the two limpers calling stations? What are their stack sizes? This could change our play to fold, I definitely don't think we should be calling, it's either fold or shove here. But depending on the limpers in question this may slant towards a fold. You did mention we're on the money bubble, let three players go head to head and potentially bust one another.

2. When Villian shoves from the BB into three opponents in this spot, yeah, we should be folding, much clearer now.
I was the big stack in the tournament at the start of the final table, I had almost 2x the chips of the nearest player. Several cooler hands devastated my stack. I'm on life support. UTG and UTG +1 are both around 100k, BB and I started with 28 & 24k respectively, and SB has around 50K.

My post flop options were:

Fold = I would have 5 bb (21k) and be extremely short stacked, and likely to finish out of the money anyway
Call (win) = Now have 14 bb (56K), and I will likely finish in the money.
Call (lose) = Playing a juicy cash game (there have literally been 12+ rebuys)

**** Results ****

As stated, I called. Even if I was a dog, my rationalization was, that with a fold, I'd only have 5bb left, and I'd be shoving ATC anyway. I might be an even bigger dog moving forward. With this hand, I knew I'd probably need to get lucky, but figured this was as good as spot as any. My philosophy is to play the tourney to win, not bubble or limp into a min-cash (Sure, I don't always make the best decisions, but whatever). I'm getting a double up (possibly chopping), or I'm playing cash.

Villain flips over :kd::js: (I'm behind big time, crap!).

Turn is the :5h: (y) :thumbsup: and the river is a queen, so the chop would have happened, had I not hit a bigger 2-pair with the 5. I got extremely lucky here. :whistle: :whistling:

The villain goes out on the next hand, in the small blind. An orbit later, I bust the smaller remaining stack, and now we're all about equal, and decide for a chop.
5- There's a juicy cash game running in the other room (with only one seat open), that hero is very much wanting to play. This shouldn't factor in, but there's positives for sticking around, and for leaving the tourney now.

Who are you, Phil Ivey?

This deserves more love :cool:

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