Canceled A Rack of yellow w/red CIC chips: Possibly Bud Jones??? (1 Viewer)

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Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
Inland Northwest
Rating - 100%
41   0   0
I'm looking for a rack of yellow chips, with red spots, that match the blue and the white chips pictured. Willing to pay $35 a rack + reasonable shipping.

Also, can anyone confirm the manufacturer? They look and feel like BJs, though I do not see those letters anywhere on the chip, and weigh 12g. I purchased racks of the blue and white on eBay from a woman in Colorado who had no information on origin.

Thanks in advance!

~ Ken

Good luck with your search. If they are Bud Jones though, $35 per rack is not likely to happen :(
Though this isn't the best test of whether or not this is bud jones (and without the bj mark or any casino mark these probably aren't bud jones, since they never did non-branded chips for the home market) put your fingers on each side of the "coin" and see if you can revolve them in the plastic frame. Generally you can't do this easily with bud jones, but with Chinese coins it is fairly easy to revolve the coin or even to have it pop out.
The coin is well-seated. Finger pressure won't pop or spin it.

The mold marking, if not authentic, are very true to the die4suit (MD7a) design.

Wondering if maybe they were made for a small-time card room somewhere off the beaten path. That might explain the lack of company branding, ala Arubas, the Grove, etc.

Oh well, the search continues!
I've seen these before over at chiptalk. I remember the consensus being yes bud jones. They sure look authentic to me.
I've seen these before over at chiptalk. I remember the consensus being yes bud jones. They sure look authentic to me.

I'm leaning that way too. If the yellows turn up somewhere I guess I'll have to re-evaluate the $35 budget!
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