Wanted AC BWK Cash Chips (1 Viewer)

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Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
Figured I'd throw this against the wall and see if it sticks anywhere as the holidays approach and before I spend anything on a different gift for myself...

Only really have a love and a use for cash chips, any amount coming remotely close to usable for me:

100 x 25c
200 x $1
100 x $5
20 x $25
20 x $100

Lets see if there are any miracles to be had :rolleyes:
i might have a barrel of the $100s

Let me check on Monday as I think they are at my desk at work.

Also have some pink NVC
You're talking about the group buy hybrids right? I have a cash set I'm looking to sell. Has nickels also and probably skews too low for your needs but I'll get you a breakdown and asking price tonight if you're interested.
Just to be clear, I of course welcome any and all offers and conversations. I know its a long shot, but more than willing to try to build a usable cash set slowly and patiently.
Join the line. There's a good 6 or 7 of us on here looking for these with no luck
Gonna take a final stab at this before I commit my funds elsewhere. Had a few hits originally but nothing got done unfortunately. Then life happened... oh well.

My breakdown need is the same as the OP. Anything close would be welcome. I’ll gladly listen.

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