Wanted Affordable Paulson Chips (1 Viewer)

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Sitting Out
May 26, 2019
Reaction score
Monroe, La
Hey guys everywhere I'm reading everyone is saying to avoid a mid tier set of chips and to go ahead and go straight for paulsons. Im def down for that but I'm still a newbie when it comes to Paulsons. Nearly all of my research has been on ceramic or china clay sets.

I'm basically wondering if there is any fairly cheap Paulsons out there. If there are would you guys drop them down. Im in the market for some. I'm looking to build a set of around 400

Breakdown: (Not exact just roughly)

$.25 x 100
$1 x 100
$5 x 150-175
$20 or $25 x 25-50

Just PM me or drop a pic with prices on this post. I'm constantly here and always checking!
@WillOrten..... Hey man, I saw you're from Monroe. I lived there for about 12 years. Welcome to PCF! I don't know but if you'd never had Paulson poker chips then your in for a treat. I can't imagine you NOT liking them. There was a Roadhouse, Tunica sale recently. They are used but clean up well and pretty cheap. I got samples and they're nice. They are either up for auction or will be for sale here. Hey, once you start down the Paulson road you will only want more. Beware!
Hey guys everywhere I'm reading everyone is saying to avoid a mid tier set of chips and to go ahead and go straight for paulsons.

Not everyone.

Unless you've succumbed to the chip-collecting disease, there's nothing wrong with ceramics or China clays for weekly use in a home game. Nothing at all.

I mean, if you go to a Corvette Club event or track day, everyone's going to tell you to get a Corvette. But that 'Vette isn't going to get you back and forth to work any better than a Ford Focus...

(And you are going to need a second rack of $1s...)
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