SOLD Ambassador Plaza (1 Viewer)

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Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Paris (France)
Rating - 100%
3   0   0

I have the following set of Ambassador Plaza for sale :
- 300 $1 : MINT
- 20 $2.5 : very very good condition
- 280 $5 : 200 MINT and 80 near MINT
- 300 $25 : 200 with red & yellow spots in very good / excellent cond. and 100 with green and orange spots in good condition
- 300 $100 (even if only 200 are visible on the pics) : excellent condition
- 200 $500 MINT
- 1 $1000 (I have to make a picture)

Pics visible here :

$4000 for the whole set + paypal fees + shipping from France.

I can split the set if needed, but all the chips must be sold.
Prices :
$1 : $2.5 per chip
$2.5 : $2 per chip
$5: $2.5 per chip (MINT) & $2.3 per chip (near MINT)
$25 : red & yellow spots : $1.8 per chip / green & orange spots : $1.3 per chip
$100 : $2.1 per chip
$500 : $7 per chip

Thanks !
wow. edit: would be in for two racks of MINT $5's (as backup).
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id be in for all the 25s. (will keep the orange and red, and look to sell off the orange/green)

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Wow. Love these. You sure you want to sell such a beautiful set in such awesome shape?
Beautiful chips, AP 500$ is an incredible chip. If for some magical reason mint 5$ won't be taken - I'm in for a rack ;)
Hi all,
Thanks for your interest :).

I have answered to all PM's. I'm discussing with someone who was the fastest to be interested in the whole set, and normally we should have a deal...
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