My general advice for NL 2-7 Single Draw is:
1. Position
2. Position
3. Position
You can 3 bet wider and open wider in position. Since there is only one draw, you will almost always know if you need to break or pat in position based on what your opponent does. If they break, you can pat any rough J. Though I may still break really good Js sometimes because you stand to make more money if you make a big hand with something like 2457J or 3458J by breaking. But any T or better is an instant pat behind if your opponent breaks.
You should 3 bet pretty much all 9s or better from any position against a single open. And all good convertible Ts. Rough Ts can be tricky in all positions. You rate to be ahead, but if your opponent is OOP and pats into you, you aren't going to be too happy. And OOP, you are pretty much forced to pat then check to the IP player and guess when he bets.
You should almost never call OOP pre draw from the blinds if you are planning on patting. Your hand will always look like a weak made hand because you presumably would always raise your big hands.
You should almost never open a 2 card draw except from the button. Exceptions are when ICM comes into play and you have the big stack on players behind you. Even then, probably don't do it from any position earlier than the cutoff.
You can call opens with any 1 card draw to a 7, 8, or 9. You can mix in 3 bets with the good 7 and 8 draws in position. And in short stack spots in tournies you can even jam these from the blinds against an open. You can call with smooth T draws, but be careful with rough T draws.
When you draw one and get the highest pairs in your hand (pairing 5, 7, 8, or 9), you are basically forced to bluff as you have the worst hand possible in your given spot and can't beat anything that was drawing at something reasonable.
In 1 vs 1 situations, you will have to use a lot of judgment on when to value bet stuff like Ts. And it's almost impossible to value bet weaker hands OOP. You will occasionally need to bluff catch with pairs of 2s and 3s sometimes in 1 vs 1 spots. When you pair those, it's more likely your opponent paired bigger since you are blocking the lower pairs.