Anyone else seeing this new member trend? (109 Viewers)


Royal Flush
Mar 1, 2016
Reaction score
Angel Fire NM
So recently I’ve been selling some chips, and some to newer members. I’m always wanting to help them, so in two recent sales I dropped my price some at their request - so they could “finish off some sets” - which I’m always happy to help with.

But twice now within days of me selling the chips, almost as soon as their nail arrived, they started selling the same items I sold them for up to 40% more markup than I “helped” them with.

No offer to sell them back to me as they “change direction” or whatever their excuse is. Just profiteering.

I’m at the point of fuck them. I’m going to start marking my prices up depending on how long they have been here or other deals they have done.

New guy wants my chips? If you are less than three of a kind you are paying 20% more and every penny of shipping. Plus the packaging and the tape.
Full house or more and I’ll drop my prices for you.

The two members know who they are. If anyone wants their names just PM me and I’ll help spread the word. If you have had similar experiences then please pm me the names so I can know who else is party to this crap.
As a relatively new member, that sucks for me.

But also if you're getting done dirty like that I can certainly understand the reaction. Sorry some folks are ruining the otherwise rather newbie-friendly environment I feel like I landed in here.

ETA: huh, I'm 3 of a kind. I guess it took less time to get there than I thought? Or I'm more active than I realized.
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Someone GIF
Why not just call them out right here?
Part of it would be the PM’s that show the price they paid.

I’d rather reply in their sales threads showing exactly what they paid and their excuses for selling at a profit a week after they received them. But that would be “thread crapping” and hurt their feelings.

People are just shit.
Sorry you’re experiencing that. I know a lot of the older members are always trying to help the newer members get started so I definitely think that these people should be exposed so that the veteran members aren’t screwed.
I agree with exposing them, I just starting and needed help with lots of barrels that helped me finish. I even had to over buy to help out older members. I am going to resell the overage but not at a profit, that is too obvious and discourages help with partial sets. Not good.
Name them and link the threads here. Tell what they paid you and their markup.

Of the 50,000+ chips I’ve bought and sold here, I’ve made money on exactly one deal. And it was a trade, where I profited from the sale of the chips that I received in trade.

Most of us aren’t here to make money. Some of us are. They should be named.
My mantra is buy high and sell for a loss. That’s the way it goes for me anyways. I’ve been on here just over a year. There have been some great people who helped me build my Paulson set, but there were others that knew I needed something and hammered me on the price. (Probably my fault though. I’m quite impatient at times.)

I would be all for posting their names. It gives others a heads up to not sell to them or buy from them.
So recently I’ve been selling some chips, and some to newer members. I’m always wanting to help them, so in two recent sales I dropped my price some at their request - so they could “finish off some sets” - which I’m always happy to help with.

But twice now within days of me selling the chips, almost as soon as their nail arrived, they started selling the same items I sold them for up to 40% more markup than I “helped” them with.

No offer to sell them back to me as they “change direction” or whatever their excuse is. Just profiteering.

I’m at the point of fuck them. I’m going to start marking my prices up depending on how long they have been here or other deals they have done.

New guy wants my chips? If you are less than three of a kind you are paying 20% more and every penny of shipping. Plus the packaging and the tape.
Full house or more and I’ll drop my prices for you.

The two members know who they are. If anyone wants their names just PM me and I’ll help spread the word. If you have had similar experiences then please pm me the names so I can know who else is party to this crap.
I don't know about applying a markup only because someone is new here, but what's the logic of selling something for less than market value? It sounds like it was a negotiation and both parties agreed to a price. They asked, you accepted.

It sounds to me like you're more upset over having been lied to. That sucks.

But flipping happens in virtually all collectibles marketplaces. Not everyone is in it for the joy of the hobby. IMO, this individual should probably need to register as a site vendor if this is prevalent behavior. But if it's just a one-off... I'm not sure what there is to be mad about.

The bottom line is chips have value. To many, the value is intrinsic. To others, the value is monetary.
I was very grateful for the generosity extended to me by a long-time member in helping me get my first set of clays. I see them as a lifetime set that I will likely keep forever, especially with the memories I've made felting them with friends since purchasing them. This is very sad to hear because I wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger on the set without their generosity. 'Name and shame' sounds fair to me. I bought my chips with very clear intentions, making it clear to the seller that I intended to felt them, even though they were mint. If an account lied to receive any sort of discount on the price or shipping, only to sell for a profit, that's really not cool. I like the culture members have curated here by being friendly.
Call them out. I am only 3 of a kind, but have been here for 3 years now. Just don’t do a ton of posting. Been on the receiving end of a lot of great help from long time members!

Public shaming is the way we get this out. They should be tagged and allowed to defend themselves of course, but there is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.
I don't know about applying a markup only because someone is new here, but what's the logic of selling something for less than market value?
There’s nothing wrong with helping a new chipper get started. We’ve all been there. The problem is absolutely the lying. This is still a community of people who share a common interest.

I’m not opposed to selling at market value, but helping new chippers grows the hobby and allows other people to get in and see the joys of chipping as well. It suck’s when this happens, but it’s also inevitable. Thats why exposing these guys is important. I have no problem with them as chippers, but you don’t get the benefit of getting help when you’re looking only to profit. They can feel free to buy and sell at market value as much as their heart desires.
There’s nothing wrong with helping a new chipper get started. We’ve all been there. The problem is absolutely the lying. This is still a community of people who share a common interest.

I’m not opposed to selling at market value, but helping new chippers grows the hobby and allows other people to get in and see the joys of chipping as well. It suck’s when this happens, but it’s also inevitable. Thats why exposing these guys is important. I have no problem with them as chippers, but you don’t get the benefit of getting help when you’re looking only to profit. They can feel free to buy and sell at market value as much as their heart desires.
Yeah the deception isn't great. I'd probably be annoyed too.

But as a collector, you're more or less obligated to sell at market value because as an eventual buyer you're going to subject to the same market conditions.

So while I'd entertain cutting a deal to someone I have a relationship or a rapport with, I'm definitely not selling at a discount to a perfect stranger. It's not our obligation as chippers to 'grow the hobby'. In fact, the increase in traffic to this site over the past 3-4 years is why you've seen prices explode like they did because just like with most collectibles, supply isn't going to outpace demand.
Yeah the deception isn't great. I'd probably be annoyed too.

But as a collector, you're more or less obligated to sell at market value because as an eventual buyer you're going to subject to the same market conditions.

So while I'd entertain cutting a deal to someone I have a relationship or a rapport with, I'm definitely not selling at a discount to a perfect stranger. It's not our obligation as chippers to 'grow the hobby'. In fact, the increase in traffic to this site over the past 3-4 years is why you've seen prices explode like they did because just like with most collectibles, supply isn't going to outpace demand.
Turning this into pbay
Sorry bro… as someone who has been helped by you when I first started with my Roscoe set, I find it appalling that people took advantage of your generosity…

I have not sold much, but anything I have has always been no higher than what I paid as I’m not looking to make a profit…

And no, I didn’t sell any of the Roscoe set, I’ve added onto it :)
@ekricket you should just post their names. I understand the sanctity of PMs, but you don’t have to post a screenshot.

Most of us aren’t here to make money. Some of us are. They should be named.

I think most people on PCF aren’t here to make money. However, I do think there are a large number of people in the classifieds trying to turn a profit. So many that it spoiled @ekricket ’s vacation enough for him to post about it. Just look at the resale of TCR chips at above TCR prices. People selling $1 Diamond Jacks for $2+. They bump and bump and but are slowly forced to reduce the price since chipping prices are in a downtrend.

In fact, if too high a percentage of a user’s posts is “bump” or the equivalent, it’s probable that person is primarily here to sell something at a profit.

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