ChipCo is no longer in business. Palm gaming bought them out.
Palm bought the equipment from Chipco when they went out of business. They ended up reselling the equipment, and to my knowledge, they no longer make "Chipco-like" chips. Based on the samples I have, the closest chips to Chipcos are currently made by GOCC.
What is the cost per chip for the GOCCs?
Couldn't find it on their site.
I got mine for .65 per for the Protechs but that was on a summer sale. It can vary based on timing and order size I think. Still they should be less than a dollar a piece.
What is the cost per chip for the GOCCs?
Couldn't find it on their site.
Current pricing:
.89c per chip
And GOCC's Protech blank is essentially the same chip as the old Chipco Protech blank.
Was the protech blank what was used for casino chipcos? If not, any idea how it compares?