Full House
Hello Fellow PA chippers.
Looking for a favor. I have a casino used Sugar House Casino from Phildelphia PA $25 chip and was hoping to have you exchange it for a minty or as close to minty $25 chip.
Happy to provide the chip I have and $5 for your time when you obtain the chip. Just PM me with the chip you have and we can make arrangements to trade.
Please do not make a special trip for this. I am just looking for the person who goes there from time to time to gamble, play poker etc. I am in no hurry for this.
Go Birds!!
Looking for a favor. I have a casino used Sugar House Casino from Phildelphia PA $25 chip and was hoping to have you exchange it for a minty or as close to minty $25 chip.
Happy to provide the chip I have and $5 for your time when you obtain the chip. Just PM me with the chip you have and we can make arrangements to trade.
Please do not make a special trip for this. I am just looking for the person who goes there from time to time to gamble, play poker etc. I am in no hurry for this.
Go Birds!!