Wanted Attn PA chippers near Sugar House Casino exchange $25 chip for Minty $25 chip (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Nov 26, 2015
Reaction score
Centennial CO
Hello Fellow PA chippers.

Looking for a favor. I have a casino used Sugar House Casino from Phildelphia PA $25 chip and was hoping to have you exchange it for a minty or as close to minty $25 chip.


Happy to provide the chip I have and $5 for your time when you obtain the chip.
Just PM me with the chip you have and we can make arrangements to trade.

Please do not make a special trip for this. I am just looking for the person who goes there from time to time to gamble, play poker etc. I am in no hurry for this.

Go Birds!!

Hey Kyle, @Waynejr83 (doesn't sign on here often) is a good friend and used to work at Sugarhouse. Most active PCF members are from the suburbs and don't go into Philly often (I live an hour away), but Wayne lives in Philly. If timing isn't critical, you can send it to me and I'll hand it off to Wayne when I see him. Even if not Wayne, I can work with others locally to get it done.

@joepro also doesn't live too far. @Tommy, even in DE, is about an hour as well. FYI
Wow...that's a nice looking $25 chip..... and I just looked up the other chips there and they all look good as well (the $20 is my fav). This place would make an awesome RHC home set if they ever change the chips and someone sells them (y) :thumbsup:
Hey Kyle, @Waynejr83 (doesn't sign on here often) is a good friend and used to work at Sugarhouse. Most active PCF members are from the suburbs and don't go into Philly often (I live an hour away), but Wayne lives in Philly. If timing isn't critical, you can send it to me and I'll hand it off to Wayne when I see him. Even if not Wayne, I can work with others locally to get it done.

@joepro also doesn't live too far. @Tommy, even in DE, is about an hour as well. FYI
Nice. Happy to make those arrangements. Will wait for responces and then make plans from there.
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Those Sugarhouse 1's are fantastic. Wish I had a couple racks of mint 1's.
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