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It was 18 or 19 last time I counted. Wonder if some of the larger set owners sold off a few chips....

There basically aren't enough T25 chips in anybody's set..... and most don't have ANY.

Only a couple of sets that are truly T25-base capable (and only single-table at that). Might be one set with two full racks of T25s. T500s are in pretty short supply, too.

You are definitely right and perfectly informed (as always ).
Less than 20 sets available within the community with very few truely T25 base capable. T25 were in very short supply.
There is a possibility, even though quite unlikely, of a few additional sets outside the community. If the latter exist they probably will never show up however.
giphy popcorn.gif

1H left...
It's just a bunch of dough to come up with at once...and yes, particularly in December. Amazing set. Wish they were in my chip vault.
yeah conversion rate kills me off the bidder list Just under $10,000 aussie dollars

Oh well a guy can dream about this grail set...
I think, as many of us are finding, December is a tough month to sell...

Good month for the buyers. I assume January will be the same as bills and damages to our finances due to excessive shopping start showing up in the mail. But not a bad time to buy reasonably-priced chips :)

This is a grail set for sure. But even another grail set (the Dunes) had to be split-up. I hope this one doesn't, but don't remember the last time a set sold for 8K+. And this having some of the absolute most gorgeous chips/colors of ANY set (and me being frugal according to @BGinGA), I hope someone makes a ceramic hybrid replica so I can add another set to my collection of chips I don't put in play :eek:

Those are some hideous chips :eek:
I agree. The fact that they’re from a casino that also happened to have some other chips that were amazing, doesn’t make these ceramics any more attractive.
You know, it's easy enough to say that particular chips just don't appeal to you, with applying denigrating absolutes to chips that other people probably really like, whether that like is for their inherent beauty or for sentimental attachment.

And it's probably even less advisable when your media consists of pix of thousands of Desert Palms CCs, or your avatar is a chip whose color looks like something in between green pea soup and dog barf.
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