SOLD AUCTION: Empress Star Cash Set - 1000pc (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Rating - 100%
58   0   0
I have too many competing sets. Either this one or my Empress set had to go. I have a mixed, uncirc Vegas set and I'm not letting that one go. In the end, I'm choosing the two years I spent chasing shaped inlays and beat up $1's over these. The ES set was a journey I'll never forget, but this won't be the last time I'll see them, touch them, or toss them into a pot.

But before I change my mind...

Up for auction is a 1000pc set of Empress Star cash chips. Breakdown is as follows:

100x 25c
200x $1
500x $5
160x $20
30x $100
10x $500

As a bonus, I'll toss in a couple extras of the frac through $100. Sorry, no extra $500's to offer.

Racks not included.

Will ship to USA or Canada in two MFRB's. Final auction price does NOT include shipping. Buyer pays all shipping fees.

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top down.jpg


1. STARTING BID: $2000
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $10
3. The Starting Bid of the auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
4. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
5. Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at 7pm Mountain time on 2/15/2018 will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be 5 min. after the latest bid was posted.
6. Edited posts will be voided.
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; ii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
8. PCF (it's Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Shipping Terms: Will ship to USA or Canada in two MFRB's. Final auction price does NOT include shipping. Buyer pays all shipping fees.
10. Payment Terms: Funds shall be sent via Paypal f&f, or if you prefer to run it as a purchase of goods, buyer pays all associated Paypal fees. Seller is to receive the final auction price from the buyer after all fees have been deducted.
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There are going to be a lot of upset wives and girlfriends.. I can see it now:

Wife: Thank you for my beautiful flowers.. I know we are trying to save money but I guess flowers and this wonderful dinner are all I really need.
Wife: Hey, Why do you keep pulling your phone out during dinner? It's Valentine's day!
Husband : Ummmmmmmmmmmm
A good thing about this auction is that it might start a process under which some secondary market pricing for these chips will begin to get established. And hopefully more chips will begin to filter out due what is expected to be a robust auction.
I’m actively lessening my consumption of PCF, a lot to with how the GB went down but I just wanted to chime in and say good on you for offering this set, with a good breakdown at a reasonable starting point.

You’re one of the good ones, Scott. Kudos
Jeebus! :eek:

Wish I was in the market! GLWS and congrats to the winning bid!
There are going to be a lot of upset wives and girlfriends.. I can see it now:

Wife: Thank you for my beautiful flowers.. I know we are trying to save money but I guess flowers and this wonderful dinner are all I really need.
Wife: Hey, Why do you keep pulling your phone out during dinner? It's Valentine's day!
Husband : Ummmmmmmmmmmm
Ack, didn't even think about that! If @Michael Simmons, @Weckedy, and @navels are all okay with it, I can make it one day longer and end it on 2/15 so as not conflict with any valentines goings on. Otherwise, the auction stays as is.
Ack, didn't even think about that! If @Michael Simmons, @Weckedy, and @navels are all okay with it, I can make it one day longer and end it on 2/15 so as not conflict with any valentines goings on. Otherwise, the auction stays as is.

Best way to not have to worry about the wife or a girlfriend is by being a single bachelor. Way more disposable income that way. ;)
Yup im cool with the extension though!
Dibs on the original Empress set!
Put too much time, money, and emotion into finding them to sell them all off. Sold off most, but this last set is mine.

I will be selling off a few racks of $5's and $25's, though, now that I have my Cavalry Clubs in hand. That will be the last of my extras.
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