Full House
This auction is for a Ritz sample set: $25 - $5000 as pictured. Note all EXCEPT the $1000 chip are in very good used condition. The $1000 chip is a bit dirty since it has been one of my favorite cover chips. The $1000 chip also has more rounded edges. All will easily stand on edge.
1. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM are allowed.
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $5.
3. Auction will use the "5 minutes after last closing bid rule". Highest bid at 6:00 PM PDT (California time).
4. Payment to be made within 48 hours of auction close.
5. Edited posts will be voided.
6. SHIPPING INCLUDED to the continental US. Will be a bubble mailer. If the buyer wants them in a small flat rate box, that will be an option
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction at any time; ii) void any or all bids; iii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed
8. Tommy and PCF are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Winning bidder to pay by Paypal Family & Friends. Non Friends and Family is optional if the buyer wants to pay the fees.
Auction ends 6:00PM PDT on Thursday, September 1st, 2016.
Bidding to start at $30 USD.
1. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM are allowed.
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $5.
3. Auction will use the "5 minutes after last closing bid rule". Highest bid at 6:00 PM PDT (California time).
4. Payment to be made within 48 hours of auction close.
5. Edited posts will be voided.
6. SHIPPING INCLUDED to the continental US. Will be a bubble mailer. If the buyer wants them in a small flat rate box, that will be an option
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction at any time; ii) void any or all bids; iii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed
8. Tommy and PCF are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Winning bidder to pay by Paypal Family & Friends. Non Friends and Family is optional if the buyer wants to pay the fees.
Auction ends 6:00PM PDT on Thursday, September 1st, 2016.
Bidding to start at $30 USD.
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