SOLD AURORA STAR 25¢ - 2 RACKS - $200 each (3 Viewers)

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I was sure I expressed my interest in these chips but I cant find it anywhere. Must be losing it.
Its been pretty hectic around here recently with all the new chips.
GL to the contenders.
I guess I'm too late for this???

Yep, too late. Sorry.

I was sure I expressed my interest in these chips but I cant find it anywhere. Must be losing it.
Its been pretty hectic around here recently with all the new chips.
GL to the contenders.

Got no PMs from you mate. Sorry.
Thank you all for the support!

Here are the members that will be in the running for those two AS 25¢ racks, in the order of PMs I received:







@MD Mike




@Joe E.







@Dr Newnham


@colter ripton





@Basque Bull


I will add each person's numbers later on on this same post together with the details of the raffle. I will have people coming over this weekend for a couple of days of poker so it might take me a couple of days to run the raffle. Let's shoot for early next week.

As I mentioned, the winner will have the option of buying both racks. If he/she decides to buy only one, another raffle will be run with the remaining participants.

Once again, thank you so much for the interest,


Sent you a PM earlier in the week - please check. Thanks.
So, now I'm on @ChaosRock 's "ignore list" because I pointed out profiteering by another PCF member yesterday? Nice. I do believe that PCF members frequently call out chipping practices that they don't like, and I am not the first to do so nor will I be the last. Please add "This raffle is only open to PCF members who agree with my personal views" to the OP. Thanks.
So, now I'm on @ChaosRock 's "ignore list" because I pointed out profiteering by another PCF member yesterday? Nice. I do believe that PCF members frequently call out chipping practices that they don't like, and I am not the first to do so nor will I be the last.

No, I’m almost certain you were on his ignore list well before yesterday.

Please add "This raffle is only open to PCF members who agree with my personal views" to the OP. Thanks.

It’s been in the OP since the thread was created. That’s where I quoted it from.
He likely won’t. He can’t see your posts for the same reason he didn’t get your PM. He is literally ignoring you (via the forum feature).

He can, however, see your posts ;)

And btw, I've never done something to offend the OP as far as I'm aware? All of my past interactions with Paolo have been great.
Well, perhaps he's offended by people questioning the merits of the GB. If that's the case, whatever. GLWA.
He likely won’t. He can’t see your posts for the same reason he didn’t get your PM. He is literally ignoring you (via the forum feature).

Thanks Dan!

You know, this discussion is the exact reason I asked for PMs and not for ITT posts. Didn't want to make anything public. Oh well.

I will reply just once and will not address it further: not surprisingly, the ignored member's claim is absolutely false. There's plenty of people in the raffle list I didn't agree with many times. Many times also, I didn't even agree with the owner of the site. I didn't agree with some GB members positions and didn't agree with some non-GB members position. That is not the point. If the disagreement is discussed on an adult level, I'm all for it. If it's not, if it's trolling, name calling, shaming, etc, I want no part of it. Difference of ideas to improve stuff, I will always welcome. Destructive behavior, I will not.
This will get no response, but my postings in these forums are always intended to be constructive, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

I would be curious to know what, specifically, the OP is referring to. Oh well.
Finally had some time. Alright, I'm gonna use 02/19's (AKA tomorrow's) MICHIGAN DAILY 3 which will run at 12:59 EST ( Let's use the three number, the MID. Since we have exactly 25 members in the running, each player will get 40 numbers. I'm gonna go in order:

@buss56 000-039

@thyechal 040-079

@softchewy 080-119

@duffman 120-159

@Bill 160-199

@Wick125 200-239

@MD Mike 240-279

@arch3r 280-319

@deansy 320-359

@kmccormick100 360-399

@Joe E. 400-439

@Heavyball 440-479

@SWEATER 480-519

@Lash 520-559

@bluegill 560-599

@DMack 600-639

@Dr Newnham 640-679

@Darthhoodie 680-719

@colter ripton 720-759

@Copper44 760-799

@TroyMan 800-839

@Forty4 840-879

@XBobdog 880-919

@Basque Bull 920-959

@mooremo 960-999

Once the winner has been determined, I'll send him/her a PM with total including sipping and payment instructions. If I receive payment quickly the chips will be shipped Tuesday. If there is a little delay on the payment, the chips will be shipped only after the Suicide Queen Melee.

Good luck to all of you guys!

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Congratulations to @Dr Newnham !! The number is 664.

Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 1.09.18 PM.png

Sending you a PM right now.

I guess it was changed from the Eve 3 to the mid 3?
I guess it was changed from the Eve 3 to the mid 3?

My intention was always to use the 12:59pm number (as original posted!), so there would be enough time for payment and shipment on Tuesday. I realized I had the MID erroneously there and it was edited before the numbers were out.
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