Canceled Aztar Spotted Tournament Set - ADMIN CANCELLED (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Feb 4, 2020
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Harrisburg, PA
Rating - 100%
60   0   0
Oct 7, 2020
9:00 PM Eastern Time
  1. PayPal F&F
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    1. The highest bid at the closing time listed above will win. If there is a bid within 5 minutes of the closing time (original or extended closing time), 5 minutes shall be added to the time of the last bid, until there are no bids within the final 5 minutes. Because seconds are not displayed on post timestamps, these examples will be used as a reference.
    2. No Reserve. The Starting Bid of this auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
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    4. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via Private Message/Convo. Sellers are not permitted to bid on their own auctions.
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Selling to fund a new custom set that I am putting together as we speak! (see link)

Spoke to a couple of friends and this was the recommend way of going about this so sorry if it doesn't meet your standards.

Here is the set:

930x total

300x T5's
300x T25's
220x T100's
80x T500's
30x T1000's



Oh and dibs on a custom sample of course!

@Windwalker I don't quite think these are your type of thing (not widely celebrated, not cash, and not found in numbers), but nevertheless something uncommon you may just want to own.
Yeah, Ryan and I’ve talked about them a bunch for a few weeks. The asking was always more than I wanted to pay, but figured I’d bid what I’m willing to spend on them! GLWS!!
So, I consulted with @Tommy before writing this.

Accepting the consequences of the Forum rules, I am retracting my bid, with prejudice.

I'm in an interesting dilemma, because all bid retractions are treated equally, regardless of the reason, otherwise, it gets to be chaos. But, I have just confirmed that @Rbonus012 is indeed a douchebag, despite me having given him the benefit of the doubt several times. So, temporary ban from the marketplace or not, I am retracting my bid, and calling this hustler out. And those of you who know me, know that I don't say things like that without merit.

Ryan had originally tried to sell me this set over a month ago, and offered it to me saying "I turned down $5 a chip". I told him that I wasn't interested at that price, and wished him luck. He then tried to sell me this AS Tourney chips, at $7 a chip. Which I also turned down. He then tried to auction both off, and you guys know the story after that.

He tried to trade the Aztars to me at one point, and I told him that the most I'd pay is $3/chip because I felt like he continued to try to hustle me. To which he retorted that it was "a joke" among PCFers as to how much I tend to overpay for things. For those of you who have sold me things, you know that's actually really not true, but for sets I like, I do tend to pay the top end of the market.

Ryan apologized and said he wanted to be better, and he had people who could vouch for him, so I started a conversation with him about trades recently. Then I saw this auction, and decided to bid what I thought was fair.

And then immediately come to find out that he tried to sell this VERY set a couple of days ago by making up the lie that I had offered him $7,000 for it, but he didn't sell it to me "because he didn't like me". That is not only a lie, its the douchiest way to sell something, make up an offer that never existed, and shows an appalling lack of integrity. I thought about posting the screenshot of Ryan telling someone this, but in the interest of decorum, Ryan -- if you deny this, I will post both that screenshot of you lying, as well the my actual offer of $3/chip.

@Tommy, apologies -- I understand retraction is against policy, so I accept whatever you need me to do.
Was in the context that you offered me you BTP cash set which is worth around 7k (the half you have left).. spin it how you want.. you have reached out to me for damn near all my chips. Also never once did I try and sell you AS tournament chips at $7/chip? In fact I sold them at $4/chip to a buddy lol. About the only thing that is true at this point is the fact that your a scumbag.
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