Bachelor Party Cash Game - Want Suggestions (1 Viewer)


Sitting Out
Mar 13, 2024
Reaction score
Elburn, IL
Hey PCF, I'm going to a bachelor party this weekend for a friend who always attends my home games. I was going to bring chips so we could run a little cash game, nothing big probably $10 Buy In 5c/10c NLHE with 6 of us. In the spirit of bachelor party and assuming most of the other guys are not really experienced poker players, really just looking for excuses to hand out shots. What's your best recs for getting us wasted?

Had a few ideas already:
"Shot Pots" every rotation where winner gets to give a shot
Winning with pocket pair takes a shot
Specific hands give / take a shot
Having a small stack of "Shot Chips" you can spend to give a shot (or be bet at some value)

Would consider other games/variants but trying to keep it simple. Thanks in advance!
Win a hand with a Queen in your hand? Take a drink, a King? Assign a drink. Win with KQs, you can link two other players together in a marriage, when one drinks so does the other.

Win with KJ, thats the son, that player throws $2 in the next pot and it goes straight to tuition for a bomb pot.

Dont go too crazy with the fancy rules, you still want it to look like poker. Sounds like fun, enjoy it.
Be mindful of the physical dangers of over consumption. Seems likely the bride will be quite unhappy if things go wrong.

Ditto with the legal risks a host might face - some states will hold the host accountable for drunk driving incidents after over-serving people at your game.

You seem to have forgotten to hire sex workers for this party. Must be something a bit naughty in the groom's wheel house.

If it isn't fun for everyone, don't do it -=- DrStrange
We have a (mildly enforced) rule in our game that if you win your all-in, you take a shot because you’re obviously playing too well and need a handicap.
Well Done Ok GIF by funk
Win a hand with a Queen in your hand? Take a drink, a King? Assign a drink. Win with KQs, you can link two other players together in a marriage, when one drinks so does the other.

Win with KJ, thats the son, that player throws $2 in the next pot and it goes straight to tuition for a bomb pot.

Dont go too crazy with the fancy rules, you still want it to look like poker. Sounds like fun, enjoy it.
Shit this is great. I’m gonna use this next time I host.
Be mindful of the physical dangers of over consumption. Seems likely the bride will be quite unhappy if things go wrong.

Ditto with the legal risks a host might face - some states will hold the host accountable for drunk driving incidents after over-serving people at your game.

You seem to have forgotten to hire sex workers for this party. Must be something a bit naughty in the groom's wheel house.

If it isn't fun for everyone, don't do it -=- DrStrange
Appreciate the advice DrStrange, we're renting a cabin for the weekend so no one will have to drive home after or anything. We plan to be irresponsible very responsibly.
Hey PCF, I'm going to a bachelor party this weekend for a friend who always attends my home games. I was going to bring chips so we could run a little cash game, nothing big probably $10 Buy In 5c/10c NLHE with 6 of us. In the spirit of bachelor party and assuming most of the other guys are not really experienced poker players, really just looking for excuses to hand out shots. What's your best recs for getting us wasted?

Had a few ideas already:
"Shot Pots" every rotation where winner gets to give a shot
Winning with pocket pair takes a shot
Specific hands give / take a shot
Having a small stack of "Shot Chips" you can spend to give a shot (or be bet at some value)

Would consider other games/variants but trying to keep it simple. Thanks in advance!
Trigger hand. Pick a hand (27o for example). If a pot is won with this hand, everyone must pay winner 2BB and winner gives out 2 shots.
If someone has to burp, they have to stand up before they burp, or they take a shot
We do shots for etiquette violations; misdeals, failing to act in time, acting out of turn, spillages, wrongly accusing an etiquette violation.

Some form of the nit game would be good for a drink, though it might need speeding up some how... last half the table to sit down has to drink?
We do shots for etiquette violations; misdeals, failing to act in time, acting out of turn, spillages, wrongly accusing an etiquette violation.

Some form of the nit game would be good for a drink, though it might need speeding up some how... last half the table to sit down has to drink?
Ooooh some kind of team game makes it more of a group activity. Red vs blue headbands, whoever ends with the most total chips wins.

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