Wanted Bahamia 1’s and 5’s (1 Viewer)

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Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I got into the chipping game a little late and missed out on these. I recently picked up some 25’s and 100’s and would like to complete a small cash set with a few racks of 1’s and 5’s. I could also trade 50 each of 25’s and 100’s for equal value in 5’s and 1’s. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
$5’s are very plentiful but $1’s are scarce. Most people that have a set are lucky to have even 1 rack of them, 2 racks and you are flaunting your wealth.

Good luck with the hunt.
Thanks for the info. I was wondering about the scarcity of some of these.
....$1’s are scarce. Most people that have a set are lucky to have even 1 rack of them, 2 racks and you are flaunting your wealth....

There also exist some very good ceramic clones of the original Paulson $1s. These might be a little bit easier to pry loose.
probably not very helpful, but a $1 on eBay at the moment..

While you continue to search for the Bahamia $1s... (which will most likely be a long/expensive road unless you get lucky)
I would suggest finding a suitable Paulson RHC replacement for the $1s and relabeling them.
probably not very helpful, but a $1 on eBay at the moment..

While you continue to search for the Bahamia $1s... (which will most likely be a long/expensive road unless you get lucky)
I would suggest finding a suitable Paulson RHC replacement for the $1s and relabeling them.
I was actually considering that...any suggestions?
Only denim harder to get than the $1's are the $500's. My favorite set! Not for sale tho.:) Good luck on your search!

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